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  1. Ukani tuinire Ngai, Tuine na gikeno; Muthamaki Jesu Kristu Tumugooce muno. Aanake, inai wega, Mutuike athingu; Na inyui airitu muhorere Ta Mwathani wanyu. Aanake o na airitu, Muinire Jesu: Na twana nitwagiriiruo Tumugooce riu. Na Jesu ni Muhoreri, Na ningi Mukuuri Wa twana na andu agima, Na niwe Mwathani. Aanake, rutai wira, Murutire Jesu; Mukona mucara wanyu Mwakinya Iguru. Athuri na atumia! O na airitu! Magetha ni maingi muno, Mugunda wa Jesu. Ihinda riu rii hakuhi, Riria andu aku Magatwaruo gwaku mucii Niguo mahuruke. Jesu Kristu, tuteithie riu, Tugie na kiyo Andu aku maingihe A gutonya kuu.
  2. Ukani, Inyui Ehia

    Mwitikiei, mwitikie, mwitikie riu; Ni muukuri, ni Muukuri wanyu. Mar 2:17 Ukani, inyui ehia, Muuke kwi Mwathani; Muone uhoreri wake Endete kumuhe. Aatuikire igongona Ria kunina mehia, Akiiruta muoyo wake Niguo tuhonoke. Njira iria ya Mwathani Ni ya uhoreri; Gera njira yake o riu Ukione gikeno. Noguo ithui ithuothe Nituthiii hamwe, Tutuuranie nake Iguru Tene o na tene.
  3. Joh 1:35-42 Uka, Uka hari Jesu, Uka hari we riu: O riu, uuke hari Jesu; Uka hari we riu. Jesu niegukuhonokia; Wamwitikia o riu; O riu, uuke hari Jesu; Uka hari we riu. Jesu niwe wa kwihokwo; Umwihoke o riu: O riu, uuke hari Jesu; Uka hari we riu. Jesu witu niwe wa tha; Makaire o riu: riu, nuke hari Jesu; Uka hari we riu. Jesu niegukuohera Mehia maku mothe; O riu, uuke hari Jesu; Uka hari we riu. Jesu niegukwenda muno; Nawe, mwende o ma: O riu, uuke hari Jesu; O riu, uuke hari Jesu.
  4. Wetereire ki? Wetereire ki? Wetereire ki? Wetereire ki? Na ihinda ri hakuhi; Wihike riu! 2 Kor 6:2 Uka riu kwi Mwathani, Utherio mehia maku, Wirute muoyo waku, Wetereire ki? Mituki, utanakua, Utatheretio mehia, Na ihinda ri hakuhi. Wihike riu! Kahinda ka uhonokio Wi nako riu! Kahinda riu wi nako Wetereire ki? Muthenya wa cira Niukona mehia maku, Na Caitani nietereire; Withare o riu! Ndukeherie muoyo waku Wihokoini wa Jesu; Umenye ukora biu: Withare o riu! Kwiririria mehia Nigugagute Kuhihiria Mwathani, Umwamukire. Mituki, ndugeterere Kugio ni mehia maku: Kahinda ke hakuhi, Wetereire ki? Muthenya wa ciira Niukona Mwathani: Kimwitikire riu; Wetereire ki?
  5. Tugakena muno muno ma Twagirio gucoka kwagana Tutuure nake Muhonokia Tene o na tene. Ahib 4:6-8 Uka kwi Jesu: ndukarege; Uka umuthi umwitikie, Tondu ari haha, Jesu Mwene, Agikwira, "Nju!" Uka kwa Jesu: ndukarege; Reke Ibuku rigutaare: Nirio riandike njira yake, Na ekuuga, "Nju!" Uka kwi Jesu: ndukarege; Igua mugambo ucio wake; Riu umwitikie, ugikene, Tondu ekuuga, "Nju!" Uka kwi Jesu: ndukarege; Ngai niekwenda aguciare Ni undu wa Jesu akuohere, Nake ekuuga, "Nju!"
  6. Thiini wa Mwathani gwi kirathimo, Thayu na uhoreri o na uhuruko. Uhoreri wa Ngai utarii ta ri, Ta ruui rwi mwago rutahuaga; Niguo uingihite, mithenya yothe, Noguo uiyurite o kundu guothe. Tungihithwo ni Ngai, guokoini gwake, Hau tutingihutio ni thu kana ki; Hau tutingithina kana tunoge, Hau tutingihiuha, no tuhuruke. Gikeno na thiina niitukoraga, Ngai niacithimaga hamwe na muoyo; Tungimuhikira na ngoro yothe; No atuhe thayu na uhoreri.
  7. Ahib 11:13-16 Ndi mugeni guku; ndi wa kwa Ngai: Ndi muthami guku; ndi wa kwa Ngai: Ugwati ni muingi Guku hindi ciothe; Baba e Iguru; ndi wa kwa Ngai. O na ndathinio; ndi wa kwa Ngai: Ngutuura guku; ndi wa kwa Ngai: Mathina ma guku Nimagathira biu Riria ngakinya kuu; ndi wa kwa Ngai. Muhonokia e kuu; ndi wa kwa Ngai: Ningagaruruka; ndi wa kwa Ngai. Andu othe a Ngai Nimagakinya kuo; Na makahuruka; ndi wa kwa Ngai. Nikio itangiitanga; ndi wa kwa Ngai; Na ndingimakio; ndi wa kwa Ngai. Nii ningatuura Hamwe na Mwathani Na Baba Iguru: ndi wa kwa Ngai.
  8. ANDU aingi ni mekugaruruka, Gwa Shaitani mate mioyo yao. Na mate wira uria marutite Mena ngaragu na thina munene. Monio miago ya ihinda inyinyi. Miago ya bururi wa Misiri Yatigirwo ni Musa akimirega. Akiuga ni kaba nyone thina, Hamwe na andu a Ngai rugendo-ini Gukira ngenio matuku manyinyi. Mioyo ya andu othe a thi ni minyinyi, Mahetwo ya matuku manyinyi. Mioyo ya matu-ini ndigathira, Andu makinya kuo matigakua Magatura muoyo ta Araika. Ngucoca kwenda ki thi-ini wa thi? Hetwo Roho mutheru andongoragie. Ngie na utheri muingi ndikahingwo, Nyonage ithuki ciothe na marima Maria Shaitani enjete njira-ini. Ni njiriirwo muoyo utagathira, Ona ndona ruo na maithori. Na ngerirwo gikeno kinene Na thumbi ya uthamaki utagathira. Ninjigirigiriire ni ngaheo.
  9. Kiroho Lyrics

    Acio Mahaana Ta Njata (349/276) Aca ndangindiga thii nyoike Ndangindiga, Jesu nioigire na ma, Ndangindiga ona ri. Aka Iguru Ria Ihiga (501) Aka iguru ria Ihiga No ho hega, na nyumba ndingigua. Ndugetigira githingithia, Nigukoruo Jesu Kristu niwe Ihiga. Akristiano Kenai (79) Aka iguru ria Ihiga No ho hega, na nyumba ndingigua. Ndugetigira githingithia, Nigukoruo Jesu Kristu niwe Ihiga. Andu A Guku Thi (326) Aka iguru ria Ihiga No ho hega, na nyumba ndingigua. Ndugetigira githingithia, Nigukoruo Jesu Kristu niwe Ihiga. Andu A Muthamaki (273/216) Aka iguru ria Ihiga No ho hega, na nyumba ndingigua. Ndugetigira githingithia, Nigukoruo Jesu Kristu niwe Ihiga.
  10. Aca ndangindiga thii nyoike Ndangindiga, Jesu nioigire na ma, Ndangindiga ona ri.
  11. Aanake ukirai! Mugwitwo ni Jesu: Muoe matimu na ngo, Mute guoya wanyu. Ukiri wa ki guoya? Thiii na ucamba; Mutwaritwo ni Jesu, No mukahotana. Aanake ukirai! Thunguri ni huhe: Umai na ihenya, Na mutigaikare. Inyuothe omiriru, Ukai muteithanie: Thu iitu ni Shaitani, Na ni njamba nene. Aanake Ukirai! Ita yarahuke, No indo ici cianyu, Ambai mutige; Oyai indo iria, Ituriiruo kwa Ngai: Mundu ari na ta icio, Ndehotwo o na ri. Aanake Ukirai! Tigai kumaka: Ni inyui muguthii, Kumakia Shaitani; Na mundu muumiriru, Niakagia ngumo, Na Muthamiki Jesu, Niakamwenda muno.
  12. Aanake mwetikira Mwathani (wa Iguru), Murithiaga na mutinoge: Muriumbukaga na mathagu ta nderi, Murithiaga na mutinoge. Airitu mwetikira Mwathani (wa Iguru), Murithiaga na mutinoge: Muriumbukaga na mathagu ta nderi, Murithiaga na mutinoge. Atumia mwetikira Mwathani (wa Iguru), Murithiaga na mutinoge: Muriumbukaga na mathagu ta nderi, Murithiaga na mutinoge. Athuuri mwetikira Mwathani (wa Iguru), Murithiaga na mutinoge: Muriumbukaga na mathagu ta nderi, Murithiaga na mutinoge. Na ciana mwetikira Mwathani (wa Iguru), Murithiaga na mutinoge: Muriumbukaga na mathagu ta nderi, Murithiaga na mutinoge. Ithuothe twetikira Mwathani (wa Iguru), Turithiaga na mutinoge: Turiumbukaga na mathagu ta nderi, Turithiaga na mutinoge.
  13. So many times I've failed and I have turned away But I will never leave for you are so faithful I can just see in you all that is just and true Less of me more of you, I am your servant I want to be faithful, to you I want to be true, Lord Whatever you say I will do, I will obey Help me to walk in truth, never to stray from you Lead me in righteousness I want to follow Teach me to lose my life that I would be found in you Better to lose it all to be found in Jesus
  14. Uhoro wa Gukena

    Uhoro wa gukena Niukite guku gwitu: Uhoro mwega ni uyu Wa Muhonokia witu! Uhoro niuukite Gutwira ithuothe, Uria ohanagira Na uria twendetwo niwe. Na wendo ni munene Wa Jesu Muteithania: Niomire iguru Ni gutuiguira tha. Niaatukuiriire tene Atuike igongona, Na mehia maitu mothe Hindi io agitwara. Nituhunjie thi yothe Uhoro wa Mwathani Tukonie andu othe Wendani wa Mukuuri. Kinya kugathwo gwake Gukainwo o ku na ku, Na mihiriga yothe Ni igatiga waganu. Luk 19:9, 10 Uhoro Wa Kungenia Atum 4 Uhoro wa kungenia, Jesu ni Munguuri: Ninguhunjia kuraya, Jesu ni Munguuri. Irai andu othe Uria Jesu ekire, Niguo maigue mahere: Jesu ni Munguuri. Inai rwimbo ruega, Jesu ni Munguuri: Niaakuire mutiini; Jesu ni Munguuri. Agikua ni undu witu Niguo tukinye Gwake, Gikuu gitigatunine: Jesu ni Munguuri. Nduriri niciine Jesu ni Munguuri: Andu othe metikie Jesu ni Munguuri Caitani niaahootwo Jesu niamuhootete, Akuure andu ake: Jesu ni Munguuri.
  15. Lyrics

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  18. RVT RDMS MATERIALS | Vascular Technology

    A in West Palm Beach, Florida said: Hi, Just wondering if you were able to get a hold of the typed notes. I failed the RVT exam last Friday and I need some help. If you did, do mind sharing them with me? My email is castrillon814[at]*.com Thanks Do u remember some of the questions and pictures. Were there a lot on those pos neg value? Any info that u can share would be great! Thanks Anyone out there that still remembers what's on the RVT test would be an asset for all of us who are trying to pass this grueling exam! A A in West Palm Beach, Florida said: Hi, Just wondering if you were able to get a hold of the typed notes. I failed the RVT exam last Friday and I need some help. If you did, do mind sharing them with me? My email is castrillon814[at]*.com Thanks hi... i did not get the notes from her...in fact i just completed the Eldemens Vascular review in Orlando, hopefully that will help me pass Karen abdel in Macclenny, Florida said: What's your email? Alyssaleah112[at]....com Thank you soo much!! kala abid in Markham, Ontario said: I am reading (1)vascular diagnosis by M. Ashraf Mansour and Nicos Labropoulos and (2) peripheral vascular ultrasound by Abigail Thrush and Timothy Hartshorne. Are these good to pass vascular exam.? thanks I work for Dr. Mansour in Michigan! I am an RVT in his vascular lab...very good book! I must admit that I studied Davies and McPharlin/Rumwell to pass my vascular technology exam- straight to the point of what you need to know to pass! Annover Abid in Markham, Ontario said: Let's make this forum little more useful by starting discussions. I don't like davies book much because of some mistakes and confusions. for example potential energy told to be the same as prssure energy and question 4 (PSV 125 and EDV 120) and question 5 at the end of section 1 are quite confusing. There is no mention of venous reflux and it's duration in venous section. Note I am talking about national certification examination review. Anyhow my question is do we use PW or CW for venous doppler, Davies says it is CW but we use CW to investige highest velocity along the path of sound beam, if we want to know velocity at a certain point for example artery of vein, we use PW. On page 27 Davies says pulsatile flow is abnormal in veins but at page 33 it says the effect of a right heart contraction is readilly tranmitted to upper extremity veins so the pulsatile flow in more prevalent in upper extremities than in lower. thanks for the answers and the help. I think its a great idea that everyone posts on here to buy each others material thats hard to find, and also talk about forming onlinestudy groups together. "Useful" is in the eye of the behodler. Good luck! jobseeker67 aforty in Abilene, Texas said: Karen, you are so generous to share your experience. I'd like to get a copy of your study notes if possible. Send to familia41[at]*.com Thank you. Sorry guys I didn't receive the x-zone notes as of yet I was just thanking her in advance. samina aforty in Abilene, Texas said: Karen, you are so generous to share your experience. I'd like to get a copy of your study notes if possible. Send to familia41[at]*.com Thank you. hi karen can u pls send me a copy of study notes itrat41[at]*.com thanks noname alex in Miami Beach, Florida said: Does anyone remember a question on their test that asked what happens to the diastolic component in segmental pressures using reactive hyperemia? diastolic component increases (normal) during reactive hyperemia since it's supposed to simulate excercise. Pilates alex in Miami Beach, Florida said: Does anyone remember a question on their test that asked what happens to the diastolic component in segmental pressures using reactive hyperemia? verifications expired. Now they have expired and I have to reapply to take the test. And im not sure if that person is still going to qualify me again. Because I haven't worked in the field in a min. I wanted to know if there is any opening where you are or are they willing to let me volunteer or just watch someone work some days out of the week because I am getting rusty since I haven't scanned in a while and I just would like to stay up to date. plz help! I want this so bad I need someone to give me a chance. No one will hire you without a degree or experience so I dnt kno how you are supposed to get experience if know one will hire you. I am working in a whole other field but part time only so I have time to come and learn some things a few times a week. Or should I just focus on passing the exam alone I would appreciate any advice you have to give Alex. n patty alex in Miami Beach, Florida said: Wow! I work/worked for Tenet too! I had to put my 2 weeks in because they gave us 2 months to take Abdomen, OB and RVT. I also had my wedding at that time!!! I am studying for RVT and then I get my job back! How much notice did they give you guys???!!! Hi alex congradulations I just want to tear up when I hear your story its so inspiring it gives me hope because I want to just give up at times I graduated back in 2006 I final passed my spi in 2010 it took me so long because the students kept hearing rumors on how our school my not be accredited and how we may not can get a job because of the school we went to.And also our teachers didn't really quide us when we graduated on which material would be best for the different test they did tell us to study the eldemans book for the spi and that ended up only being like 60% of what was really on the test so I was discouraged at that point I needed to know what should I study and I felt if my teacher wasn't going to give the the information then who could I trust so maybe like 3 yrs later I was visiting my school off and on looking for answers and this new teacher that was on campus recommended the davies physics cd so I purchased it and study from the edleman book I had studied for like 2 months prayed a prayer and went and took the exam I was terrified. when I finished and waited on the lady to give me my results I looked at he paper and literally took off running for the door.and the lady called me back and said I gotta give you your id I was almost brought to tears I was so happy and proud of myself. because I am a single mother of 5 kids and I try so hard to be a role model, its tuff. but anyway now I tried buying the flash cards for the vascular exam and one the directors at the school emailed me copys from the book of notes she had and again I studied for like 2 months went and took the test and failed since then I have taken it again in 2012 before my clinical tammys ali in Hollywood, Florida said: Hi Can you email me with your phone info I am interested in rvt tutoring I am very interested in tutoring. My email is stewarts2004[at] comcast.net if you could pls contact me.Thanks Tammy ali ali in Hollywood, Florida said: i give rvt telephone tutoring Hi Can you email me with your phone info I am interested in rvt tutoring jeju ali in Hollywood, Florida said: i give rvt telephone tutoring How do u give telephone training? I don't get how that would help tammys ali in Hollywood, Florida said: i give rvt telephone tutoring I am very interested. I have tried and failed the rvt exam 3 times and wanting to pass to keep my job. I am going to take this test again on may 12. Any suggestions? tammys alrnmr334 in Englewood, Colorado said: Hi and congratulations. I sat fore the vascular technolgy exam a couple months ago and failed with a score of 595. Any suggestions? Amy I took mine end of Nov. and didnt pass. Iam also looking for suggestions? Have you found any? What did you study. Karen Alyssaleah112 in Los Angeles, California said: Is anyone selling study books for the rvt exam? Or notes than can be passed on?? Anything would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks guys and GOOD LUCK!!! What's your email? Allie ameea06 ameea in fayetteville, North Carolina said: I just took the test a week ago and passed. There were not a lot of physics questions but there were some basic questions on there. Nothing to really study for if already taken and passed the physics registry. Hi there, If you don't mind sharing, what did you use to review, besides school notes of course? My intentions are to take the RVT by the end of December. I just completed my program earlier this month and will take the other three registries first (abdomen, ob/gyn and echo). I just want to make sure I have sufficient material to study from because my program isn't accredited in vascular, but after I have RDMS or RDCS I can sit for RVT. WE only learned venous for school, but I did my clinical rotation in a vascular lab and really like vascular a lot. Thanks a lot! MK angie in Dallas, Texas said: need help.....angiedw2006[at]*.com i need xxxxxxxxxxxx-zone cards plz. Karen anita123 in texas, Texas said: Anyone need some highlighted topics for the SPI or RVT exam. Email me at taral83[at]....com. I will be more then happy to help. However, remember, that ARDMS changes their test every 3 months. That is why when you fail you can't take it for another 3 months. But its always a good review to have. I had wrote down everything I remembered after my exams topic wise and I can email you the lists. Good luck everyone I feel your pain. Hi Anita I know its been a while since posting your comment about the vascular list but if you still have it plz! send me the list bass_karen[at] att.net thanks!!! needvasculardaviescd anita123 in texas, Texas said: Anyone need some highlighted topics for the SPI or RVT exam. Email me at taral83[at]....com. I will be more then happy to help. However, remember, that ARDMS changes their test every 3 months. That is why when you fail you can't take it for another 3 months. But its always a good review to have. I had wrote down everything I remembered after my exams topic wise and I can email you the lists. Good luck everyone I feel your pain. Just wondering if you could provide some insight to the the RVT exam, If you could email me the lists, i would really appreciate it! dabogs7 anita123 in texas, Texas said: Anyone need some highlighted topics for the SPI or RVT exam. Email me at taral83[at]....com. I will be more then happy to help. However, remember, that ARDMS changes their test every 3 months. That is why when you fail you can't take it for another 3 months. But its always a good review to have. I had wrote down everything I remembered after my exams topic wise and I can email you the lists. Good luck everyone I feel your pain. Yes, interested in your notes. bbattiger[at] att.net Braveheart anita123 in texas, Texas said: Passed my RVT exam on March 26!!........Its very hard guys but not in the sense of material but more like trick questions. Everything is left with two possible answers and you are left debating which one is the better answer. Here is what I remember from the test. Know your symptoms for lower ext arterial/vascular and how they compare to ABI, know your carotid/vertebral symptoms and how they compare to velocities. Anatomy pictures of PTV, ATV and Per (not ultrasound pictures), know how to calculate ABI. DEF know Sensitivity/Spec/Neg PP/Positive PP/ accuracy!!!, Allen test, Bypass (what material is used, what veins are used for what type of grafts), Stenosis is grafts, Stenosis is Renal Artery, AAA and risk factors, Picture of the butterfly (MCA and ACA), know the depths, SMA after eating before eating, Celiac velocities should not change with/without eating, Which flows are low resistance and high resistance. Analog graphs. Know how a waveform reflects the cardiac cycle, volume ppg, Carotid velocites related to %stenosis and collaterals for intracranial stenosis, few questions on when you have a steady venous flow where is the dx, Ascending and descending venographs, reynolds and that is all I can remember.........but study hard....do the xzones if you can....and when you get a question wrong go look it up read the paragraph/chapter......that way you will cover everything you don't know...that is how i studied after I read Rumwell like 2 times.........its a good way to review what you know and don't know......Good luck! Good insight but I just took the RVT board and passed and none of the afforementioned was on it. It had everything but what you mention specifically. It did have quality assurance but move of mine was venous related and TCD with the remaining hemodynamics. I was surprised at the amount of obsolete vascular technique questions I had. You really have to have full command of the entire realm of the outlin rita amaro anjelicar in Rochester, New York said: Do you still have the outline you typed up for teh vascular tech portion? If so can you email it to me? Hi my name is Rita and I'm wondering if you still have the material that you study for your RVT exame. If yes, and if you want to sell could you pls email the amount and how could I get from you. ritaamaro[at]*.com Thank you Rita Steph anjelicar in Rochester, New York said: Do you still have the outline you typed up for teh vascular tech portion? If so can you email it to me? if you could email me that as well. I just started a new job and they are pressuring me to pass my vasc boards in 1 month. SCARY! stephaniesap[at]*.com JCH ANN in Wallkill, New York said: HI IS THERE A POSSIBILITY OF YOU SENDING ME YOUR NOTES THAT YOU TYPED UP FOR THE EXAM? MY EMAIL IS ANTONINA.TERRANOVA[at]*.COM THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!! HI, Can you email the notes for the Vascular Technology Exam? My email address is brandsworld[at]*.com. Thank you in advance. newRVT anna in Chicago, Illinois said: Are the books/notes still available? I would love to buy them: annalesiakmitera[at]*.com Hi, sorry, they are all sold out Anna Anna in Niles, Illinois said: I can share free with a echo. Maybe someone will be able to share abdomen or rvt. Thank you. Anjtka777[at]....com Jermaine AppyPeters in Kingsport, Tennessee said: For the people that have already taken this ARDMS Vascular test, what all was hit highly on your all tests? I am just not sure what all will be on the test and I am kinda nervous to take the test. What is needed to pass the test? Hey, I took the test yesterday and honestly it was easier than I expected. That may be considering I was terrified and studied everything. I remember that there was like 4 or 5 questions on QA (Sensitivity, PPV, etc). Majority came out of the big three: Cerebral, Venous, and Arterial. I did see a question that I may have got wrong about acceleration time, RI, PI, Systolic/Diastolic ratios, etc. know the difference in all the calculations. They really like those transcranial stuff also, there was a alot of questions on that (anatomy, direction of flow, symptoms is disease is present, etc.) Overall, I think it was a fair test if you study to know and not to memorize. The questions can get tricky if you memorize. As I mentioned in another post, I did almost just questions and studied the ones I didn't know and apparently that was good enough! Good luck! mahsa asinav67 in Los Angeles, California said: Does anybody know if the ARDMS RVT Test has lots of physics? pls let me know! Thanks! I just took the test a week ago and passed. There were not a lot of physics questions but there were some basic questions on there. Nothing to really study for if already taken and passed the physics registry. whataschool bbbling in Lancaster, Pennsylvania said: ATTN: RVT EXAM TAKERS -- Lets make this easy, all you have to do is to study the Davies Vascular Mock CD and 15 days before the RVT test, get ESP's X-Zone. I passed the first time. Study the CD inside and out, take the mock at least 40-50 times. Then the ESP X-Zone, do each section 30-40 times. I passed with flying colors. And you can do it too. I also make my own questions, it is 129 pages in a word document. Self- Made test by me. Preparation is KEY!!! Can you pls share with me, anything you have for RVT? any questions, notes, Cd, etc? Sheri bbbling in Lancaster, Pennsylvania said: ATTN: RVT EXAM TAKERS Lets make this easy, all you have to study is the Davies Vascular Mock CD and 15 days before the RVT test, get ESP's X-Zone. I passed the first time. Study the CD inside and out, take the mock at least 40-50 times. Then the ESP X-Zone, do each section 30-40 times. I passed with flying colors. And you can do it too. I also make my own questions, it is 129 pages in a word document. Self- Made test by me. Preparation is KEY!!! Hello bbbling, I was wondering if you have any of this material available for sale (especially the cd)? thank u Sheri sal31067[at] ....com rdms757 bdandron in Sebring, Florida said: [at] JCH in Knoxville, I'm in the same boat as you. What study books are you using? I have ESP and Pegasus both vascular. Sorry to hear about your situation. Ok, here's what I studied for vascular (passed it one time! 600+ score). ESP X zone, ESP Orange Flashcards, Davis Mock Vascular and Pegasus vascular booklet were the ones I studied. If you guys are not 90 and above percent on each of those Mock exams YOU ARE NOT READY for Vascular esp. the X-zone. Don't waste your money! Understand the concept in your mock that you can simplify and remember. I still have all the materials and willing to sell if you want any of the above that I listed. It is a huge amount of sacrifice and it took me 2-3 months to where I felt I am ready. Don't despair, anyone who wants something so bad and work hard for it, will be rewarded and you are not that far reaching it. You will both pass, I guarantee it.... Take care. Jobless Sono Tech Bones0187 in Plano, Texas said: Hey sophia I never got an email from u :-/ briantskaggs[at]....com Write me and we can discuss payment ect Thx B I just sent it again... Maybe check spam folder? bones0187 bones0187 in San Angelo, Texas said: im for sure interested in the cd mock review. i just got a classmates question and answer book. email me with details and we can work it out briantskaggs[at] gmial(dot)com thx so much ... actually ill need the question and answer book as well... let me know and we can set up a paypal transaction or something thx xlucyx brandsworld in Lancaster, Pennsylvania said: HI, Can you email the notes for the Vascular Technology Exam? My email address is brandsworld[at]*.com. Thank you in advance. Hello, Is there any way you can send me the copy as well pls.. I'll pay if you want me to... my email is kashish0316[at]*.com thank you i have taken it once and failed... thankyou thank you !! zohra Leighanne Braveheart in Tempe, Arizona said: Every Ultrasound image I had on my test was extremely vague. They were aweful. I literally had to guess the answer and I know my anatomy but the image quality was just that bad. Shocking. I think any new grad considering sitting for the RVT should seriously consider some clinical experience prior. Just my opinion. Book smarts alone may not be enough. This test has the lowest pass rate and by far was twice as difficult as the ABD OBYGYN and Physics. Even the pre 2007 physics which was twice as hard as the new one. Have any tips on what to study? Do u have the mock cd?? Braveheart Braveheart in Tempe, Arizona said: Good insight but I just took the RVT board and passed and none of the afforementioned was on it. It had everything but what you mention specifically. It did have quality assurance but move of mine was venous related and TCD with the remaining hemodynamics. I was surprised at the amount of obsolete vascular technique questions I had. You really have to have full command of the entire realm of the outlin Actually there are multiple test. I think there are 5. So it is very possible that we didn't have the same test. There is a image test which is suppose to be the hardest. nikkit86 brittany in Clearfield, Pennsylvania said: DID U SELL YOUR MATERIAL? WHERE DID YOU BUY ALL THE MATERIAL IF YOU DID. pls CONTACT ME BRITTANYGRACE23[at]*.COM do you still happen to have the material, if so are you willing to seel it for a good offer? Karyna cajunsonographer in Baton Rouge, Louisiana said: i had multiple images from angiographic studies as well as c.t. and mri. no video clips. alot of color doppler images for interpretational questions. a few pics depicting the gold standards chart for test result reporting. Were there any questions related to Plethysmography. This is a weird topic, seems to be impractical and very old I don't know whether it is used anymore for vascular investigations. Shikha Asthana cajunsonographer in Baton Rouge, Louisiana said: passed the rvt 11-17. very technical exam. scored 620. let me know how u do jp birmingham I am looking for someone who can sign my CV form. My job is at stake. If you can pls help me. ALI cajunsonographer in Baton Rouge, Louisiana said: passed the rvt 11-17. very technical exam. scored 620. let me know how u do jp birmingham I AM TAKING RVT SOON WHAT TO READ sweedy2004 cajunsonographer in Baton Rouge, Louisiana said: passed the rvt 11-17. very technical exam. scored 620. let me know how u do jp birmingham If i am a registered sonographer, do i have to take a different physics test or do i only need the vt specialty? Thanks Saivon cajunsonographer in Baton Rouge, Louisiana said: passed the rvt 11-17. very technical exam. scored 620. let me know how u do jp birmingham what did you study to pass the rvt? pls email me back at Saivonnicole[at] ....com sasi cajunsonographer in Baton Rouge, Louisiana said: passed the rvt 11-17. very technical exam. scored 620. let me know how u do jp birmingham which materials did you study ? pls write for me ? laura C Chickletts said: Does anybody have the Davies vascular cd-mock exam for sale? i have it...it's on amazon for $64.99 plus shipping. email me: dabogs[at]*.com dabogs7 Chickletts said: Does anybody have the Davies vascular cd-mock exam for sale? yes i have a copy of it. selling for $40-email sonographer123[at]*.com if you are interested Mouna Chin in Bagumbayan, Philippines said: Hi, I have been teaching vascular and passed the exam as well, I have good review books and materials maybe I can help you. Just send me a message and we can both have video chat for the review I would like to have a video chat as well. I am taking the test in 2 months. monaright[at]*.com ladonnareid Chin in Bagumbayan, Philippines said: Hi, I have been teaching vascular and passed the exam as well, I have good review books and materials maybe I can help you. Just send me a message and we can both have video chat for the review MY EMAIL ADDRESS IS SWTBRISK[at]*.COM pls CONTACT ME THANKS. Syncope coolie in Atlanta, Georgia said: Passed my RVT last Saturday feels great OMG. If you have done a Vascular program all you need is the Davies CD, but if you did Echo with very little vascular like I did, you will need the book as well the CD. If you have a working background knowledge of vascular its easy to think the CD is all you need because its second nature to you, good thing I went with more than just the CD especially when it comes to anatomy. I think I will keep my CD to use for CME credits later. You are exactly right......just passed my RVT on May 10....... Used the Davies Workbook and CD .......they definitely work together well........just like the boards....... Shami dabogs7 in Los Angeles, California said: i have copy of davies vascular cd-rom, $50. (plus $5. shipping if you're in the US)... email me: dabogs[at]*.com Do still have Copy of Mock Exams for Vascular ??? pls let me know ASAP, as I am getting ready for my Exams, and How much ??? Thanks. whataschool Damian RCS in Perth Amboy, New Jersey said: damiansterling[at]....com Thank you! Hi Damian, could you pls share with me any materials you have for RVT? I have to take the exam in a couple of months and my school has not prepared me for vascular at all. aliza.yashar[at]....com Thank you. sonoseeker25 Damian RCS RVS in Perth Amboy, New Jersey said: Thank goodness that's over! Passed today with a 812, everything I studied was on the test. The Todd's cardiovascular review book (I have an old copy) was word for word off of it.the Davies vascular technology flash cards I was amazed how many questions came from there also.wow God is good!!! Ima sell all my study material super cheap,I mean super cheap cuz I'm not gonna be using them anymore,they just gonna take space. First person to hit me up gets it. Do U still have davis vascular flashcards. Jorcheer98 Damian RCS RVS in Perth Amboy, New Jersey said: Thank goodness that's over! Passed today with a 812, everything I studied was on the test. The Todd's cardiovascular review book (I have an old copy) was word for word off of it.the Davies vascular technology flash cards I was amazed how many questions came from there also.wow God is good!!! Ima sell all my study material super cheap,I mean super cheap cuz I'm not gonna be using them anymore,they just gonna take space. First person to hit me up gets it. How much Damian? Definately interested! pls email me! Jorcheer98[at] ....com spirwomen[at] *****.*** Damian RCS RVS in Perth Amboy, New Jersey said: Thank goodness that's over! Passed today with a 812, everything I studied was on the test. The Todd's cardiovascular review book (I have an old copy) was word for word off of it.the Davies vascular technology flash cards I was amazed how many questions came from there also.wow God is good!!! Ima sell all my study material super cheap,I mean super cheap cuz I'm not gonna be using them anymore,they just gonna take space. First person to hit me up gets it. I would love to buy your material if you still have it. I have taken the vascular 2 times and failed. If you have it reply to me at spirwomen[at]*.com jrbythesea in jacksonville fl Daniel in New York, New York said: Hi, I filed the exam twice. I really need to pass it the next time. So, you just recommend the x-zone questions? Do you know any tutors that might help? I'm also in NYC area. Thanks Hey,don't despair the test is hard and beyond frustrating! I read the Pegasus review book and the PASS book and did as many questions as possible. I think what really helped me pass was fully understanding the QA stuff like specificity, sensitivity PPV and NPV etc( there was a lot of those questions on my test). I used the xzone and bought the 2 week package and did questions round the clock and when I didn't get a question right I went back to the chapter and re read it. I also looked at old posts here and reviewed what other people suggested. Good luck I'm sure the third time will be the charm! Sonogirl Daph in Las Vegas, Nevada said: I am taking the vascular tech exam in a few days and have studies the davies Cd and did good on those questions but now I'm doing the Xzone and its really aggrevating and confusing! Is the ARDMS exam more similiar to Xzone or Davies? I'm freaking out, as I really want to pass this exam... would you be willing to sell your davies cd if you pass?? good luck!! GRad Daph in Las Vegas, Nevada said: The CD cost 95 originally, so 75 is the lowest I will go... ok. if you are able to copy it or cant sell it let me know. thanks! Lynette david in Chicago, Illinois said: i am inerested plz quote offer pls email me lynettelk at* dot com ali dbaryosef in Las Vegas, Nevada said: Has anybody used the ESP x-zone for studying for the vascular technology exam? If yes did you find it helpful? I'm using it now and I find it extremely confusing and hoping that the ARDMS exam does not compare to it... Did you find the Ardms EXAM TO BE EASIER? (oops caps lock). I'm also using the Davies CD and find it a lot more helpful and more descriptive... I used the x-zone. I honestly do not think I would have passed without it!! about 40% of my questions came from it. I did buy the 15 day package for $99.00 and it cycled through new ?'s it seemed daily. Or would at least add new ones to the mix. I took it this morning & passed. So happy and relieved!!! Now a RDCS & RVT Maine Dbaryosef in Las Vegas, Nevada said: Hi all, has anyone just studied the Davies CD for the RVT exam and passed? I'm debating whether to get a 5 day xzone as well.. everything is just costing so much money :/.. I've been using the CD for a few weeks now and have been passing with 75-79. How similar is the info on the CD with the actual ARDMS exam. I passed my OB last year doing mock exams but I can honestly say that the ARDMS exam was soo much harder. Any feedback would help :). Thanks Definately take the X-Zone. I passed using Davies, X-Zone and this other book I had. I used the 15 day X-Zone, better buy...and repetition is the key..I recommend doing the practice exams on ARDMS website. Those questions are on the test...Good Luck. Farzeen dfr110 in Belcourt, North Dakota said: I passed the RVT registry recently... the first time. Since passing, I also have written questions for the ARDMS registries. I will not reveal/hint at/ anything that will break my ethics. However, I will be willing to sell to those who may be interested, the material/notes that I used to study, before passing the exam the first time. Inquire at: dfr110[at]....com. Do you have Davies mock exam CD chels2643 dfr110 in Lakewood, Washington said: You need to know (others have mentioned this) that the ESP material is simply just a shorter version of the Books and CDs you mention, with few, if any significant changes. If you have not attended an ESP review in person, you should do so, as it is very helpful, including the x-zone stuff. Now, I will be taking the registry 01/2015. When I hopefully pass, I will post on here my available materials. I have been studying everything I can get my hands on and I would suggest that and more. I would also recommend the newer Kupinski book, I mentioned in a post, 20 days ago. Some may not like that, I do. It is up-to-date and goes over areas that Davies and ESP do not. Plus the online "thepoint" from LLW is excellent. I'm very interested in your study material when you decide to sell. My email is bc.lewis14 at* dot com. Donya dfr110 in Lawton, Oklahoma said: donya...on a macro level it actually varies from State to State and even within the States, ultimately varies by whomever your fiscal intermediary is. Best way to determine this is to get on the SDMS website. On this website they have a very well-designed method for finding out the answer. Just be sure to follow the steps carefully. This should ultimately help you. Thanks I will do that...I have been hearing different answers from different people but no clear answer...So hopefully this site clears it up for me... echocardiographyexamreview.com echobridget in Bergen county, New Jersey said: Hello is it possible for you to share any Vascular info you have for the RVS exam it would be greatly appreciated...bridgetganey[at]*.com We will help you test with confidence. Choose from a number of our mock registry exams with questions similar to what you can expect to see on your ARDMS boards. www.echocardiographyexamreview.com ladonnareid edunn in Atlanta, Georgia said: Hey yall, Taking RVT in November. Just curious, those of you who have already passed, how long did you study for before you took the test? When you are finished with your exam are you willing to sell your study material? Do you by chance have the ESP Vascular workbook? Monicaanid77[at] *****.*** em0ti0nz1086 in Newton, New Jersey said: Newbee, by any chance did you go to hohokus rets in. Nutley? I am going there..Bad choice on my part..Where did you go? abid emriley in Hialeah, Florida said: Hi, Do you mind sharing your typed notes with me? My email is emriley007[at]*.com Hi, Just wondering if you were able to get a hold of the typed notes. I failed the RVT exam last Friday and I need some help. If you did, do mind sharing them with me? My email is castrillon814[at]*.com Thanks lindsay emriley in Orlando, Florida said: hi... i did not get the notes from her...in fact i just completed the Eldemens Vascular review in Orlando, hopefully that will help me pass Hi so how was the Eldmens review? Did u find it informative and/or helpful? Did you have any additional notes besides his review book? I would greatly appreciate any notes or information that you may have. If you don't mind me asking have you taken the RVT exam yet or when are you going too? Roger Erica U in New Jersey said: If anyone wants the x-zone questions from Kent Chang, pls email me at qtpyinnj[at] ....com. He was kind enough to send them to me, and I told him I'd share with anyone who wanted them. I just ask one thing, if I don't respond immediately, DO NOT email me again. I will get to you as soon as I can. Good luck to everyone, and study hard!!! Hi Erica can you plz send me the x-zone notes from Kent bass_karen[at] att.net I would really appreciate your help! Karen Erica U in New Jersey said: If anyone wants the x-zone questions from Kent Chang, pls email me at qtpyinnj[at] ....com. He was kind enough to send them to me, and I told him I'd share with anyone who wanted them. I just ask one thing, if I don't respond immediately, DO NOT email me again. I will get to you as soon as I can. Good luck to everyone, and study hard!!! Hi Erica, thank you for passing on the notes. I really appreciate Kent and you as well my email address is bass_karen[at] att.net. Thank you again! i'm grateful for any help!!! whataschool Erica U in New Jersey said: If anyone wants the x-zone questions from Kent Chang, pls email me at qtpyinnj[at] ....com. He was kind enough to send them to me, and I told him I'd share with anyone who wanted them. I just ask one thing, if I don't respond immediately, DO NOT email me again. I will get to you as soon as I can. Good luck to everyone, and study hard!!! I would appreciate it if you could share them with me. Aliza.yashar[at]....com Thanks so much. Lilsisnaomi Erica U in New Jersey said: If anyone wants the x-zone questions from Kent Chang, pls email me at qtpyinnj[at] ....com. He was kind enough to send them to me, and I told him I'd share with anyone who wanted them. I just ask one thing, if I don't respond immediately, DO NOT email me again. I will get to you as soon as I can. Good luck to everyone, and study hard!!! If you can pls email me xzon questions when you get a chance. Thanks lilsisnaomi[at]*.com songwriter ghazala in Richmond, Virginia said: hi everybody. plz.plz. guide me what to study for vascular RVT exam.I am ARDMS registerd but still jobless and i have shortage of money too. am RDMS in abdomen and passed the SPIand jobless seems like they want experience how can you get that if no one will hire you.aI am studying for the Vacular I f anyone has the Edlemen's review book that they would like to sell or somehow copy it and sell it let me know and email me at bouche[at] optonline.net Daniel GiGi143 in Scarsdale, New York said: Hi guys! im planning on taking my breast registery...is there anyone who has taken it? and if so, what can i expect and what do you suggest i study. Thanks =) Davies breast review is all i used and passed! the breast exam is easy. dfr110 gomokego in Miami, Florida said: pls let me know if anyone is selling Davies Vascular Technology Mock Exam CD-ROM and/or Davies Vascular Technology Review: A Q&A Review inexpensive!!! I failed once last yr and haven't studied since then so I have to start over... I just studied on ESP book and it wasn't enough at all. Btw do I need to study on both materials mentioned above (Davies CD and Review Q&A)? Or I should take CD and not take Review one....or vice versa.... I know it'll be better study on lots of different books but I want to save $$ as much as possible. pls help me out this!! Thanks!!! gomokego[at] atlanticbb.net You need to know (others have mentioned this) that the ESP material is simply just a shorter version of the Books and CDs you mention, with few, if any significant changes. If you have not attended an ESP review in person, you should do so, as it is very helpful, including the x-zone stuff. Now, I will be taking the registry 01/2015. When I hopefully pass, I will post on here my available materials. I have been studying everything I can get my hands on and I would suggest that and more. I would also recommend the newer Kupinski book, I mentioned in a post, 20 days ago. Some may not like that, I do. It is up-to-date and goes over areas that Davies and ESP do not. Plus the online "thepoint" from LLW is excellent. songwriter Gorp in Madison Heights, Michigan said: Great going. You can make people happy, provide guidance, support and help the economy. Would you do it in the arctic? If you want to sell your study materials after you passed the exam let me know.Bouche[at] optonline.net Daph GRad in Palm Harbor, Florida said: i will buy the cd for $40 The CD cost 95 originally, so 75 is the lowest I will go... helpneeded GRad in Palm Harbor, Florida said: ok. if you are able to copy it or cant sell it let me know. thanks! i'll can burn you a copy for $40. plus $5 shipping...email me: dabogs[at]*.com whataschool Harvey in Waterbury, Connecticut said: I'm referring to the Davies Vascular Mock Exam. (That's what I'm studying from) Hello Harvey, I hope you have already passed your vascular test by now. I was wondering if you can share your Davies Vascular Mock Exam 650 questions, with me? I have not studied vascular in my school and am very concerned about the exam. Thankyou whataschool Harvey in Waterbury, Connecticut said: I'm referring to the Davies Vascular Mock Exam. (That's what I'm studying from) Hi can you pls share your Mock exam with me pls? aliza.yashar[at]....com Thank you. songwriter helpneeded in San Angelo, Texas said: Hey, do you remember exactly what they asked....things we should more concentrate on or topics??? pls help........thanks Congratulations on passing that big bad nasty test.I am starting to study for it now.I passed the SPI and Abdomen,didn't think they were a walk in the park either ,congrats you must be so happy. jobseeker67 I_c_with_sound in Northern, New Jersey said: Should I get the Vascular Technology ore Vascular Technology REVIEW - both are by Davies Abid igp.mia[at]....com in West Palm Beach, Florida said: I took and passes the SPI and OB/GYN exam the second time around!! I have Davis Mock exam, unlimited X zone questions and answers, and Edlemens last edition text book from his conference. Let me know if you are interested. And OB/GYN great material, flashcards, Davies mock questions and answers that i saw the same questions in my test, and seminar review book!!! OMG! Thats great! Thats what im studying now for. Were you at the Edleman seminar for OB/GYN in July too? Maybe you were in my class? Are you selling any of the other study things or have you sold them already? Thx! Syncope Illona in San Diego, California said: PASSED my RTV today!!!! HHHHOOORRRAAAAYYYYY!!!! Congrats! It’s the best feeling! Shami Illona in San Diego, California said: PASSED my RTV today!!!! HHHHOOORRRAAAAYYYYY!!!! What did you study for your Exams, pls let me know if you Like to Share with me your Notes or if you want to Sell them. THanks sasi J P in Birmingham, Alabama said: Cajun- I passed the vascular exam on 11-17 as well. Was a good day Congrats! Can you pls the material that you studied ? sasiana9[at]....com Thanks. lecia J P in Birmingham, Alabama said: Cajun- I passed the vascular exam on 11-17 as well. Was a good day Congrats! hey by any chance do you still have the materials you use to study for RVT, i am taking it in a couple months and was hoping you can share your notes, if so pls email me at olecia.williams[at]*.com thanks Gorp J P in Birmingham, Alabama said: Hi, I'm taking the Vascular test in a few days. I've been studying mostly Edelmam's seminar book, as well as the x-zone from his website. Majority of sonographers that I know have said that's all you'll need. I'll let you know how it goes. Good Luck You are to be commended for your hard work, intelligence, insight and outstanding effort. Have you considered doing this outside? Great market for operations done in open range. angie jaimilee444 in Toledo, Ohio said: I would also be very interested in your 47 typed pages. I'm desperate can't get started way too intimidating! lewinski4d4[at] ....com hi did Lynette reply back to u because I'm desperate to. Angiedw2006[at]*.com thanks songwriter jaimilee444 in Toledo, Ohio said: I would also be very interested in your 47 typed pages. I'm desperate can't get started way too intimidating! lewinski4d4[at] ....com Interested in your typed notes. bbattiger[at] att.net Leighanne JB in Palm Coast, Florida said: yes i am interested. My email is beachcrossfit[at]*.com. THank you so much for your help. you should've received the email by now. There are 5 separate email. pls share with others. thanks Mahsa JCH in Knoxville, Tennessee said: [at] Loren......I studied all that but the Pegasus. I am interested in the Pegasus booklet that you have. pls email me at jhall_43[at]*.com Yeah, second time I took it, I made a 551....I was so close, and it's unbelievably frustrating!! [at] bdandron.....I'm studying everything [at] Loren mentioned, except for Pegasus. Maybe its what I need for the extra 4 points. [at] tammys....I studied Davies like crazy. I knew all those mock cd questions. I'm hoping the Pegasus will help. I'm retaking on Jan 31st, so hopefully, there won't be a fourth time. Its financially and mentally draining. Hey, did you pass the test and do you still have the Pegasus. pls email me at olecia.williams[at]....com JCH JCH in Knoxville, Tennessee said: I'm getting ready to take the vascular exam, for the third time now.....any study tips would be so helpful. I'm registered in Abdomen, OB/GYn and recently passed the SPI, but I'm stuck on the vascular. pls help...... [at] JCH in Knoxville, I'm in the same boat as you. What study books are you using? I have ESP and Pegasus both vascular. Sophia JCH in Knoxville, Tennessee said: I'm getting ready to take the vascular exam, for the third time now.....any study tips would be so helpful. I'm registered in Abdomen, OB/GYn and recently passed the SPI, but I'm stuck on the vascular. pls help...... Hey, Do you have the material you used to study for the abd, ob/gyn?? I am wanting to study for it.. pls let me know if you are selling pls email me at kashish0316[at]*.com pls if you are selling.. .thanks zohra tammys Jenniheart in Flushing, New York said: Hey guys just wanted to let you know I finally passed my RVT today!! I'm so happy. Thanks for all the great advice and suggestions. I really recommend the x zone questions I did those non stop and really reviewed sensitivity specificity and all those. Good luck to anyone taking the test, it's a difficult one but do worth it when you pass!! Hi, I filed the exam twice. I really need to pass it the next time. So, you just recommend the x-zone questions? Do you know any tutors that might help? I'm also in NYC area. Thanks olecia Jenniheart in New York, New York said: Hey,don't despair the test is hard and beyond frustrating! I read the Pegasus review book and the PASS book and did as many questions as possible. I think what really helped me pass was fully understanding the QA stuff like specificity, sensitivity PPV and NPV etc( there was a lot of those questions on my test). I used the xzone and bought the 2 week package and did questions round the clock and when I didn't get a question right I went back to the chapter and re read it. I also looked at old posts here and reviewed what other people suggested. Good luck I'm sure the third time will be the charm! Do you still have the pegasus review book i will like to buy it asap. olecia.williams[at]....com Pilates Jermaine in Newark, Delaware said: Hey, I took the test yesterday and honestly it was easier than I expected. That may be considering I was terrified and studied everything. I remember that there was like 4 or 5 questions on QA (Sensitivity, PPV, etc). Majority came out of the big three: Cerebral, Venous, and Arterial. I did see a question that I may have got wrong about acceleration time, RI, PI, Systolic/Diastolic ratios, etc. know the difference in all the calculations. They really like those transcranial stuff also, there was a alot of questions on that (anatomy, direction of flow, symptoms is disease is present, etc.) Overall, I think it was a fair test if you study to know and not to memorize. The questions can get tricky if you memorize. As I mentioned in another post, I did almost just questions and studied the ones I didn't know and apparently that was good enough! Good luck! Hi Good For you congrats whats did you study too pass it ? I have a very Good memory and i remember The test but all The test are differents. So i want to make sure i know enough before i go again! pls let me know what material did you used. Sonogirl Jermaine in Newark, Delaware said: No, but I might have the download file...I have to search for it (give me a few days) Can I get a copy of the download file for RVT pls! Teresa Poche Jermaine in Newark, Delaware said: No, but I might have the download file...I have to search for it (give me a few days) Could you share the download file with a fellow US Tech? It would be greatly appreciated.... James Jermaine in Newark, Delaware said: No, but I might have the download file...I have to search for it (give me a few days) If you still have the file downloaded would you be willing to send it to me? I would really appreciate it. brennanjames[at]*.com Steph Jermaine in Newark, Delaware said: No, but I might have the download file...I have to search for it (give me a few days) Would you be willing to share with me as well? You can email me at stephaniesap[at]*.com Thanks a million!!! : ) Karen Jess in Sioux Falls, South Dakota said: I used the x-zone. I honestly do not think I would have passed without it!! about 40% of my questions came from it. I did buy the 15 day package for $99.00 and it cycled through new ?'s it seemed daily. Or would at least add new ones to the mix. I took it this morning & passed. So happy and relieved!!! Now a RDCS & RVT Congradulations!!! I am about to start back studying again I failed it twice I took it in September 2012 I am trying to arm myself with all the tools necessary before trying again. Any advice??? And did you land a job yet??? whataschool JH in Alhambra, California said: Hi, i was wondering if i could get a copy of these. My e-mail address is iamjonhui[at]....com Hi, could you pls share your copy with me also? Thanks a milion. ultranewbie jlheart in Manhasset, New York said: Hey, I will be taking my vascular technology exam for the 7th time next month. I've tried everything, seminars, mock registry cds. I'm so frustrated and disappointed with myself. If anyone was any tips or notes I would be so appreciative. pls email me with any suggestions. Thanks jpfaeffle82[at]....com Now that you are in this blog site I know that you will pass the next one BUT first, you must read almost ALL the related topics about it in this site and learn them bc everyone's comment on what to study were mostly in the test. #2. Do the X-zone mock exam, make sure you understand the concept and you're at least in the 95% to 100% score. and if you have problem understanding the questions go to #3. RESEARCH them using Davis Review by Claudia Rumwell. UNDERSTANDING is the KEY! It may take some time but you will pass this thing. Do not waste your $200.00 if you are not even nailing the x-zone. Good Luck! lecia jmunoz14 in Northridge, California said: jmunoz14[at]*.com......interested in your 47 pages.. Thanks do u still have the 47 pages JM jobseeker67 in Southfield, Michigan said: Hi i am looking for Rvt and breast ultrasound material.I am planning to buy used and best material. pls let me know if anybody is selling I have some vascular material. Email me when you can and ill let u know what all I have Briantskaggs[at]...dotcom Thx whataschool Jorcheer98[at] *****.*** in Hamburg, New York said: Would you be able to send me some x zone questions as well?? could you pls share them with me too. Aliza.yashar[at]....com Thank you patty Jorcheer98[at] ....com in Hamburg, New York said: Hello everyone! I am going to begin studying for the Vascular Technology exam and I was wondering if anyone has used any of the weekend review seminars. I have looked into Pegasus and Gulf Coast so far. Any recommendations or input? Also, any study pointers, material, notes, etc. would be appreciated immensely!!!! My email is jorcheer98[at] ....com Thanks Everyone & Good Luck to all future test takers!!!![/QUOT I am ARDMS abdomen,ob/gyn. If i want to certify in vascular RVT. What r the prequis i have to do.pls help me. I couldn't find a job with rdms. Visa in Kentucky Jorcheer98[at] ....com in Hamburg, New York said: Would you be able to send me some x zone questions as well?? I am almost done studying for this ARDMS vascular registry.....Do you by any chance get any X-zone ESP questions? I would like to get some....How is your studying? It was a really hard test.....I took once and failed first try.... I didnt have any problems with the other ones first try...I just got really shocked the material they asked and how vague questions were and too many angio pictures.....I am getting ready though for second one.....what are you studying? Good luck. Braveheart kadir in Houston, Texas said: Can anyone pls explain me the differences between RVS and RVT in terms of finding a job. Is it easy to find a job if I get RVS. Hey, There is not much difference... You will get hired for a job if you are either... RVT will be as helpful for you to find a job as RVS...or vice-versa... Good luck!! ocm kadir in Houston, Texas said: Yes, I appealed ARDMS for RDCS registry exam and it was accepted due to video playing issue. I took another exam at no charge. What is the time limit and cost to challenge a previous failed test with ARDMS? Abid kala in Thomasville, North Carolina said: My husband has tooking the exam a few times and has not been able to pass it. What can I get him to help him out? 'just passed the RVT this week. have several great review materials for sale (davies cd-rom, esp vasc. tech book & x-zone cd) email me: dabogs[at]*.com whataschool Karen in Hollywood, Florida said: Greetings to you ESP in ultrasound its funny how people have been sharing notes almost two years in the making on this site and then as soon as I request the notes the devil shows up and start talking about whats illegal...I know I must be going to pass my test because the devil hates to see me win! the devil has been showing up all my life for as long as I can remember trying to block my blessings and again sure enough he shows up on a blog site of all places this is confirmation to me that I am a child of God and when I show up the devil gets scared! Thank God I got my notes just in the nick of time! Devil you are a liar! And no weapon formed against me shall prosper!!! So look out world i'm about to ace this exam! So devil get beneath my feet! Hi Karen, do you happen to have any notes for ARDMS vascular exam to share? I am desperate and need help very bad. Thank you. shy Karen in Hollywood, Florida said: Greetings to you ESP in ultrasound its funny how people have been sharing notes almost two years in the making on this site and then as soon as I request the notes the devil shows up and start talking about whats illegal...I know I must be going to pass my test because the devil hates to see me win! the devil has been showing up all my life for as long as I can remember trying to block my blessings and again sure enough he shows up on a blog site of all places this is confirmation to me that I am a child of God and when I show up the devil gets scared! Thank God I got my notes just in the nick of time! Devil you are a liar! And no weapon formed against me shall prosper!!! So look out world i'm about to ace this exam! So devil get beneath my feet! I was wondering if you could share your notes. Even if you don't ...I pray you ace the exam. Cause it's been tough for me. thx sheilay2005[at] comcaast.net patty Karen in Hollywood, Florida said: Hi alex congradulations I just want to tear up when I hear your story its so inspiring it gives me hope because I want to just give up at times I graduated back in 2006 I final passed my spi in 2010 it took me so long because the students kept hearing rumors on how our school my not be accredited and how we may not can get a job because of the school we went to.And also our teachers didn't really quide us when we graduated on which material would be best for the different test they did tell us to study the eldemans book for the spi and that ended up only being like 60% of what was really on the test so I was discouraged at that point I needed to know what should I study and I felt if my teacher wasn't going to give the the information then who could I trust so maybe like 3 yrs later I was visiting my school off and on looking for answers and this new teacher that was on campus recommended the davies physics cd so I purchased it and study from the edleman book I had studied for like 2 months prayed a prayer and went and took the exam I was terrified. when I finished and waited on the lady to give me my results I looked at he paper and literally took off running for the door.and the lady called me back and said I gotta give you your id I was almost brought to tears I was so happy and proud of myself. because I am a single mother of 5 kids and I try so hard to be a role model, its tuff. but anyway now I tried buying the flash cards for the vascular exam and one the directors at the school emailed me copys from the book of notes she had and again I studied for like 2 months went and took the test and failed since then I have taken it again in 2012 before my clinical verication expired. I failed it again. so I see from all the different feed back that the rumwell and pageus book is the way to go so im going to purchase them next week. I wanted to ask you are they hiring at your job and what are the qualifications whataschool Karen in Hollywood, Florida said: Hi Erica, thank you for passing on the notes. I really appreciate Kent and you as well my email address is bass_karen[at] att.net. Thank you again! i'm grateful for any help!!! Hi Karen can you by any chance share the notes with me too? aliza.yashar[at]....com Thank you Karen Karen in Hollywood, Florida said: Sorry guys I didn't receive the x-zone notes as of yet I was just thanking her in advance. Greetings, Be informed that much of the activity on this website is copyright infringement. Violations of copyright is a crime. ESP Ultrasound actively protects our rights. If this activity does not stop, ESP will seek legal remedies. Thank you. lmcharney Karyna in Homestead, Florida said: Looking for the Edelamn Vascular review book from the 2010 or 2009 conference. If anyone has, pls contact me. (Kary0205[at]*.com) Thanks, Karyna ***Alos looking for a Breast US review book as well! Leighanne Kent Chang in New York, New York said: I have xzone questions for RVT if anyone is interested. I know I would be overwhelmed with request therefore I would send it to the first person that request it and that person can send it to the next. That would help alleviate my workload. Thank you Hi Kent, I emailed the person that you sent the xzone questions to and they have not notified me of the emailed questions. Could you pls send them to me? I would greatly appreciate it. I am about to take the rvt test for the 6th time (yes I said 6) I am so frustrated that I cant pass. The last time that I took the test I missed it by 5 points. When I paid to take the test this time, I was kind of shocked to see that they raised the price to $250. so I really cant afford to sign up for the xzone too. Thank you so much if you can do this. Tammy Stewart Leighanne Kent Chang in New York, New York said: I have xzone questions for RVT if anyone is interested. I know I would be overwhelmed with request therefore I would send it to the first person that request it and that person can send it to the next. That would help alleviate my workload. Thank you Kent, sorry about your work load. If you can would you pls send me those questions for RVT from xzone. I will send them on to others. Thank you! dabogs7 ketu in Orlando, Florida said: Does any one has sell for vascular mock exam for davis and x zone/ i have copy of davies vascular cd-rom, $50. (plus $5. shipping if you're in the US)... email me: dabogs[at]*.com USTECH ketu in Orlando, Florida said: Does any one has sell for vascular mock exam for davis and x zone/ yes i have a copy of the mock exam vasc. davies that i bought from someone. email sonographer123[at]*.com if u are interested i_c_with_sound kim in Woodbury, New Jersey said: looking for claudia rumwell's SEMINAR Vasc. Wookbook. I saw it on the esp. sindey eldelman website. its been updated in 2011. THe website does not let you order it. Do you know anyone who has this book? do you think claudia rumwells flash cards listed on eldelmans website are better than the davies flash cards? I am selling my esp vascular book. email me bjd5963[at] ....com Pearly kim in Woodbury, New Jersey said: Thank you for getting back to me so quickly Is the vasc. book from claudia rumwells seminar and what year was it published / updated? did you find the book helpful? what other study material did you use for your rvt exam? I emailed you 30 mins. ago. did you receive? bgeorge526[at] *****.*** kotkotkoty[at]*.com in Forest Hills, New York said: Hey,you all. If anyone wants to repeat physics material once again before the test, here are questions. www.flashcardexchange.com/flashcards/list/823851 YOU RULE! Go Giants! lynn KS in Pratt, Kansas said: TRH, How much for the vascular exam review and ESP flash cards? How old are they?? Isn't the X-Zone study material in so many days? I have looked that up and thought about using it. I have taken the test and didn't pass and i'm planning on trying again at the end of June. Do you still have the vascular exam review book? If so how much for that? The cards I meant When were they written. I have some at work. Which i can't remember when they were written right now. But I believe they are orange. Did you feel that the x-zones really helped? RVT KS in Pratt, Kansas said: TRH, How much for the vascular exam review and ESP flash cards? How old are they?? Isn't the X-Zone study material in so many days? I have looked that up and thought about using it. I have taken the test and didn't pass and i'm planning on trying again at the end of June. email me ,I might have what you need- niotaze[at]*.com Vie L6870 in Texas said: Do you have this document you can email to me? leigh6870[at]*.com Are you selling your CD? kindly. email me at evskie2u[at]*.com whataschool l6870 in Texas said: Do you have this document you can email to me? leigh6870[at]*.com Hello, I was wondering if you ever got the document for RVT study. If you have it would you pls share it with me? Thanks so much. Jermaine lauren in Irving, Texas said: Does anyone have the Davies Publishing vascular mock c.d. (650 questions) for sale? pls email me at lauren.payne76[at]....com Thanks! No, but I might have the download file...I have to search for it (give me a few days) Mechelle lauren in Irving, Texas said: Has anyone taken the new CCI Vasc test (part 1 and 2 combined)? I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what to study. The breakdown on their website isn't really helping. I'm going through the cd of 665 questions from Davies Publishing. I'm curious to know if I'm wasting my time. If anyone can pls email me with suggestions, I would really appreciate it! Thanks, Lauren lauren.payne76[at]....com Hi Lauren, My job is forcing me to get registered in vascular. Im already registered in echo from cci. Did you get any replies to your post? Thanks Michelle tammys lauren in Pensacola, Florida said: Interested in the CD Rom for SPI from Davies. i have davies CD for SPI (2010) & gulf coast ultrasound... both very helpful. scored a 669 on the SPI...email me: dabogs[at]*.com lucy lauren in Pensacola, Florida said: No, however I recently heard of a girl that failed the RVT then she took the RVT again and after finding out she passed the second time was notified that she actually passed the first time and was given a refund for test 2. Seems like she should have been compensated for the pain and suffering of taking it the second time. I wanted to share some information of an awesome course for the RVT. I just finished a two day weekend course from: Vascular Diagnostics Educational Services: Marsha M. Neumyer,BS,RVT. Marsha is President of this company and an instructor for one of the major Ultrasound Review companies. She has been a Vascular Sonographer for more than 20 years and explains everything you need for the RVT. Most importantly she is a fellow sonographer and can identify with your needs since she works in our field. She can set up classes for your entire staff to attend and come to your site for the instructing. Email me bbattiger[at] att.net for any details. TRH lauren in Pensacola, Florida said: No, however I recently heard of a girl that failed the RVT then she took the RVT again and after finding out she passed the second time was notified that she actually passed the first time and was given a refund for test 2. Seems like she should have been compensated for the pain and suffering of taking it the second time. Thank you for the comment. I did appeal with a written letter and plan to take it again. I thought this exam was suppose to be fair. Not so vague and frustrating. I know the material, just the questions did not have a specific answer, even a mathmatical questions. The girl should not have had to take the test again, if she past the first time then she past. Being refunded for the test just does not make up for the emotions and time spent preparing for the exam. humairafarukh lauren in Pensacola, Florida said: Yes, interested in your notes. bbattiger[at] att.net me too really intersted in ur notes farukhhumaira[at]*.com tammys lauren in Pensacola, Florida said: Yes, interested in your notes. bbattiger[at] att.net Yes, I am interested in your notes pls: lsphysics[at]*.com vadhiya[at] *****.*** laurenalexis0924[at]....com in Spring, Texas said: Hi I am interested in the Vascular workbook. Can you e-mail me about ti laurenalexis0924[at]....com Thanks Lauren Hi , I have Edlemans Vascular book. Its for $200 plus shipping. Let me know if interested. vadhiya[at]*.com. Cindy in Texas lecia in Delray Beach, Florida said: Hi, I am hoping I can get a copy of your 47 page outline of Davis Publishing. pls let me know what your charge is for a copy cyndig05[at]*.com Thanks! pam Leighanne said: Anyone have the Davies CD MOCK EXAM for sale?? I am waiting on by mail.....I will try it, I heard good news about this Davies Mock CD so I will give it a try.....I will be taking my test by March for sure so If you wanna buy it from me let me know? I dont know when do you need it though? Good luck whataschool Leighanne said: I have notes!! Email me Heftypep2007[at]*.com Could you pls send me your notes as well. aliza.yashar[at]....com Thank you Karen Leighanne said: I have Vascular Notes for sale if anyone interested!!! Heftypep2007[at]*.com How much are they and how many pages...let me know bass_karen[at] att.net I need help Yoda209111 LikaFDP in New York, New York said: Both The books were fantastic, I would say the Pegasus Book is more focused, but there are some things in Rumwell where the explanations help a lot to understand. On the other hand, there is also a lot in Rumwell that may not be on the test, so the Pegasus book is great if you understand the concepts and need good handy review book. Sorry it doesn't come with lecture as that is online only (I meant to say that it's the book that comes with lecture) Hi there!I tried pass my Abdomen 5 times and i failed the test, now i want to switch for Vascular exam.. do you want to sell Pegasus Book and how much??? If you think its really help you i will get it.. thank you my email november557[at]*.com Natalia Karen LikaFDP in New York, New York said: Both The books were fantastic, I would say the Pegasus Book is more focused, but there are some things in Rumwell where the explanations help a lot to understand. On the other hand, there is also a lot in Rumwell that may not be on the test, so the Pegasus book is great if you understand the concepts and need good handy review book. Sorry it doesn't come with lecture as that is online only (I meant to say that it's the book that comes with lecture) If you still have the books for sale let me know bass_karen[at] att.net I would like to get them patty Lilsisnaomi in Los Angeles, California said: If you can pls email me xzon questions when you get a chance. Thanks lilsisnaomi[at]*.com Greetings, Be informed that much of the activity on this website is copyright infringement. Violations of copyright is a crime. ESP Ultrasound actively protects our rights. If this activity does not stop, ESP will seek legal remedies. Thank you. tommy lmcharney in Norwalk, Connecticut said: Hi there! Congratulations on passing the exam. I have just started studying and have all the materials except study materials for SPI Physics. I have no idea where to begin. I would be interested in your Vascular Physics materials if you are willing to part with them. I'd be happy to purchase them. Could you let me know if you still have them available? Thank you so much. I'd be so appreciative. Lisa i have davies & gulf coast ultrasound SPI & vascular cd-roms for sale if you're interested. email me: dabogs[at]*.com best Sophia Loren in Orange, California said: Just want to say thank you to this blog! I passed my RVT today! Not easy but based upon everyone's opinion and suggestions on what to study, wow, they were all true! I finished my test with 1 hour 42 minutes left! Thank goodness for that because I was able to go back 2x until I finally told myself, with 30 minutes left, to quit! It is not an easy test, not memorizing kind of stuff. You need to know what happens to what and where and how it affects the flow for any obstruction, stenosis, and half way in between. You must be well versed in your anatomy from the foot up to your circle of willis! The text that helped me the most with concept is X-Zone, Davis CD, and Pegasus mini book that we had a seminar on. With that and being able to understand the whereabouts of arterial and venous and their connections, you should be able to pass. I am elated and humble that I passed this thing first time, considering that we only do venous for DVT! All the studying was so beyond what I knew. Thanks to all the input of what to expect on this test! It is not easy for very limited techs like me. But for now, I get to keep my job (that was the stakes - Tenet made us sign that if we don't get RVT license, we're FIRED!!) Thanks to Tarel from Texas and Davogs. Yup, you are right. Do not take this test lightly, even if you are already doing the work. You still need to study! Take care and good luck to all !!!I am soooooo Happpyyyyyyy! Celebrating tonight with my husband at the ritzy spot in the OC! Woohoo!!! Congrats Loren! How long did you give urself to study? I've passed a few exams already and studied for 1mth each time. I hope it's enough this time, i'm taking the VT 11/3! bogi Loren in Orange, California said: Just want to say thank you to this blog! I passed my RVT today! Not easy but based upon everyone's opinion and suggestions on what to study, wow, they were all true! I finished my test with 1 hour 42 minutes left! Thank goodness for that because I was able to go back 2x until I finally told myself, with 30 minutes left, to quit! It is not an easy test, not memorizing kind of stuff. You need to know what happens to what and where and how it affects the flow for any obstruction, stenosis, and half way in between. You must be well versed in your anatomy from the foot up to your circle of willis! The text that helped me the most with concept is X-Zone, Davis CD, and Pegasus mini book that we had a seminar on. With that and being able to understand the whereabouts of arterial and venous and their connections, you should be able to pass. I am elated and humble that I passed this thing first time, considering that we only do venous for DVT! All the studying was so beyond what I knew. Thanks to all the input of what to expect on this test! It is not easy for very limited techs like me. But for now, I get to keep my job (that was the stakes - Tenet made us sign that if we don't get RVT license, we're FIRED!!) Thanks to Tarel from Texas and Davogs. Yup, you are right. Do not take this test lightly, even if you are already doing the work. You still need to study! Take care and good luck to all !!!I am soooooo Happpyyyyyyy! Celebrating tonight with my husband at the ritzy spot in the OC! Woohoo!!! Wow! I work/worked for Tenet too! I had to put my 2 weeks in because they gave us 2 months to take Abdomen, OB and RVT. I also had my wedding at that time!!! I am studying for RVT and then I get my job back! How much notice did they give you guys???!!! olecia Loren in Orange, California said: Sorry to hear about your situation. Ok, here's what I studied for vascular (passed it one time! 600+ score). ESP X zone, ESP Orange Flashcards, Davis Mock Vascular and Pegasus vascular booklet were the ones I studied. If you guys are not 90 and above percent on each of those Mock exams YOU ARE NOT READY for Vascular esp. the X-zone. Don't waste your money! Understand the concept in your mock that you can simplify and remember. I still have all the materials and willing to sell if you want any of the above that I listed. It is a huge amount of sacrifice and it took me 2-3 months to where I felt I am ready. Don't despair, anyone who wants something so bad and work hard for it, will be rewarded and you are not that far reaching it. You will both pass, I guarantee it.... Take care. Hey, do you still have the pegasus and the orange flash card, if so i will like to buy asap. my email is olecia.williams[at]....com Mahsa Loren in Orange, California said: Sorry to hear about your situation. Ok, here's what I studied for vascular (passed it one time! 600+ score). ESP X zone, ESP Orange Flashcards, Davis Mock Vascular and Pegasus vascular booklet were the ones I studied. If you guys are not 90 and above percent on each of those Mock exams YOU ARE NOT READY for Vascular esp. the X-zone. Don't waste your money! Understand the concept in your mock that you can simplify and remember. I still have all the materials and willing to sell if you want any of the above that I listed. It is a huge amount of sacrifice and it took me 2-3 months to where I felt I am ready. Don't despair, anyone who wants something so bad and work hard for it, will be rewarded and you are not that far reaching it. You will both pass, I guarantee it.... Take care. Hi, can I get your e-mail? I just passed spi, now studying for RVT. Miller Loren in Orange, California said: Sorry to hear about your situation. Ok, here's what I studied for vascular (passed it one time! 600+ score). ESP X zone, ESP Orange Flashcards, Davis Mock Vascular and Pegasus vascular booklet were the ones I studied. If you guys are not 90 and above percent on each of those Mock exams YOU ARE NOT READY for Vascular esp. the X-zone. Don't waste your money! Understand the concept in your mock that you can simplify and remember. I still have all the materials and willing to sell if you want any of the above that I listed. It is a huge amount of sacrifice and it took me 2-3 months to where I felt I am ready. Don't despair, anyone who wants something so bad and work hard for it, will be rewarded and you are not that far reaching it. You will both pass, I guarantee it.... Take care. Hi, can I possibly get your e-mail? whataschool love in Dallas, Texas said: If u need vascular material that I used to pass my rvt. Email me. Kabol86k[at]*.com.Davis 1_2_3 and scoredcard. Hi could you pls let me know about your vascular material? aliza.yashar[at]....com TX songwriter Lynette in Spokane, Washington said: Hi Katie, I took and passed the ARDMS RVT exam this past Sat. I used the 3 part set from Davies publishing (review book, CD mock exam and bound note cards). I studied for 1 month and outlined the entire review book (47 typed pages!). I also took the practice exam on the ARDMS website for $25 (30 questions in 30 minutes). Good luck! Hi I just saw that you were selling all three for 150.00 was that to Antonio or whatever the email or were you just giving her your notes I am interested except I have a mac computer.pls let me know I would be interested I bought the Davies4th addtion book is that what you have either way I still would need the flash cards mock exam and notes .Let me know I woild buy them now. my email bouche[at] optonline.net. Thank you twislr Lynette in Spokane, Washington said: Hi Katie, I took and passed the ARDMS RVT exam this past Sat. I used the 3 part set from Davies publishing (review book, CD mock exam and bound note cards). I studied for 1 month and outlined the entire review book (47 typed pages!). I also took the practice exam on the ARDMS website for $25 (30 questions in 30 minutes). Good luck! Hi Lynette! Would you mind emailing me your notes? I would so appreciate it!! Bryna_Gordon[at]*.com KS Lynette in Spokane, Washington said: Hi Katie, I took and passed the ARDMS RVT exam this past Sat. I used the 3 part set from Davies publishing (review book, CD mock exam and bound note cards). I studied for 1 month and outlined the entire review book (47 typed pages!). I also took the practice exam on the ARDMS website for $25 (30 questions in 30 minutes). Good luck! Hi Lynette, Congrat! Do you still have the typed 47 pages outlines? kindly email me at niniardy[at]....com. I am going to take it next month RVT.I failed for the second time. Orinda Lynette in Spokane, Washington said: Hi Katie, I took and passed the ARDMS RVT exam this past Sat. I used the 3 part set from Davies publishing (review book, CD mock exam and bound note cards). I studied for 1 month and outlined the entire review book (47 typed pages!). I also took the practice exam on the ARDMS website for $25 (30 questions in 30 minutes). Good luck! Hi! Congrats on passing the RVT!! I am very interested in the notes you outlined! gemini_breeze Lynette in Spokane, Washington said: Hi Katie, I took and passed the ARDMS RVT exam this past Sat. I used the 3 part set from Davies publishing (review book, CD mock exam and bound note cards). I studied for 1 month and outlined the entire review book (47 typed pages!). I also took the practice exam on the ARDMS website for $25 (30 questions in 30 minutes). Good luck! Hi! CONGRATS, could I have copies of your outline and whatever information you can give me? I would appreciate it. Karyna I Rosa Lynette in Spokane, Washington said: Hi Katie, I took and passed the ARDMS RVT exam this past Sat. I used the 3 part set from Davies publishing (review book, CD mock exam and bound note cards). I studied for 1 month and outlined the entire review book (47 typed pages!). I also took the practice exam on the ARDMS website for $25 (30 questions in 30 minutes). Good luck! Hi, Do you mind sharing your typed notes with me? My email is emriley007[at]*.com Margaret Lynette in Spokane, Washington said: Hi Katie, I took and passed the ARDMS RVT exam this past Sat. I used the 3 part set from Davies publishing (review book, CD mock exam and bound note cards). I studied for 1 month and outlined the entire review book (47 typed pages!). I also took the practice exam on the ARDMS website for $25 (30 questions in 30 minutes). Good luck! I would also be very interested in your 47 typed pages. I'm desperate can't get started way too intimidating! lewinski4d4[at] ....com Steph Lynette in Spokane, Washington said: Hi Katie, I took and passed the ARDMS RVT exam this past Sat. I used the 3 part set from Davies publishing (review book, CD mock exam and bound note cards). I studied for 1 month and outlined the entire review book (47 typed pages!). I also took the practice exam on the ARDMS website for $25 (30 questions in 30 minutes). Good luck! Would you be willing to share your notes?? If so you can email me at stephaniesap[at]*.com THANKS! : ) Lauren Lynette in Spokane, Washington said: I used Davies Publishing 3 part study system. It's a review book, a mock exam CD and a set of 400+ flash cards (spiral bound). I sold the review book, but still have the other two if you are interested. They are both 2008 editions (latest). I passed the RVT on my first try with these. Email me at lynettelk at* dot com Lynette, Do you still have the mock exam CD? I would be interested in buying if still available. Here is my email address: wahtusi[at] cheerful.com david Lynette in Spokane, Washington said: Katie, Are you interested in my materials?? Email me lynettelk at* dot com If anyone is interested in my materials let me know. I'd rather just sell all 3 parts to one person. i am inerested plz quote offer Monicaanid77[at] *****.*** Lynette in Spokane, Washington said: Katie, Are you interested in my materials?? Email me lynettelk at* dot com If anyone is interested in my materials let me know. I'd rather just sell all 3 parts to one person. Im intrested , how much? brittany Lynette in Spokane, Washington said: The items are from Davies Publishing. First is a 322 pg review text, then is a mock exam CD with 650 questions, and third is a bound set of 412 flashcards. You can also apply for CME from the review book (12 hrs), and the flashcards (7.5 hrs). I paid $60 for the review text, $49 for the cards, and $78 for the mock CD. I will sell all 3 to you for $150, which will include media mail shipping and paypal fees, plus I will also email you the 47 page Word .doc outline of the review text that I wrote as I studied. No highlighting, no marks or anything in the book or on the flashcards. I will send out in the mail tomorrow. Just paypal my email address lynettelk at* dot com. Change the 'at' and 'dot' to the symbols. I wrote my email like that to avoid spammers. DID U SELL YOUR MATERIAL? WHERE DID YOU BUY ALL THE MATERIAL IF YOU DID. pls CONTACT ME BRITTANYGRACE23[at]*.COM ANN Lynette in Spokane, Washington said: The items are from Davies Publishing. First is a 322 pg review text, then is a mock exam CD with 650 questions, and third is a bound set of 412 flashcards. You can also apply for CME from the review book (12 hrs), and the flashcards (7.5 hrs). I paid $60 for the review text, $49 for the cards, and $78 for the mock CD. I will sell all 3 to you for $150, which will include media mail shipping and paypal fees, plus I will also email you the 47 page Word .doc outline of the review text that I wrote as I studied. No highlighting, no marks or anything in the book or on the flashcards. I will send out in the mail tomorrow. Just paypal my email address lynettelk at* dot com. Change the 'at' and 'dot' to the symbols. I wrote my email like that to avoid spammers. HI IS THERE A POSSIBILITY OF YOU SENDING ME YOUR NOTES THAT YOU TYPED UP FOR THE EXAM? MY EMAIL IS ANTONINA.TERRANOVA[at]*.COM THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!! Leighanne Lynette in Spokane, Washington said: The items are from Davies Publishing. First is a 322 pg review text, then is a mock exam CD with 650 questions, and third is a bound set of 412 flashcards. You can also apply for CME from the review book (12 hrs), and the flashcards (7.5 hrs). I paid $60 for the review text, $49 for the cards, and $78 for the mock CD. I will sell all 3 to you for $150, which will include media mail shipping and paypal fees, plus I will also email you the 47 page Word .doc outline of the review text that I wrote as I studied. No highlighting, no marks or anything in the book or on the flashcards. I will send out in the mail tomorrow. Just paypal my email address lynettelk at* dot com. Change the 'at' and 'dot' to the symbols. I wrote my email like that to avoid spammers. I'm sure you don't have any study material left do u?? lynn lynn in Wilmington, Delaware said: Has anyone appealled a test before? No, however I recently heard of a girl that failed the RVT then she took the RVT again and after finding out she passed the second time was notified that she actually passed the first time and was given a refund for test 2. Seems like she should have been compensated for the pain and suffering of taking it the second time. Marty lynn in Wilmington, Delaware said: Has anyone appealled a test before? Yes, I appealed ARDMS for RDCS registry exam and it was accepted due to video playing issue. I took another exam at no charge. holley lynn in Wilmington, Delaware said: Hello - I just sat for my technical vascular test today and did not pass. It had a question on QA for accuracy. (TP + TN)/(TP+FP+FN+TN) with none of the multiple choices being correct. It was one of the first question, so after that I was frustrated and confused. They told me to appeal the test. Hi Lynn, I took my vascular test today and the same thing happen to me, I did not pass my test and studied ALOT,I'm very frustrated that they ask you questions and dont have the right answers, I called ARDMS today and they told me to send write a letter and mail it in, probably will do no good,ahhh!!, what are you going to do? holley lynn in Wilmington, Delaware said: I may be interested in your material my email is lynn7099[at]*.com. Thanks! I am interested in buying your study material..my email is vburdo12203[at] earthlink.net thank you and hope to hear from you. Texas Tech lynn in Wilmington, Delaware said: My test is still in appeals. I have called them they said it was an experimental question! that they put on the test. I studies alot too. and I had alot of confidence as well going in to take the test. I read the davies and cd mock test hundreds of times as well as years on clinical experience. Most people I have talk to said they had to take the muliple times. The ARDMS web site states that < 50% pass the first time and only approx 50 pass the second. I am not sure what I am going to do. If I win great. I thought the test was in poor quality not of the EXCELLENT standards and I heard that Mr Eldeman makes the questions he is our peer I quess. I am still going to keep readings and learning new things because I love my field of work. Just not sure about the ARDMS is all. OH if you do get any new information could you pls pass it all to me. thanks Fatima Lys in South Ozone Park, New York said: What is the magic number if you failed with a 595? I am thinking of learning more and maybe take the RVT down the road. Can anyone suggest any books? Thanks!! Passing score for ARDMS is 555 Lys Lys in South Richmond Hill, New York said: Hi Everyone, I am selling a total of 4 ultrasound books on Amazon.com, pls buy from me if you need any of these books...my ratings speak for themselves. My name on there is Misslys626. I am selling: The Complete Guide to Vascular Ultrasound [Paperback] by Arger, Peter H. Introduction to Vascular Ultrasonography(Fifth Edition) [Hardcover] General and Vascular Ultrasound: Case Review Series [Paperback] Ultrasound Secrets [Paperback] by Dogra MD, Vikram S. and Rubens MD, Deborah J. Thank you very much!! Are the books/notes still available? I would love to buy them: annalesiakmitera[at]*.com Ali Maggie in Byron Center, Michigan said: Hello, I just passed my RVT exam. I have the "Davies Score Cards" for sale. pls email me if interested sonomms[at] ....com Hi, I am RDCS and I wanted to go for my RVT BUT I DIDNT REALLY GO TO A PROGRAM for vascular but I have an idea of how to scan it what did u study to pass the exam and where did you go to school? I am in Dearborn, Mi so not that far from you any info would help and if you wanted to do echo down the line I can help you. let me know plz thank you Shami mahsa in Rancho Cucamonga, California said: What helped me was the Davies cd. There are 500 questions and answers. It is similar to the test. If you can get about 80% of the questions right, you can pass the test. Good Luck!~ Do you still have those Questions and Answers for Davies Book ??? Thanks. Mahsa Mahsa in Santa Monica, California said: Hi, can I get your e-mail? I just passed spi, now studying for RVT. Hi im planning to take spi soon do you have any recommendations on what to focus on and did you use xzone for it mahsa Mahsa in Santa Monica, California said: Hi, can I possibly get your e-mail? Hi, Masha, This is Beena, I would like to get your books. how much is it? Those materials really helped you to pass the RVT exam Let me know Beena James mahsa in Santa Monica, California said: I just passed vascular..I have books and cd if anyone interested to buy I also have 2 weeks of xzone left...e-mail: mahsasamandi[at]*.com Hi Marsh, Do you have the ESP vascular review from the seminar? If so I would love to by that from you. pls contact me ASAP at ang5210[at]*.com. I will also purchase the xzone from u. Thanks, Allie bb mahsa in Santa Monica, California said: I took SPI and passed, now studying for RVT. I need some information, I am studying Davis vascular technology review 4th edition and the mock cd by Davis. Is that enough to study? Does anyone know what else to study? Hi.....I passed the VT part today and what helped me the most was the xzone from ESP. Learn from Davies 4th edition and the xzone makes you prepare for the trick questions.Get the five day xzone the days before you take exam. What i would like to ask you is how did you prepare for the SPI part as i need to take it next to get RVT. Thanks......mac~ Dbaryosef Maine in Newark, Delaware said: Definately take the X-Zone. I passed using Davies, X-Zone and this other book I had. I used the 15 day X-Zone, better buy...and repetition is the key..I recommend doing the practice exams on ARDMS website. Those questions are on the test...Good Luck. Hi, Did you do the practice questions from ARDMS? If you did you did you actually see the same questions on the exam? would you happen to have examples? Thanks for the info!! lauren Mechelle in Newark, New Jersey said: Hi Lauren, My job is forcing me to get registered in vascular. Im already registered in echo from cci. Did you get any replies to your post? Thanks Michelle Also, you can email me at lauren.payne76[at]....com and can fill you in on the CCI one part exam november557 Mechelle in Newark, New Jersey said: Sherry, congrats! Did you take the cci or ardms vascular?? U have any tips or questions that you remember on test?? Heftypep2007[at]*.com Thx!!! kim Miller in Levittown, New York said: What material did you use to study? Do you have material for the SPI only? What did you use? Lili mingy in Cupertino, California said: Is somebody selling X zone questions. I would like to buy them as I am preparing for RVT exam. You can purchase those questions at the website www.esp-inc.com Mchen320 mmdieppa[at]*.com in Dallas, Texas said: My name is Mauren I have material to study for the Vascular examen ARDM if you like to make a copy of what I have email at mmdieppa[at]*.com I live in frisco tx Im also looking for someone who wanst to studie with me I really need to pass this VASCULAR EXAMEN. THANK YOU Hello, Maurin I live in Dallas TX I am also planing to take my RVS can you email me if you have any study material sweetswati26[at]*.com I appriciated for your help. kentchang mmdieppa[at]*.com in Dallas, Texas said: My name is Mauren I have material to study for the Vascular examen ARDM if you like to make a copy of what I have email at mmdieppa[at]*.com I live in frisco tx Im also looking for someone who wanst to studie with me I really need to pass this VASCULAR EXAMEN. THANK YOU I am in vascualar program here in GA and I would appreciate it if you would email me any information that you have. Thank you Charlene bdandron Monicaanid77[at]....com in Teaneck, New Jersey said: Im intrested , how much? Up for trade my notes from accredited U/S program. I am looking for copy (or original) of ESP workbooks for ABD, OB/GYN and vascular. Or any of the Davies books or mock exams. These are word files of all lectures and labs. Each section includes many actual ARDMS questions from students who passed the exam. Very organized. Included: Abdomen Ob Gyn Physics Vascular Bonus: my notes I took after passing SPI last week with 95% - I was able to remember more than half of questions) pls contact me at kb323818[at]*.com mikey monika in Cambridge, Massachusetts said: Unless you will be employed by a company where you could get one year of clinical training, you will need a cerfificate of vascular technologist. ARDMS will not allow you to take tests without a proof of Bachelor's degree in any subject, one year clinical and ultrasound physics class or seminar.[/QUO As long as your school was accredited, you do not need these things to take the rvt exam. You would just need a clinical verification form signed by a registed vascular tech. My program included vascular which most programs do. bobbie MSIMMONS in Sherman, Texas said: Is anyone selling their Breast Review book from Esp Seminar? I couldn't go to seminar , but will buy book from you. I was wondering if you did get the Breast Review book. I am looking to purchase it if you have one available!! pls contact me if you do!! Pixie muniba in Brampton, Ontario said: hi...im taking the vascular exam in a week ... if anyone can pls send me any multiple choice questions they might have i'll really appreciate it...also if there is any advice regarding the test and study material ... thanks my email is muniba_ayaz[at]*.com Did you pass? What questions did yiu have TAMESHA muniba in Brampton, Ontario said: hi...im taking the vascular exam in a week ... if anyone can pls send me any multiple choice questions they might have i'll really appreciate it...also if there is any advice regarding the test and study material ... thanks my email is muniba_ayaz[at]*.com HEY, JUST WONDERING HOW THE VASCULAR EXAM WENT? I'M GOING TO TAKE MY TEST IN A FEW WEEKS (CCI), ANY SUGGEST ON WHAT BOOK TO STUDY THE MUST? US tech Nancy in Minneapolis, Minnesota said: Should I get the Vascular Technology ore Vascular Technology REVIEW - both are by Davies Sorry I didn't see this sooner. For some reason, I used to get notifications when there were new comments, but I am not getting them now. You may want to get both. The review is the book I said was like the ESP Inc. seminar, while the other book is questions and answers. The same questions and answers are also on the mock Cd but I'm not sure if they are the same amount of questions/answers. Leighanne Nancy in Ottumwa, Iowa said: HI!! I was wondering if anyone has the ESP vascular study? The one from Edlemans weekend review. I would PAY you for a copy of it!! Hi Nancy, you might be interested in purchasing Vascular Technology by Davies Publishing. It has the same info as the ESP seminar book and is written by the same person who does the seminar. I have both and have compared them side by side and the info is pretty much identical, except the Davies book is slightly more in depth. i_c_with_sound Nancy in Ottumwa, Iowa said: HI!! I was wondering if anyone has the ESP vascular study? The one from Edlemans weekend review. I would PAY you for a copy of it!! I graduated over 10 years ago in general US and now have to pass the RVT for my job or be fired!!! I have the ESP Abd and Physic study guide to trade!!!!!!!! PLEAE HELP!!! nancymn88[at]*.com TRH newbee in Newhall, California said: Hi! CONGRATS, could I have copies of your outline and whatever information you can give me? I would appreciate it. Hi there and CONGRATULATIONS! I've been studying (and working full-time) and plan on taking the RVT exam at the end of June. I've been studying Rumwell's Davies study book, mock exam, and flash cards. I'm hoping that if I push myself, I can be ready by the end of the month. I would love it if you could forward me your outlines (I'm horrible at taking notes!!!), I'd appreciate it and would be willing to cover any costs incurred. Congratulations again! Lisa Syncope NotSmart in New York, New York said: John: Yes, this IS cheating. I am more than happy too spell it out for you: YOU are facilitating a forum and providing actual exam information AND exam questions. Are you familiar with testing regulations? 'You are prohibited from communicating, publishing, reproducing, or transmitting any part of your test, in any form or by any means, verbal or written, for any purpose'. Furthermore, according to ARDMS, 'Candidates are prohibited from sharing or reporting examination content'. Don't believe me? Take a look at the website... It would probably be in your best interest to spend less time on the forums looking for an easy "pass" and more time studying. Thank you......your quote is right on........I wouldn't want someone doing my testing who took the easy way out...... Chin oarmine in Brooklyn, New York said: Hi.I am looking for a tutor who can help me to pass my vascular exam. I just can't do it on my own. Or, if you are in NYC area and want to study together, pls contact me. If you know a tutor in NYC area, let me know. Thank you Hi, I have been teaching vascular and passed the exam as well, I have good review books and materials maybe I can help you. Just send me a message and we can both have video chat for the review pilates oarmine in Brooklyn, New York said: Hi.I am looking for a tutor who can help me to pass my vascular exam. I just can't do it on my own. Or, if you are in NYC area and want to study together, pls contact me. If you know a tutor in NYC area, let me know. Thank you I failed it last month..is horrible to fail i couldnt study more because i was moving and next month i have my family vacation programed since last year,so i guess i will start study at the end of december or january.. i dont really know where to start over again... this is a big problem that i have in my life ....i need to pass this exam..i am not in New York City ,i am in california but pls if you get any information of good books or something let me know... i have a good memory and i still remember some of the questions that they ask me but i guess every test is diferent...good look to you and pls keep me update with info.. whataschool passvasc in Tucson, Arizona said: I've created a free android app that's been helping me study for the registry. I've also been reading lots of books. I think a little bit of everything approach is the way to go! play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wPassVasc Hello, I just downloaded your app. however, since i was not well trained for vascular in my school, I have difficulty learning and understanding most of the questions. Do you happen to have any other material to help me with? Thank you. Gina passvasc in Tucson, Arizona said: I've created a free android app that's been helping me study for the registry. I've also been reading lots of books. I think a little bit of everything approach is the way to go! play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wPassVasc I am trying to download app but it says it's not available? dfr110 passvasc in Tucson, Arizona said: I've created a free android app that's been helping me study for the registry. I've also been reading lots of books. I think a little bit of everything approach is the way to go! play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wPassVasc I understand your comment, and you are to be commended! Now, do you happen to have or are you working on something for ipad? If not, you are still to be appreciative. dfr110[at]....com Tammy patty in Rochester, Michigan said: Hi tammy u already know the material very well I think I just started .If it is still okay I love to do combined studies. How soon can we start. Hi Patty, I work 8-4:30 or 8:30 til 5 p.m. M-F so if you want to study you let me know what day or days and times and we can work it out. email me at stewarts2004[at] comcast.net. I need help and anything I can get would be great. Thanks Tammy tammys patty in Utica, Michigan said: I am RDMS in abdomen and ob/gyn looking for job since 1 year. I see more ad's for vascular so I would like to try for vascular but I never did CAROTID's or ARTERIALS . What is the best way to learn to scan carotids and arterials and pass the boards. pls NEED HELP.ALMOST ONE YEAR NO JOB. Hi Patty, I am Tammy, I live in Richmond, MI and I also need help, I went to general u/s and I am trying to get rvt and have taken the exam 6 times with no luck. I am just starting to study again thinking I may take the rvs because I cannot seem to pass this test. THis is the hardest thing I have ever tried to do. I know you know where I am coming from. I did study on skype with someone for a while. Would you be interested? or maybe get together once or twice a week somewhere. I need someone to keep me on track and get through this. pls email me at stewarts2004[at] comcast.net. Thanks Tammy Shalee_2003 Pearly in Hong Kong, Hong Kong said: I just passed the RVT! I am wanting to sell all of my RVT study material because don't need them anymore. I studied intense for 2to 3 weeks and passed with a 633 for first attempt using only this materials. For a list of what it is, pls contact me through email: book4sale2u[at]....com. I don't get on here much anymore. Thank you GOOD LUCK!! Can u tell me what u studied pls? pilates pilates in San Diego, California said: I failed it last month..is horrible to fail i couldnt study more because i was moving and next month i have my family vacation programed since last year,so i guess i will start study at the end of december or january.. i dont really know where to start over again... this is a big problem that i have in my life ....i need to pass this exam..i am not in New York City ,i am in california but pls if you get any information of good books or something let me know... i have a good memory and i still remember some of the questions that they ask me but i guess every test is diferent...good look to you and pls keep me update with info.. sorry for the spelling...damn keyboard..... ...asked* luck* .............. Donya Pilates in Santee, California said: Hello Everyone , I Will be taking My exam At The end Of The month, i am studying but i feel like i dont know enough , i havent been studying in The last months , i hope god helps me because is very important for me to pass this exam and i can change The appointment , i Will have to pay again and schedule again... But you never know maybe i do pass , My problem is that At School they only have me one month Of vas uñas and i had to study everything by myself ,With no help , i Still cant undestand about The " ABI " if you have any website where i can learn With vídeos about ir pls let me know thanks !!!! What is it that you don't understand about "ABI's"? suparna Rachael in Houma, Louisiana said: was there alot of questions on PPG? NOT EVEN A SINGEL ON MY EXAM suparna Rachael in Houma, Louisiana said: was there alot of questions on PPG? NOT EVEN A SINGEL QUESTION ON MY EXAM whataschool Rachael in North Las Vegas, Nevada said: Hello Lynette, Would you be willing to share your notes with me??? I've taken the RVT twice already. Looking for additional resources. Thank you Rachael raychelie[at] verizon.net Hi Rachel, Would you pls share the notes with me as well? Aliza.yashar[at]....com Thank you. seattle rdms757 in Portland, Oregon said: Davies breast review is all i used and passed! the breast exam is easy. Hey do you still have the davies breast review, i will like to buy is asap. olecia.williams[at]....com angie RDMSMJ in Euless, Texas said: Hi! Congrats on passing the RVT!! I am very interested in the notes you outlined! hi my name is angie and I'm also interested in those outlined notes. Angiedw2006[at]*.com angie RDMSMJ in Euless, Texas said: Hi! Congrats on passing the RVT!! I am very interested in the notes you outlined! hi RDMSMJ, my name is angie and I was wondering did you get those outlined notes from Lynette in Spokane Washington? And if you did can you email me her info. Also or could you share notes with me.....my test is next month, I'm going crazy. Thanks angiedw2006[at]*.com Damian RCS robcky in La Marque, Texas said: If i am a registered sonographer, do i have to take a different physics test or do i only need the vt specialty? Thanks Depends. Did you take the "new" physics (SPI)? If you did, you don't have to take physics again. If you took physics for just one specialty (general, for example), though, you'll need to take the SPI. ln2013 Roger in Oakland, California said: Here are my study materials that helped me pass my RVT: ESP's vascular course. You get a book that covers the exam outline, you get FREE X zone, and you get discount on other materials ESP sells (vascular cards, which I bought). Plus the professors that teach the Vascular course have written books on Vascular (Mcfarlin and Rumwell). They answered additional questions through email that I had. Introduction to Vascular scanning - Don Ridgeway. Pretty good read. Pacific Vascular - They offer courses in all aspects of Vascular, I've taken all of them. The Vascular foundation (4 day), Venous Insufficiency (1 day), Transcranial Doppler and imaging (3 days) and Abdominal (3 days). Each day is 4 hours of lecture and 4 hours of hands on. The Vein book - I was learning more on venous insufficiency as that is become another branch off vascular. Wes Todd's Cardiovascular science book Vol 1. Believe or not, that first book has a wide variety of great material for echo, cath, vascular, and ep. Truly a great resource. Vascular ultrasound: how why and where. It also comes with a dvd with a few clips. Of course - my internship, where I learned to scan arterial and venous and use the machines to maximize the study. I don't have much experience with vascular is there a way i get hands on for vascular ultrasound. I am planning to take the exam. Kbram Russ in New York, New York said: I passed my Vascular exam and now I'm selling the materials that I used. 1- Ultra P.A.S.S. Vascular Ultrasound Technology Workbook with 4 audio narrations discs and 1 pathology DVD. This book is very helpful - $100 (new costs $130) or best offer. 2- Ultra P.A.S.S. Vascular Ultrasound Technology Flashcards with audio narration CD- 390 Questions - $35(new costs - $57). 3- ULTRA P.A.S.S CD Exam Review: Vascular Technology Ultrasound Registry Review Product - $50(new costs $75), or buy all 3 items as a bundle for only $175 as opposed to buying the new online for $236.****All items are in good condition. Shipping is separate. Paypal or Chase bank payment accepted. pls, be serious and do your search as I don't have time answering questions about the products. They are very helpful! I passed my test with a high score. I am interested in the audio narration or any cds if you still have them khaalis.poston Russ in New York, New York said: I passed my Vascular exam and now I'm selling the materials that I used. 1- Ultra P.A.S.S. Vascular Ultrasound Technology Workbook with 4 audio narrations discs and 1 pathology DVD. This book is very helpful - $70 or best offer. 2- Ultra P.A.S.S. Vascular Ultrasound Technology Flashcards with audio narration CD- 390 Questions - $35(new costs - $57). 3- ULTRA P.A.S.S CD Exam Review: Vascular Technology Ultrasound Registry Review Product - $50(new costs $75), or buy all 3 items as a bundle for only $145 as opposed to buying the new online for $236.****All items are in good condition. Shipping is separate. Paypal or Chase bank payment accepted. pls, be serious and do your search as I don't have time answering questions about the products. They are very helpful! I passed my test with a high score. Contact me by email: russmush26[at]*.com Loren RVS in Sevierville, Tennessee said: And the book you mentioned has the same exact info. as the ESP Vascular Technology seminar workbook. The ESP material is written and taught by McPharlin and Rumwell. This is the best book available for registry prep. Hi RVS, I am looking for some one who can sign my CV form. I want to give RVT exam. My job is at stake. pls help me. I live in Bay area in Calfornia. My email is shikha.astha[at]....com A RVT in La Porte, Texas said: I have RVT test material for sale; great price ESP workbook, flashcards, Davies Mock Exam test questions and rationales, study this material you will PASS!!!! Leave your email if interested!!!!!! Hi, I'm intersted in buying the ESP flashcards if you still have them. pls email me castrillon814[at]*.com Thanks RDMSMJ RVT in La Porte, Texas said: I have RVT test material for sale; great price ESP workbook, flashcards, Davies Mock Exam test questions and rationales, study this material you will PASS!!!! Leave your email if interested!!!!!! how old is your test material? Raza RVT in La Porte, Texas said: I have RVT test material for sale; great price ESP workbook, flashcards, Davies Mock Exam test questions and rationales, study this material you will PASS!!!! Leave your email if interested!!!!!! I am interested in purchasing. Asking for a purchasing price. Thanks, Karyna Rosa Kary0205[at]*.com lauren RVT in La Porte, Texas said: I have RVT test material for sale; great price ESP workbook, flashcards, Davies Mock Exam test questions and rationales, study this material you will PASS!!!! Leave your email if interested!!!!!! I may be interested in your material my email is lynn7099[at]*.com. Thanks! lynn RVT in La Porte, Texas said: I have RVT test material for sale; great price ESP workbook, flashcards, Davies Mock Exam test questions and rationales, study this material you will PASS!!!! Leave your email if interested!!!!!! I'm interested in buying ESP Vascular workbook/2010. Email niklyn[at] earthlink.net emriley RVT in La Porte, Texas said: I have RVT test material for sale; great price ESP workbook, flashcards, Davies Mock Exam test questions and rationales, study this material you will PASS!!!! Leave your email if interested!!!!!! pls let me know if you still have the ESP workbook! katiemtyler[at]....com angie RVTultrasound in Chicago, Illinois said: I just passed the RVT! I am wanting to sell all of my RVT study material because I am SICK of looking at it. HA HA I studied intense for 2 weeks and passed with a 625 using only this material. For a list of what it is, pls contact me through email. I don't get on here much anymore. rvtultrasound.email[at]*.com hi I'm very interested......I'm testing in 3 weeks. Angiedw2006[at]*.com justjbnc RVTultrasound in Chicago, Illinois said: I just passed the RVT! I am wanting to sell all of my RVT study material because I am SICK of looking at it. HA HA I studied intense for 2 weeks and passed with a 625 using only this material. For a list of what it is, pls contact me through email. I don't get on here much anymore. rvtultrasound.email[at]*.com need help.....angiedw2006[at]*.com tammys RVTultrasound in Chicago, Illinois said: I just passed the RVT! I am wanting to sell all of my RVT study material because I am SICK of looking at it. HA HA I studied intense for 2 weeks and passed with a 625 using only this material. For a list of what it is, pls contact me through email. I don't get on here much anymore. rvtultrasound.email[at]*.com What material did you use to study? steve ramsey Saivon said: what did you study to pass the rvt? pls email me back at Saivonnicole[at] ....com e mail me at drsteveramsey[at]....com steve echocardiographyexamreview.com Saivon said: what did you study to pass the rvt? pls email me back at Saivonnicole[at] ....com We will help you test with confidence. Choose from a number of our mock registry exams with questions similar to what you can expect to see on your ARDMS boards. www.echocardiographyexamreview.com Jorcheer98 samina in Kitchener, Ontario said: hi karen can u pls send me a copy of study notes itrat41[at]*.com thanks Hi Karen!!! Can you pls email me your notes as well!!!! You are amazing for doing this! I will do the same when I am done! Jorcheer98[at] ....com Thank you sooo much! Deeply concerned!!! seattle in Bellingham, Washington said: congratulations on passing your exam! How long did you study for your board and did u feel the zone helped you? I'm plannibg to purchase but wasn't sure since it is expensive. How much time did u put into studying and was the board questions tricky or go in depth with each pathology? And were u allowed to use the calculator for calculations I was not allowed to use the calculator. It was definitely allowed for the SPI, but NOT for vascular. There were at least 3 segmental questions on my test, and the Q.A./statistics. I quit my job to study for this because they wouldn't allow me time off to take it. (this was mentioned in one of my earlier posts prior to the exam). I will say a good 4 weeks of very focussed studying should get you through.. More time than that really isn't necessary. The book by Claudia Rumwell was a very good investment why? Because it's EXACTLY everything she covers in her seminars and THEN some. It's on the Davies Publishing website. She covers stuff in this book that might or might not show up on the test. The x-zone is kind of like a wake-up call for that which isn't covered in the Davies.. Things you'll need to know. The boards don't seem to "go in-depth" with the pathology.. It's the way that they "word their answers"... It's not "straight forward" and as someone else posted, you're stuck with just choosing the "best answer" out of about 4 options. Know your anatomy. That is one thing i have emphasize, because they are very "round a bout" on this as well. ultranewbie seattle in Bellingham, Washington said: does the zone give you new questions each time you restart the test? Did you find the zone helpful? Yes.. there are a total of 500 questions that you will see while practicing the mock exam, once you have mastered those you are ready to sit for the boards. bamaboy seattle in Kent, Washington said: Hi im planning to take spi soon do you have any recommendations on what to focus on and did you use xzone for it Go to Pegasus and he has an online seminar. I passed it the second time. ultranewbie seattle in Tacoma, Washington said: For the anatomy portion did you have to know how the vessels lie to one another like the left renal vein crosses anterior to the aorta and posterior to the sma? yep.. or if a PICC line was inserted into the cephalic vein, what vessels would it transverse to it's destination? They give you about 4 sets of options. quite a few questions on PERIPHERAL vascular/venous anatomy. I did not get very many abdominal questions at all.. Maybe 4 or 5. The rest was statistics, bypass grafts, segmentals, quite a few venous anatomy, and peripheral vascular anatomy, and a LOT OF TCD.. carotid, a few pics on vertebrals and which way the flow was going. rajafodder Sergio baguio in lebanon, Indiana said: Looking vascular review material include practice exam cd. CCI RVS. kindly let me know how much you welling to sale the material. Send email Sergio.baguio[at]*.com Anybody looking for an echo job in GTA. Email poshdadu[at]....com asap. SSG7671 Shami in Etobicoke, Ontario said: Hi Could you pls send more information as I am getting ready for this exam............. You help will be appropriated. Thanks. Hopefully you must have passed your exam. I am taking it on 27th of this month. Any tips or advice pls. thanks Shazia Shami in Etobicoke, Ontario said: What did you study for your Exams, pls let me know if you Like to Share with me your Notes or if you want to Sell them. THanks Hi if u get those questions pls share me on drshazianaseem[at]*.com Russell Sharain in Levittown, New York said: Just passed my SPI exam yesterday and now Im looking into taking my RVT exam, any info that anyone used would be awesome. Also I found a tutor for my SPI and was wondering if there are any RVT tutors in the NY OR NJ area. Any info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance sweetraina123[at]*o.com Hi, I'm wondering if you have taken the vascular part yet or found a tutor in NY region? scanner711 Sheri in League City, Texas said: Hello bbbling, I was wondering if you have any of this material available for sale (especially the cd)? thank u Sheri sal31067[at] ....com i have copies of Vascular CD for sale...email me, scanner711[at]*.com Mechelle Sherry in Etters, Pennsylvania said: I just passed this test today. All I stidied was one book calledVascular Technology 4th edition by Rumwell & McPharlin. This is truly all the info that you will need to pass. Good luck! Sherry, congrats! Did you take the cci or ardms vascular?? anna Shikha Asthana in Cupertino, California said: Hi Loren, I wanted to take RVT exm. Your message and info. was very helpful. If you could pls sign my CV form. My email is shikha.astha[at]....com Shikha, if you cannot find a RVT that has observed your scanning and is not willing to sign your cv, you can put in writing an appeal to request a physician to sign your cv send the letter to ARDMS. Ardms will make a decision whether or not they will approve your request. I suggest you include your job future for not getting your rvt. pls note. the physician that you ask to sign, should have interpret/read your images etc. Appeal info. and a list of exceptions for cv signatures is on the ARDMS website. I hope this helps whataschool shy in Memphis, Tennessee said: I was wondering if you could share your notes. Even if you don't ...I pray you ace the exam. Cause it's been tough for me. thx sheilay2005[at] comcaast.net Hi, can you pls share any notes you have for vascular exam , pls?? lecia songwriter in Huntington, New York said: Hi I just saw that you were selling all three for 150.00 was that to Antonio or whatever the email or were you just giving her your notes I am interested except I have a mac computer.pls let me know I would be interested I bought the Davies4th addtion book is that what you have either way I still would need the flash cards mock exam and notes .Let me know I woild buy them now. my email bouche[at] optonline.net. Thank you I WILL ALSO WANT TO BUY A COPY OF THE 47 PAGES, WILL BE TAKING THE TEST IN ONE MONTH. pls EMAIL ME. olecia.williams[at]*.com whataschool Sonogirl in Menifee, California said: Can I get a copy of the download file for RVT pls! Hello, would you pls share with me the downloaded file for RVT? I really need help, because at my school we did not learn much about vascular and I can use any help I can get. Thanks so much. christienyc Sonogirl in Menifee, California said: Can I get a copy of the download file for RVT pls! Hello, could you pls email any vascular prep material you may have? Thank you! Cnb5050[at]....com whataschool Sonogirl in Menifee, California said: Can I get a copy of the download file for RVT pls! Hello, could you pls share the downloaded file with me as well? Thank you. sasi sonographer in Dallas, Pennsylvania said: The Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (SDMS) has a series of national certification examination review books, one for each specialty examination that are written for preparation of the exams. There are questions at the end of each module. Did you pass the RVT exam ? which book exactly you mean at that site ? which materials did you study to pass ? sasiana9[at]....com dabogs7 Sonographer123 in Tampa, Florida said: I have 10 days left on the vascular xzone if anyone wants to purchase for $40.00 hi, there... you still have time on your vascular x-zone? i'm interested. email me kindly? dabogs[at]*.com dabogs7 Sonographer123 in Tampa, Florida said: I have 10 days left on the vascular xzone if anyone wants to purchase for $40.00 i'm taking the RVT exam soon so kindly email me ASAP! thanks Damian RCS RVS sonoseeker25 in Rochester, Michigan said: Do U still have davis vascular flashcards. Hey I do have the flash cards super cheap, 25$ let me know if you are interested spirwomen[at] *****.*** sonoseeker25 in Rochester, Michigan said: Do U still have davis vascular flashcards. I would love to buy your stuff have taken the test twice and not passed. You can write me back at spirwomen[at]*.com Leighanne SONOTECH in Jersey City, New Jersey said: Hi Lynette! Would you mind emailing me your notes? I would so appreciate it!! Bryna_Gordon[at]*.com I was wondering if you could forward me the email as well. I am studying for my vascular exam too. Greatly appreciate it- laydeeme55[at]*.com Pearly sonotech in Sebring, Florida said: I am selling my esp vascular book. email me bjd5963[at] ....com i emailed you too jenny37 sonotech in Sebring, Florida said: I am selling my esp vascular book. email me bjd5963[at] ....com Thank you for getting back to me so quickly Is the vasc. book from claudia rumwells seminar and what year was it published / updated? did you find the book helpful? what other study material did you use for your rvt exam? tech needing help sonotech in Sebring, Florida said: I have the vascular esp book for sale, if any one is interested. Email me pls I need it,sanaajeddi[at]*.fr lynchnet Sonotutor in Masaya, Nicaragua said: Hello, I am interested in your self made test. Can you send me a sample page? melessa.czk[at]....com. Do you still have the material for the Vascular test. My daughter just failed it again. Would really appreciate the help. lynchnet[at] verizon.net JH Sonotutor in Masaya, Nicaragua said: Hello, I am interested in your self made test. Can you send me a sample page? melessa.czk[at]....com. Hi, i was wondering if i could get a copy of these. My e-mail address is iamjonhui[at]....com unknown83 Sophia in Chandler, Arizona said: I have the Davies Vascular Mock review test cd-rom, the Davies Vascular technology Q&A text, and the Davies Rumwell and McPharline Vascular technology illustrated review text available. All for $150 priority shipping with tracking number included. I passed VT the first time with these. This is ALL you'll need. Hey sophia I never got an email from u :-/ briantskaggs[at]....com Write me and we can discuss payment ect Thx B justjbnc Sophia in Gilbert, Arizona said: Congrats Loren! How long did you give urself to study? I've passed a few exams already and studied for 1mth each time. I hope it's enough this time, i'm taking the VT 11/3! I month is good as long as you understand the concept of vascular. How the waveform is suppose to look whether it is distal or proximal obstructions. If you have done the x-zone and you are in the 90+ category and fully understand most of the questions you should be fine. The words that ARDMS uses are different from X-zone. But the concept of x-zone is there. So make sure if there is any doubt in your mind about any of the questions in x-zone, research them (Vascular Review Book by McPharlin/Rumwell and Pegasus Lecture Vascular that we attended)and understand them fully. It will just make your test taking strategy easier. You already passed most of the tests, I have no doubt that you'll nail this one also. Good luck! bones0187 Sophia in Tempe, Arizona said: I have the Vascular Davies Cd mock review test and the Davies question and answer book for sale, I passed the first time taking the VT with these. Let me know of you're interested. im for sure interested in the cd mock review. i just got a classmates question and answer book. email me with details and we can work it out briantskaggs[at] gmial(dot)com thx so much QuietGirl Steph in Miami, Florida said: Hello my name is stephanie I would love if you can send me notes for the vascular. I have my test very soon and if you need anything for abdomen I can send you. pls email me at stephyp8[at]....com. pls send those notes as well JowanaB[at]*.com Thanks Anna Steph in Miami, Florida said: Hi how are you I'm wondering if you can email me your notes on the 47 pages! I plan on taking my RVT next month and I am super nervous. Stephyp8[at]....com. If you need anything for abdomen or obgyn I can send you. I would appreciate it if you could share abdomen them with me anjtka777[at]....com Anna Steph in Miami, Florida said: Hi how are you I'm wondering if you can email me your notes on the 47 pages! I plan on taking my RVT next month and I am super nervous. Stephyp8[at]....com. If you need anything for abdomen or obgyn I can send you. Thank you. rachael Steph in Taylorsville, North Carolina said: if you could email me that as well. I just started a new job and they are pressuring me to pass my vasc boards in 1 month. SCARY! stephaniesap[at]*.com if you could email the outline as well, i would greatly appreciate it. my email is elvisscott[at] bellsouth.net. thank you whataschool sweedy2004 in Edison, New Jersey said: Hi everyone. I have a lot of material for SPI review Abdomen review Vascular review Neurosonology I would like to exchange to OBGYN material. Any -Mock exams, flashcards, audio ,questions and answers. I have some OBGYN books-so no interest in books or school notes. Only review audio,flash cards, mock exams . pls contact me swangirla[at]*.com Hi I need materials on Vascular review, can you help me pls? aliza.yashar[at]....com Leighanne sweedy2004 in Edison, New Jersey said: Yes, I have a material=give me your email Hi there! I just read your email on this forum, I know its been for a while since you wrought this, But i like to try anyway.. maybe you still have some material left and you can send to me .. I am trying to start study vascular ...thank you.. november557[at]*.com Natalia echo96 sweedy2004 in Edison, New Jersey said: Yes, I have a material=give me your email Hi,I am preparing for my CCI RVS can you pls share any study material you have.Thanks and greatly appreciated.my email add is arls_211[at]*.ca Sam Syncope in Sandwich, Massachusetts said: Sorry keeping my books for cme's Will this do if you did not go to school for vascular and trying to study on your own to take the exam. patty Tammy in Plymouth, Michigan said: Hi Patty, I work 8-4:30 or 8:30 til 5 p.m. M-F so if you want to study you let me know what day or days and times and we can work it out. email me at stewarts2004[at] comcast.net. I need help and anything I can get would be great. Thanks Tammy Hi tammy is it okay for u today or tomarrow to meet. I don't know how Skype works out if u r close to Novi, mi we can meet in library or any starbucks. let me fknow I will be available evenings. Thanks tammys tammys in Canton, Michigan said: Nikki emailed me with her phone number and we talked and decided that we would start corresponding with questions to eachother in a word document and email it. If you have a diferent idea pls let me know. I would be more than happy to study with more than one person. My email is stewarts2004[at] comcast.net Thank you Tammy Tammy, in a word document you make up questions yourselves and email to each other? Is the topic still Cerebrovascular or has it changed? Just want to make sure I'm on the same page and not be out of the loop again. donya tammys in Farmington, Michigan said: yes yes to both questions? patty tammys in New Baltimore, Michigan said: Hi Patty, I am Tammy, I live in Richmond, MI and I also need help, I went to general u/s and I am trying to get rvt and have taken the exam 6 times with no luck. I am just starting to study again thinking I may take the rvs because I cannot seem to pass this test. THis is the hardest thing I have ever tried to do. I know you know where I am coming from. I did study on skype with someone for a while. Would you be interested? or maybe get together once or twice a week somewhere. I need someone to keep me on track and get through this. pls email me at stewarts2004[at] comcast .net. Thanks Tammy Hi tammy u already know the material very well I think I just started .If it is still okay I love to do combined studies. How soon can we start. Donya tammys in New Baltimore, Michigan said: I am studying from Todds cardiovascular review book and I am finding it very informative. I am going to take the CCI exam so I can be an RVS. I have given up on the RVT. After taking it 6 times, I just cannot take the disappointment anymore. THe CCI exam has a 57% pass rate where the RVT has a 35% pass rate. I know what I am doing at my job and the doctors that I work for are very happy with my work but in order for me to stay employed in 2014, I must be registered. SO I think this is the better way to go for me. DO you have a deadline to get your RVT in 2014? Has your job gave you a deadline? tammys tammys in New Baltimore, Michigan said: I would like some inofrmation pls on that course. Does she do individual tutoring? I googled and called the VascularEducation Services. Left a message, If they contact me with any additional information I will let you know and pass it along. donya tammys in New Baltimore, Michigan said: January of 2014 Is your job giving you to January 2014 for you to be registered or that is the national deadline for all tech to be registered? sydjay00 tammys in New Baltimore, Michigan said: My advice is go for the cci exam. I have taken this monster test 6 times and havent gotten it yet. It is impossible so that is what I am doing. Heard good things about cci. Google it and you will see. I haven't taken the CCI one, but I did find the RVT pretty intense. I didnt know that Chi's Square would have quite a few questions. So have you taken CCI's RVS? Jorcheer98[at] *****.*** tammys in Novi, Michigan said: email me and I can send some xzone questions to you. my email is stewarts2004[at] comcast .net Would you be able to send me some x zone questions as well?? Leighanne tammys in Novi, Michigan said: Hi Kent, I emailed the person that you sent the xzone questions to and they have not notified me of the emailed questions. Could you pls send them to me? I would greatly appreciate it. I am about to take the rvt test for the 6th time (yes I said 6) I am so frustrated that I cant pass. The last time that I took the test I missed it by 5 points. When I paid to take the test this time, I was kind of shocked to see that they raised the price to $250. so I really cant afford to sign up for the xzone too. Thank you so much if you can do this. Tammy Stewart I want xzone questions pls!!!!!! pilated tammys in Novi, Michigan said: I am very interested in tutoring. My email is stewarts2004[at] comcast .net if you could pls contact me.Thanks Tammy r u tutoring for rvt.How much do u charge is it per hour or whole syllabus.I live in novi i am very much interested.pls let me know. Texas Tech tammys in Plymouth, Michigan said: I am interested whenever you are. I work during the day. I can start Monday night if that is convenient with you. Email me the instructions on how to do this. Monday night would be great! I hadn't thought out all the specifics as to how this would work, but for starters, we would pick a specific topic and review that information and come up with questions to that topic. If there is anything you don't understand about the topic then you ask your question and everyone will reply. I have currently dissected cerebrovascular. I made my own flashcards, I am studying Davies 3 part and Edleman's review and flashcards. Examples of some comprehensive questions I have are 1.) What test is useful in intraoperative monitoring? 2.) Name some examples of surgical procedures TCD may be used to monitor? 3.) How do you continuously monitor the middle cerebral artery's blood flow? 4.) Using the transtemporal window, you see a vessel at the depth of 5mm this vessel has antegrade flow, with a propaga MK tammys in Plymouth, Michigan said: I am very interested. I have tried and failed the rvt exam 3 times and wanting to pass to keep my job. I am going to take this test again on may 12. Any suggestions? Run better run, outrun this profession! No Joke :-/ anita123 tammys in Plymouth, Michigan said: I am very interested. I have tried and failed the rvt exam 3 times and wanting to pass to keep my job. I am going to take this test again on may 12. Any suggestions? What have you been studying? I did Davies CD ROM questions, then newer version and X zone two weeks prior to taking. Mouna Teresa Poche in Metairie, Louisiana said: Could you share the download file with a fellow US Tech? It would be greatly appreciated.... pls share the download with us, Thanks TRH Texas Tech in Channelview, Texas said: Congratulations, and thank you very much for sharing your accomplishment of SUCCESS with us!! This information is very informative and very encouraging to continue studying in depth. Just from reading your outline I feel I could pass it today! But I am going to continue with my plan. Again thanks for sharing and CONTRACTS!!!!! I spent a lot of time memorizing numbers, but the test really didn't require that. Other than the depths and mean velocities of the vessels in the circle of willis, most of the questions involved explanations of how the waveforms change with respect to proximal or distal disease, i.e. increased PSV, dampened velocities, etc. My exam had a lot of ultrasound images on it as well. sonotech Texas Tech in Conroe, Texas said: The RVT exam is not hard!!!! Just passed today!!!! I used a combination of Edleman and Davies. The same combination I used for the SPI. My advise to anyone who is serious about passing is to concentrate on the core of the outline, Cerebrovascular, Peripheral Arterial, and Venous. Quality Assurance was the 4x4 chart and that was an easy way to rack up extra points. Everything that is on the outline is one the test, even if they only ask one question about a particular subject. I do not recall a single question on the vascular of the penis. Sma, before and after eating, celiac, before and after eating. Lots of TCD questions in reference to the transtemporal window as far as depth and direction of flow, the answer to most of the ones I had was the MCA. Questions about TCD and subaranchoid hemorrhage and vasospasm. Venous flow patterns for fluid overload and right side heart failure. If there is a continuous waveform with venous doppler, where is the stenosis? Questions were very repetitive. Anatomy was also an easy way to rack up points. Know which vessels form what and where they terminate. If you study, and understand the concepts of xzone and practice the mock exams from Davies, you will pass, the first time. Also know where the peroneals, posterior tibials, anterior tibials are located on a picture that is not ultrasound. Hi.....i passed the VT exam and need to take SPI. Do you have study material for SPI only and any advice for what to study just for SPI? Sonographer123 Texas Tech in Conroe, Texas said: The RVT exam is not hard!!!! Just passed today!!!! I used a combination of Edleman and Davies. The same combination I used for the SPI. My advise to anyone who is serious about passing is to concentrate on the core of the outline, Cerebrovascular, Peripheral Arterial, and Venous. Quality Assurance was the 4x4 chart and that was an easy way to rack up extra points. Everything that is on the outline is one the test, even if they only ask one question about a particular subject. I do not recall a single question on the vascular of the penis. Sma, before and after eating, celiac, before and after eating. Lots of TCD questions in reference to the transtemporal window as far as depth and direction of flow, the answer to most of the ones I had was the MCA. Questions about TCD and subaranchoid hemorrhage and vasospasm. Venous flow patterns for fluid overload and right side heart failure. If there is a continuous waveform with venous doppler, where is the stenosis? Questions were very repetitive. Anatomy was also an easy way to rack up points. Know which vessels form what and where they terminate. If you study, and understand the concepts of xzone and practice the mock exams from Davies, you will pass, the first time. Also know where the peroneals, posterior tibials, anterior tibials are located on a picture that is not ultrasound. Thanks! You gave me HOPE! It is nice to know that I'm studying the right material! lynn Texas Tech in Dayton, Texas said: Tammy don't give up, you are so CLOSE, it has to be the way you are applying the material. Do you realize that a passing score is only is only .792 and you scored .771. You definitely know the material. You may be over reading and getting tripped up on wording. Just calm down you can do it! Look at it this way, I have probably seen all of the test that they have and that is GREAT. Whatever your next test is, you have probably seen it. Now more worries for you! Leave an email and I will email you what I am studying. Anita who passed her exam on March 26 has a post on here of things to familiarize yourself with. She also emailed me that same list and gave me some great information on what to know as for as if you have a velocity that is THIS high, then what % is the stenosis? If you have a waveform where is the lesion? If appears it is designed to make you apply the principals, it is obvious you know it. Stay encouraged, leave your email, and I will email you and leave you my number and we van try to help you get a pattern down to get this test passed. can you pls email me the information also, I took the exam today and didnt pass it, and was confident going into it, guess I have to take a different approach on studying the material, thanks so much I would really appreciate it! holley Texas Tech in Dayton, Texas said: Tammy don't give up, you are so CLOSE, it has to be the way you are applying the material. Do you realize that a passing score is only is only .792 and you scored .771. You definitely know the material. You may be over reading and getting tripped up on wording. Just calm down you can do it! Look at it this way, I have probably seen all of the test that they have and that is GREAT. Whatever your next test is, you have probably seen it. Now more worries for you! Leave an email and I will email you what I am studying. Anita who passed her exam on March 26 has a post on here of things to familiarize yourself with. She also emailed me that same list and gave me some great information on what to know as for as if you have a velocity that is THIS high, then what % is the stenosis? If you have a waveform where is the lesion? If appears it is designed to make you apply the principals, it is obvious you know it. Stay encouraged, leave your email, and I will email you and leave you my number and we van try to help you get a pattern down to get this test passed. Can you pls email me the information also,I took the test today and did not pass Im not sure what I did wrong but I was pretty confident going into it, thanks so much I would really appreciate it! alex Texas Tech in Dayton, Texas said: Tammy don't give up, you are so CLOSE, it has to be the way you are applying the material. Do you realize that a passing score is only is only .792 and you scored .771. You definitely know the material. You may be over reading and getting tripped up on wording. Just calm down you can do it! Look at it this way, I have probably seen all of the test that they have and that is GREAT. Whatever your next test is, you have probably seen it. Now more worries for you! Leave an email and I will email you what I am studying. Anita who passed her exam on March 26 has a post on here of things to familiarize yourself with. She also emailed me that same list and gave me some great information on what to know as for as if you have a velocity that is THIS high, then what % is the stenosis? If you have a waveform where is the lesion? If appears it is designed to make you apply the principals, it is obvious you know it. Stay encouraged, leave your email, and I will email you and leave you my number and we van try to help you get a pattern down to get this test passed. HELLO I AM IATERSTED Kindly help me the pattern in getting pass this exam .Thanks in advance farukhhumaira[at]*.com sdraza Texas Tech in Hammond, Louisiana said: Actually preparing for my RVT exam now, the information don't seem be really hard just way too much. I am interested in knowing how long did you all study the material before actually going to sit for your exam. I am studying Vascular Technology by Claudia Rumwell Mickey McPharlin, I also have the cd Rom from Davies and his mock exam review book questions, I don't particularly like the review books setup. I particularly like to answer comprehension questions in the order of my reading instead of having to find the.particular section in the review book. Haven't used the cd Rom yet because I am sure it is the same questions as the book. Just ordered the flashcards from Edleman's site. I think this will be a great way to reinforce the book concepts and answer comprehensive questions from the reading with the rationales. I have 2 additional Cd Rom downloadable for SPI physics and Vascular Technology if anyone is interested. The SPI exam was very consistent with Davies Cd Rom, I scored 656 out of 700 and finished my exam in 46 minutes. If interested let me know. Interested in the CD Rom for SPI from Davies. Silverado Texas Tech in Houston, Texas said: Hey, have you found the study material you ate looking for? If not I have plenty, Davies 3 part series, Edleman's or should I say Rumwell and MccPharlin's flashcards and seminar book. If you would like to group together and study sometimes that would be awesome. hi, I am studying vascular and would love to study Rumwell and Mccpharlin's seminar book. I used eldemans physics seminar book and burwin to pass the physics portion. I thought it was very helpful. Do you still have the vasc. seminar book. I would really appreciate it if you contact me at kim.connors[at] comcast.net. I am taking the test in 2 1/2 weeks Also I am thinking about purchasing the flash cards! DId you like them? eyes wide shut Texas Tech in Vidor, Texas said: Anyone interested in an online study group for RVT preparation? I would be Texas! Online study group sounds great! I'm taking my RVS first next month, then pending passing that, I am taking the RVT. Already passed the SPI last month. What's your email? Email me jenilozauskas[at]*.com dabogs7 Texas Tech in Vidor, Texas said: I have it available for download, it was cheaper this way, just need your email address also illegal gemini_breeze Texas Tech in Vidor, Texas said: Monday night would be great! I hadn't thought out all the specifics as to how this would work, but for starters, we would pick a specific topic and review that information and come up with questions to that topic. If there is anything you don't understand about the topic then you ask your question and everyone will reply. I have currently dissected cerebrovascular. I made my own flashcards, I am studying Davies 3 part and Edleman's review and flashcards. Examples of some comprehensive questions I have are 1.) What test is useful in intraoperative monitoring? 2.) Name some examples of surgical procedures TCD may be used to monitor? 3.) How do you continuously monitor the middle cerebral artery's blood flow? 4.) Using the transtemporal window, you see a vessel at the depth of 50mm this vessel has antegrade flow, with a propaga propagation speed between 43-67 cm/sec, also a terminal branch for the ICA? That is suppose to.be a.depth of 50mm. This repetition helps a lot you will begin to see patterns, it may be more than what you need to know but at least this way you know.enough. Since you have taken the test find an area of weakness and we will begin there and I guarantee you will get a revelation. ketu Texas Tech in Vidor, Texas said: Sent you an email. Look forward to studying with you. This is so much information, I can't wait to have a discussion with someone who can relate, and to see things from someone else's perspective. Hey Texas! I never received an email can you resend it? jenilozauskas[at]*.com Monday sounds great to me! Texas Tech Texas Tech in Vidor, Texas said: Sent you an email. Look forward to studying with you. This is so much information, I can't wait to have a discussion with someone who can relate, and to see things from someone else's perspective. Hey, the email I sent came back as not deliverable. Could you check and see if your email address is correct. karlany Timur Bats in Suffolk, New York said: Hi, Can anyone pls tell me what is the best study guide for RVT exam? I just took my exam. I read Rumwell,Davies mock exam for vascular and x-zones. At the least, read Rumwell multiple times and do x-zones. I think the x-zones are more like the exam. hope this helps. I wrote on a prior post what i remember from the exam so take a look at that too. sweedy2004 TRH in Baton Rouge, Louisiana said: Also, the only materials I studied with were ESP vascular exam review, X-Zone, and ESP flash cards (which I'm willing to sell for half of what I paid). Do you still have the ESP Flash Cards? If so I would like to buy them from you. katiet TRH in Baton Rouge, Louisiana said: Also, the only materials I studied with were ESP vascular exam review, X-Zone, and ESP flash cards (which I'm willing to sell for half of what I paid). Do you still have your ESP review stuff? I'd love to buy it from you! Email me at katiemtyler[at]....com. Thanks! ketu TRH in Baton Rouge, Louisiana said: Also, the only materials I studied with were ESP vascular exam review, X-Zone, and ESP flash cards (which I'm willing to sell for half of what I paid). TRH, How much for the vascular exam review and ESP flash cards? How old are they?? Isn't the X-Zone study material in so many days? I have looked that up and thought about using it. I have taken the test and didn't pass and i'm planning on trying again at the end of June. TRH TRH in Baton Rouge, Louisiana said: I just passed the test today and this is what I remember: anatomy of cross-sectional abdomen (drawing), identify renal art on sag us image, calculate sensitiviy, specificity, etc. and know definitions, rt vertebral smaller than lt, another name for brachiocephalic, anatomy of veins and arteries and their confluences, us pics and descriptions of flow through AV fistula, MCA flow velocities and depth, multiple questions on subclavian steal (pics and descriptions), definition of hepato-fugal, occlusion of celiac causes what flow changes in splenic and hepatic, flow direction of basilar artery, windows utilized for which cranial arteries, popliteal artery entrapment and how its corrected, 3 main causes of cva, what causes dependent rubor, photos of ulcers and likely causes, abi finding/numbers and where is the disease, which of following is not considered a hemispheric symptom, ohms law, image of graft and what kind is it, most likely symptom of thoracic outlet syndrome, apg measures differences in..., symptoms of ica disease, symptoms of mca disease, ica teminates into..., which of the following does not correlate with vertebral/basilar disease Congratulations, and thank you very much for sharing your accomplishment of SUCCESS with us!! This information is very informative and very encouraging to continue studying in depth. Just from reading your outline I feel I could pass it today! But I am going to continue with my plan. Again thanks for sharing and CONTRACTS!!!!! Annover TRH in Baton Rouge, Louisiana said: I spent a lot of time memorizing numbers, but the test really didn't require that. Other than the depths and mean velocities of the vessels in the circle of willis, most of the questions involved explanations of how the waveforms change with respect to proximal or distal disease, i.e. increased PSV, dampened velocities, etc. My exam had a lot of ultrasound images on it as well. Also, the only materials I studied with were ESP vascular exam review, X-Zone, and ESP flash cards (which I'm willing to sell for half of what I paid). dabogs7 tri said: Hello, I am interested in the Davies Vascular review book and CD would you give me a price quote? Thanks, tri email me: dabogs[at]*.com ytorres0 Trisha Sturrup in Fort Lauderdale, Florida said: Does anyone have the davies vascular registry cd with 600 questions for sale. I do email me [at] ytorres0[at]*.com for more info seattle tryntopassthevasc in Knoxville, Tennessee said: I'll be taking the vascular for the second time next Wednesday. I've been reading the blog and seen lots of good comments. I've studied the ESP vascular, flashcards, and x-zone. Anything else anyone recommends? That is all you need!!! olecia twislr in Gainesville, Florida said: You paid $150? Or are you asking $150? How much did you pay for it? I paid $240 asking $150 if the person who requested them first decides not to buy I will let you know. Tara tyler in Anaheim, California said: I just passed the rvt exAm and all I have to say is edleman! Are you interested in selling your materials? Tarashedden[at]*.com Mgonzo87 tyler in Anaheim, California said: I just passed the rvt exAm and all I have to say is edleman! the book or the cards??? aaaa ultranewbie in Idaho Falls, Idaho said: go to ARDMS.org, click the link: "prepare for exams" and there will be a link that will say "Exam Outline".. pick out the one you're going to be studying for. also, Claudia Rumwell emailed me regarding the "SMA" apparently, there was a mistake on the x-zone. it is definitely the SMA.. She, as well as myself wondered why no one picked this up before? I hope folks got it right on their test.. So just in case.. Good for you!! Loren ultranewbie in Idaho Falls, Idaho said: hey guys, i'm doing the x-zone.. there's a pic of splenic vein, the sma, and the left renal vein. even in the Vascular book by Rumwell, there is a color plate of this same pic.. the xzone asks: what is this arrow pointing to.. and their answer is: celiac artery. where as when you look in the book at the color plate at that very same illustration, they have the arrow pointing at the same anatomy and it says: SMA.. wtf? Thanks goodness that was NOT on the test! Yes, that is confusing. I'll say SMA. RVTWannaB ultranewbie in Idaho Falls, Idaho said: yeah.. well just my luck, it will be on my test.. i've already emailed the xzone folks.. they emailed me back just asking for a "name".. i didn't know whether they meant me, Claudia Rumwell, or the name of the anatomy.. so, though it's wrong on the x-zone. i'll have to stick with SMA.. why? because the celiac artery is the first one.. the splenic vein isn't above it. You are funny!!!! Well for what it's worth at least you may get this one right! seattle ultranewbie in Santa Fe, New Mexico said: I was not allowed to use the calculator. It was definitely allowed for the SPI, but NOT for vascular. There were at least 3 segmental questions on my test, and the Q.A./statistics. I quit my job to study for this because they wouldn't allow me time off to take it. (this was mentioned in one of my earlier posts prior to the exam). I will say a good 4 weeks of very focussed studying should get you through.. More time than that really isn't necessary. The book by Claudia Rumwell was a very good investment why? Because it's EXACTLY everything she covers in her seminars and THEN some. It's on the Davies Publishing website. She covers stuff in this book that might or might not show up on the test. The x-zone is kind of like a wake-up call for that which isn't covered in the Davies.. Things you'll need to know. The boards don't seem to "go in-depth" with the pathology.. It's the way that they "word their answers"... It's not "straight forward" and as someone else posted, you're stuck with just choosing the "best answer" out of about 4 options. Know your anatomy. That is one thing i have emphasize, because they are very "round a bout" on this as well. For the anatomy portion did you have to know how the vessels lie to one another like the left renal vein crosses anterior to the aorta and posterior to the sma? ytorres0 ULTRASOUNDTECH in Palm Harbor, Florida said: how much? $40 Gorp User User in Somewhere, Alabama said: Hello, I plan on taking the RVT (Registry for Vascular Technologist) ARDMS exam next month and was wondering if anyone can offer some insight about the exam. What is covered, exact questions or topics? I am willing to trade notes about other registries. Great going. You can make people happy, provide guidance, support and help the economy. Would you do it in the arctic? humairafarukh User User in Somewhere, Alabama said: Hello, I plan on taking the RVT (Registry for Vascular Technologist) ARDMS exam next month and was wondering if anyone can offer some insight about the exam. What is covered, exact questions or topics? I am willing to trade notes about other registries. I passed my RVT exam. today. I don't think it is a difficult exam if you have read thoroughly. Many questions were branches of arteries and veins. for example which of the following 2 veins make brachiocephalic vein. question about sensitivity specificity etc. Questions on Images(drawnings, ultrasound and few angiograms)for example in a drawing which number indicates middle cerebral art. etc. About one question I am still confused was what is characteristic of hyperemic response 1- increase diastolic vel. 2 decreased systolic/diastolic ratio. One answer was to be choosen. laurenalexis0924[at] *****.*** vadhiya[at]*.com in Brooklyn, New York said: Hi , I have Edlemans Vascular book. Its for $200 plus shipping. Let me know if interested. vadhiya[at]*.com. OK, what year? How are the images? Is it a copy or the orignal? Htle82 Vascular RVTguy in Rosedale, Maryland said: Hi There, I just passed my RVT exam and selling my all study materials,pls email me vascularguy1[at]*.com Which books do you have? laurenalexis0924[at] *****.*** vips in New Brunswick, New Jersey said: Hello, I have 2013 Vascular Ultrasound book from Edleman's seminar. I am planning to sell it for $165. Email me at vadhiya[at]*.com if interested. Thanks. Hi I am interested if you still have seminar book. pls email me. mahsa washington in Kent, Washington said: Hi I am planning to take my spi in a couple of weeks. i was wondering if you know what i should focus on thanks! Study the Davies mock cd. echobridget whataschool in Longwood, Florida said: Can you pls share with me, anything you have for RVT? any questions, notes, Cd, etc? Hello is it possible for you to share any Vascular info you have for the RVS exam it would be greatly appreciated...bridgetganey[at]*.com Anna whataschool in Longwood, Florida said: Can you pls share with me, anything you have for RVT? any questions, notes, Cd, etc? I would appreciate it if you could share them with me anjtka777[at]....com Anna whataschool in Longwood, Florida said: Hi, can you pls share any notes you have for vascular exam , pls?? I would appreciate it if you could share them with me. anjtka777[at]....com ULTRASOUNDTECH ytorres0 in New Port Richey, Florida said: I do email me [at] ytorres0[at]*.com for more info how much? whataschool Zayna Maaz in Glendale, California said: If you need the Vascular DAVIES MOCK EXAM CD.. email me zoonzoon[at] Live.com A must when studying.. all you need to PASS! Hi, do you still have your mock exam CD? let me know pls aliza.yashar[at]....com TX. songwriter Zohra Airington in Conroe, Texas said: Hey suparna, do you still have all the material for vascular registry?? I am interested in buying all from you... if you still have the vascular materials if you didn't sell them I would be interested bouche[at] optonline.net lecia Zohra Airington in Conroe, Texas said: Lynette in Spokane, Washington said: Hi Katie, I took and passed the ARDMS RVT exam this past Sat. I used the 3 part set from Davies publishing (review book, CD mock exam and bound note cards). I studied for 1 month and outlined the entire review book (47 typed pages!). I also took the practice exam on the ARDMS website for $25 (30 questions in 30 minutes). Good luck! Hey I am studying for my RVT at this time.. is there any way I can get the typed pages?? I have the Davies book and studying almost everyday... let me know pls... thank you much.. my email is kashish0316[at]*.com HEY, I AM LOOKING TO BUY THE NOTE CARDS AND THE 47 PAGES ASAP LOOKING TO TAKE MY TEST IN APRIL pls EMAIL ME AT olecia.williams[at]*.com THANKS andrew Zohra Airington in Conroe, Texas said: Lynette in Spokane, Washington said: Hi Katie, I took and passed the ARDMS RVT exam this past Sat. I used the 3 part set from Davies publishing (review book, CD mock exam and bound note cards). I studied for 1 month and outlined the entire review book (47 typed pages!). I also took the practice exam on the ARDMS website for $25 (30 questions in 30 minutes). Good luck! Hey I am studying for my RVT at this time.. is there any way I can get the typed pages?? I have the Davies book and studying almost everyday... let me know pls... thank you much.. my email is kashish0316[at]*.com Hey, have you found the study material you ate looking for? If not I have plenty, Davies 3 part series, Edleman's or should I say Rumwell and MccPharlin's flashcards and seminar book. If you would like to group together and study sometimes that would be awesome. newbee This artery terminates at the carotid bifurcation. The third branch off the aortic arch is the left subclavian artery. Name the most important branches of the subclavian artery. The most important branches off the subclavian artery are the verterbral, thyrocervical, internal thoracic and costocervical arteries. The verterbral arteries form a confluence after they enter the skull through the foreman magnum. What artery is formed my the confluence of the verterbral arteries. The basilar artery is formed by the confluence of the verterbral arteries. The basilar artery divides into which arteries to form part of the circle of Willis? The basilar artery divides into the posterior communicating arteries to form part of the circle of willis. Which artery originates from the common carotid artery, travels through the skull before giving off any branches? The internal carotid artery originates from the common carotid artery and travels through the skull before giving off any branches. Name the first branch that the ICA gives off. The caroticotypanic is the first branch the ICA gives off although it is not the first major branch. What is the first major branch the ICA gives off? The ophthalmic artery is the first major branch arising from the ICA. Name the intracranial branches arising from the carotid artery. The intracranial branches arising from the ICA are the opthalmic artery, the anterior choroidal artery, and the posterior communicating artery, then it divides into the middle cerebral artery (MCA) and the anterior cerebral artery (ACA). The part where the ICA divides into the MCA and ACA is known as the terminal ICA. What is the name given to the Internal carotid artery at its most distal part. This part of the ICA is imaged through the transorbital window on TCD and displays various directions of flow depending on the angle. For example parasellar:antegrade, supra-cliniod:retrograde, and genu: both? The name given to the Internal Carotid at its mo Texas Tech What part of the heart does the ascending aorta arise from? The ascending aorta arise from the left ventricle of the heart. How many branches does the ascending aorta have? The ascending aorta has two branches, the right and left coronary arteries. What forms the aortic arch? The aortic arch is formed by the ascending aorta. What is the Daniel [at] Loren......I studied all that but the Pegasus. I am interested in the Pegasus booklet that you have. pls email me at jhall_43[at]*.com Yeah, second time I took it, I made a 551....I was so close, and it's unbelievably frustrating!! [at] bdandron.....I'm studying everything [at] Loren mentioned, except for Pegasus. Maybe its what I need for the extra 4 points. [at] tammys....I studied Davies like crazy. I knew all those mock cd questions. I'm hoping the Pegasus will help. I'm retaking on Jan 31st, so hopefully, there won't be a fourth time. Its financially and mentally draining. seattle A midline catheter is a variation of a peripherally inserted central venous catheter (PICC line). A PICC is usually 50 cm or longer, inserted into an arm vein, and advanced until the tip is located in the superior vena cava is the answer SVC? does anyone know the answer? lauren Actually preparing for my RVT exam now, the information don't seem be really hard just way too much. I am interested in knowing how long did you all study the material before actually going to sit for your exam. I am studying Vascular Technology by Claudia Rumwell Mickey McPharlin, I also have the cd Rom from Davies and his mock exam review book questions, I don't particularly like the review books setup. I particularly like to answer comprehension questions in the order of my reading instead of having to find the.particular section in the review book. Haven't used the cd Rom yet because I am sure it is the same questions as the book. Just ordered the flashcards from Edleman's site. I think this will be a great way to reinforce the book concepts and answer comprehensive questions from the reading with the rationales. I have 2 additional Cd Rom downloadable for SPI physics and Vascular Technology if anyone is interested. The SPI exam was very consistent with Davies Cd Rom, I scored 656 out of 700 and finished my exam in 46 minutes. If interested let me know. dfr110 After being delayed for two months I took the ARDMS RVT registry yesterday and passed on the first attempt. ARDMS has all sorts of rules about discussing anything about the exam so I will not do this. However, I think it would be allowed to comment on the exam and the material I studied. First of all the exam is one of the worst I have ever taken in my life. I would sure like to know who specifically wrote some of the items and what references they were using to write those questions. There were numerous questions on that test that I have never seen anywhere in all my studies. And I studied everything that I could get my hands on. Very frustrating and I can see why people do not pass this. Every ARDMS I have taken has been like this. Unlike ARRT exams. Night and day. My best advice would be cut bait, and take any other exam you can to qualify in your State. Check the most recent requirements in your official Human Resources job description. If it says you can take the ARRT and/or CCI test do so. I have not decided if I want to sell my study material or not. Now if you must take the ARDMS test...good luck. Read the outline they use to have that told you the content area the registry test comes from. And then read OLDER reference material, since that has to be where they get these questions. My earlier posts reference what I studied. I am very relieved to have passed and celebrated but again, see why persons struggle with this. angie All I used to pass the RVT were the Flash Cards. I'd like to sell them for $40. I paid over $55 for them from the website Thanks, anna All you need a cv form signed by a certified RVT. I recently passed RVT so I know that. ESP Ultrasound Alright folks, I just did round two of this monster. Thought it was a cake-walk and was gonna pass....until I get the fail paper. So, any advice? I used X-zone and Davies, but keep getting stuck on the stupid QA false positive crap and grafts. Any advice? And anybody know based on your score how many you missed? jlheart also, this may sound weird, but even with segmental calculations, and QA/statistics? you are not allowed to bring in your calculator. Texas Tech Anita Congratulations, how long did you study, and did you actually feel prepared or did you feel.you needed to know more? anita123 in texas, Texas said: Passed my RVT exam on March 26!!........Its very hard guys but not in the sense of material but more like trick questions. Everything is left with two possible answers and you are left debating which one is the better answer. Here is what I remember from the test. Know your symptoms for lower ext arterial/vascular and how they compare to ABI, know your carotid/vertebral symptoms and how they compare to velocities. Anatomy pictures of PTV, ATV and Per (not ultrasound pictures), know how to calculate ABI. DEF know Sensitivity/Spec/Neg PP/Positive PP/ accuracy!!!, Allen test, Bypass (what material is used, what veins are used for what type of grafts), Stenosis is grafts, Stenosis is Renal Artery, AAA and risk factors, Picture of the butterfly (MCA and ACA), know the depths, SMA after eating before eating, Celiac velocities should not change with/without eating, Which flows are low resistance and high resistance. Analog graphs. Know how a waveform reflects the cardiac cycle, volume ppg, Carotid velocites related to %stenosis and collaterals for intracranial stenosis, few questions on when you have a steady venous flow where is the dx, Ascending and descending venographs, reynolds and that is all I can remember.........but study hard....do the xzones if you can....and when you get a question wrong go look it up read the paragraph/chapter......that way you will cover everything you don't know...that is how i studied after I read Rumwell like 2 times.........its a good way to review what you know and don't know......Good luck! Jess Any of You RVT's need a change of scenery? check out ultrasoundjobs.com songwriter Any one Have the newest Edleman exam book for the Vascular exam and also the DaviesBook with Cd.Does any one have suggestions on which book mimics the registry.i had to use three different boodks for the Abdomen. I am looking to buy the edleman review Vascular and Davies. lynn any one want to sell X ZONE for rvt.emailme at astroreiki[at]....com sonotech Any Pegasus CD to sell email me at maplesyrupkisses[at]*.com And I got another rejection email today. Still wondering what these people are thinking!!! How the do you expect me to get the experience if no one will hire me!!! Just a though! RDMS(OB/GYN) Julie Any suggestions on what books to study for the ARDMS Breast boards?? needvasculardaviescd Anybody has pegasus cd? jrbythesea in jacksonville fl Anybody knows a good tutor for ARDMS vascular exam in NYC area? Thanks rajafodder Anybody looking for an echo job in GTA should contact me ASAP. Raj sweedy2004 Anyone have any study material that you want to sell? Vascular stuff?? Leighanne Anyone have the Davies CD MOCK EXAM for sale?? Russell Anyone in NYC or close to NYC, Long Island, NJ, etc. looking to form a study group to get ready for Vascular Technology, RVT? I have great materials(text, notes, DVD, CD, audio CD) and willing to share. I think it's more productive to study in a group for me. Only locals should apply! Thanks. Texas Tech Anyone interested in an online study group for RVT preparation? samina Anyone kindly enough to share rvt notes Yoda 209 111 at g mail dot com zohra airington Anyone use the ESP book? I went to seminar last Oct wasnt sure if I could pass on this alone. I passed the ob/gyn of the ESP alone. Any advice? I also am using the ESP flash cards and a friend was going to let me use her Davies flash card and mock exam but not sure if they have updated the material since 2009. angie are they x-zones flash cards Roger As you call can see from the comments on page 14 of this thread, ESP is threatening to pursue legal action against those of us sharing useful information in our hopefully successful attempts to pass the vascular technologist exams. I, for one, do not know if the user ESP Ultrasound is a legitimate user name or not, however, if it is, I don't want any trouble. Therefore, I will no longer be forwarding the questions I received. I would imagine if anyone is willing to share the cost of the x-zone questions, those interested individuals could access a single account, at a discounted cost. I am simply making a suggestion, not telling anyone what to do. Thanks again to our friend Kent, and I wish you all luck and success on passing this exam. rizwan Attention recent RVT's, Is is true that it is 170 questions for 3 hours (180 min)? If so, did any of you have any extra time to review your answers? On the last SPI exam that I took, I know that if you mark a question you may go back, that is only if you mark it. What I want to know is am I missing a key where I can actually go back and re-check ALL my answers? That is if I have any time left. What's everyones experience? How long did it take to answer all the questions, and how much time was left to review your answers? I will be taking my RVT this Thursday. Thanks and congrats to all that passed this grueling exam. Sheri ATTN: RVT EXAM TAKERS Lets make this easy, all you have to study is the Davies Vascular Mock CD and 15 days before the RVT test, get ESP's X-Zone. I passed the first time. Study the CD inside and out, take the mock at least 40-50 times. Then the ESP X-Zone, do each section 30-40 times. I passed with flying colors. And you can do it too. I also make my own questions, it is 129 pages in a word document. Self- Made test by me. Preparation is KEY!!! lynn Awesome. Thank you. IO also emailed you. rajafodder can anybody guide me which review book is best for breast and for vascular. I am interested in used books,flash cards and cds. If anybody interested i have used ob/gyn gulf coast with 6 cds and pegasus spi physics hard cover registry review books. ali Can anyone pls explain me the differences between RVS and RVT in terms of finding a job. Is it easy to find a job if I get RVS. nicole Can anyone pls tell me what the eligibility requirements are to sit for RVT if you are already an RCDS? For example if you have a two year degree through a CAAHEP accredited program, but no clinical Vascular experience, only Cardiac. I've looked through ARDMS site, but still not so sure.... mmdieppa[at] *****.*** Can anyone tell me that the X zone and Davies CD mock exam are the same or different pls. Thanks in advance my email is nguyenhongque[at]*.com Heidi Wang Can anyone who has recently taken the exam let me know what you studied, focused on, wish you had studied more for the exam? Thanks! Lauren Can someone help me understand in simple version the false neg and false positive? I am so confused. Sometimes I am right and most of the time I get them mixed up. Is there an easier way to divide numbers to get the percent other than long version of division? Does the test already have them place in the 2x2 format and calculated for you? Thanks! I am taking my test the end of Sept. hope Can someone pls help me, I just graduated from ultrasound school in April 2012. I have not found a job yet; so I have no money. I need help with studying the RVT stuff, also I need to know what to use for preparation? If some one can loan me some books or material to prepare for exam that will be very helpful. pls email and let me know, I can offer some money but not allot. my email address is fazallove[at]*.com sasi can u pls tell me what did you study ? vascular tech exam ? thanks. samina Can you pls kindly email me your notes...I'm taking mine in a month or so...thanks really appreciated.. Puja0616[at]....com rajafodder Can you share RVT notes if these are electronic copy. Thanks Raj abid Clinical Verification are to be sign by a certified Vascular Tech that Directly Observed the applicant performs the minimum core clinical skills independently and effectively. Applicants MUST be evaluated while scanning actual patients. Submitting False Documentation to ARDMS is a VIOLATION of ARDMS rules and may result in sanctions including but not limited to REVOCATION of certifications and Eligibility for registrations in ALL Categories. So for those guys that would like me to sign their CV, I regretfully there is no way, that I'll jeopardize my license. I understand your situations and you just have to go back to plan A. Smiles a lot and say pretty plseeeee to your RVT buddies!!! anita123 Come on aboard, you are so close, you may just need to hear something another way to get you over the edge, you definitely know something to get that close usually when you are that close, it is usually test anxiety or something very minimal. Would like to study with you when you are ready! tammys in Plymouth, Michigan said: I would be very interested in an online study group. I am trying to pass the rvt exam. I took it last week and scored 540. I just need to sharpen up a little bit more. gemini_breeze Congradulation Anita ! can you pls write for me what material did you studied ? next week i will take the vascuar exam ? Thanks. rajafodder Congrats Damian,You have done well.I will buy your stuff. Email me on rajafodder[at]....com with the price and thank you. ultranewbie congratulations on passing your exam! How long did you study for your board and did u feel the zone helped you? I'm plannibg to purchase but wasn't sure since it is expensive. How much time did u put into studying and was the board questions tricky or go in depth with each pathology? And were u allowed to use the calculator for calculations ultranewbie in Idaho Falls, Idaho said: well, i posted a reply, Tacomna, but because "Indeed.com" is watching, apparently, it won't let me post. i have to take the exam in a few days. i ran across this in the Rumwell book. and figured, might as well study it. cover all of your bases. You never know what might pop up on the test. Remember there are several of them. it wasn't even mentioned in the seminar or in the seminar material. rachael Congratulations Sherry!!! could you give any insights on what to focus on more than others and were there formulas? thank you samina COULD YOU ALSO SEND ME VASCULAR CARDS FOR 25 $ MY E-MAIL IS ITRAT41[at]*.COM THANKS CZ CW for venous doppler ? Don't think so. "Davies says pulsatile flow is abnormal in veins but at page 33 it says the effect of a right heart contraction is readilly tranmitted to upper extremity veins so the pulsatile flow in more prevalent in upper extremities than in lower." Ok - pulsatility in an UPPER extremity vein is normal, but not in lower. If seen in the lower extremity veins it suggests elevated right heart pressures. Let's share info and what anyone remembers from the registry tests. songwriter Dear Patti I am in the same boat.I am registered in aAbdomen but every job seems to want at least 1 years experience.Vascular seems to be in demand.I recommend you look into Pegasus ecourse you can go at your own pace a retain more.It is much harder supposedly then the test but I have't taken the vascular yet ,but from what I have heard it is extremely difficult. Arm yourself with whatever will help. Steph Def interested... How much for the Davies books? You cAn email me at stephaniesap[at]*. Com thanks and congrats angie did they cover a lo of ppg and penile on yours? Jenniheart in Flushing, New York said: Hey guys just wanted to let you know I finally passed my RVT today!! I'm so happy. Thanks for all the great advice and suggestions. I really recommend the x zone questions I did those non stop and really reviewed sensitivity specificity and all those. Good luck to anyone taking the test, it's a difficult one but do worth it when you pass!! Nancy Did you get my email address?? pls contact me!! Thx mingy do u still have them? angiedw2006[at]*.com ultranewbie Do we need to cover opg-gee for the board? usvascular Do you know how much for the Davies CD? Thank you donya Do you know the deadline for tech to be registered in RVT or RVS for Medicare reimbursement? Texas Tech Do you remember any questions either from the exam. or ARDMS practice test. Were there any question from plethysmography. Plethysmography, I feel a very weird subject and I don't think it is still used in labs. thanks Shami Do you still have those 500 questions, I need to study for my Exam ? Let me know how much you want for them, and we can arrange pick up? Thanks. ketu Does any one has sell for vascular mock exam for davis and x zone/ whataschool Does anybody have any materials for Vascular registry exam that they could share, pls? I did not learn much about vascular in my school and I understand it is a very hard exam to pass. I am a student and my husband is unemployed for the past 6 months, I cannot afford to pay for extra materials to purchase. I would appreciate any tests, flashcards, web sites, notes, anything that could help me pass the exam. Thank you. Britt Does anybody have resources to study vascular ardms exam? Sonographer123 Does anybody have the Davies vascular cd-mock exam for sale? jay Does anybody know if the ARDMS RVT Test has lots of physics? pls let me know! Thanks! lauren Does anyone else have a Davies RVT text for sale? pls email me at lauren.payne76[at]....com. Thanks! washington Does anyone has Pegasus's Vascular CD ? bobbyrn2012[at]....com Anna Does anyone have any time left on vascular xzone? Willing to split to cost. duttasuvash Does anyone have Edlemans Vascular review book, I'm interested to buy, pls email me with offer at scd68mkt74usa[at]*.com Dutta jtrig Does anyone have the Davies Mock CD ROM for RVT (Mac) for sale? lauren Does anyone have the Davies Publishing vascular mock c.d. (650 questions) for sale? pls email me at lauren.payne76[at]....com Thanks! mingy does anyone have the davies study materials for Vascular they are done with? ill buy whatever you have thx B Sonogirl DOES ANYONE HAVE THE DAVIES VASCULAR MOCK EXAM CD FOR SALE? Sonogirl does anyone have the davies vascular mock exam cd for sale? pls email me at ultrasoundtech0803[at]*.com trishasturrup Does anyone have the davies vascular registry cd with 600 questions for sale. seguramel Does anyone have the flash cards, mock exam CD, and/or study guide from Davies or ESP for the Vascular and SPI exams for sale? TCH4AL does anyone have the vascular flashcards for sale? pls email me sonographer123[at]*.com washington Does anyone have the VIP code for Pegasus RVT. I want to purchase the CD but it is $165 without code. pls help! Email me at jacquesimaging[at]....com Helpneeded Does anyone know what they asked in the RVT exam? Like was it more cerebral vascular stuff? A few of my co-workers have said, be sure to know the slices of the extremities and its corresponding artery or veins (anatomy), also know sensitivity and specificity, all relationship between velocity and degree of stenosis (like a velocity of 300 is a <79-99% stenosis), if anyone else knows anything pls post. All help needed or email me....taral83[at]....com scanner711 Does anyone remember a question on their test that asked what happens to the diastolic component in segmental pressures using reactive hyperemia? Texas Tech Does anyone want to participate on an online study group for RVT preparation? Deeply concerned!!! does the zone give you new questions each time you restart the test? Did you find the zone helpful? DULCE in Gainesville, Florida said: THE XZONE YOU PURCHASE FOR THE TIME YOU NEED TO PRACTICE THE MOCK QUESTIONS,YOU CAN PRACTICE THOSE OVER & OVER ALL DAY AND NIGHT. WHICH I FEEL IS VERY MUCH LIKE THE RVT EXAM. ONCE YOU HAVE MASTERED THE XZONE AND SCORE OVER A 95% YOU ARE READY TO SIT FOR THE BOARDS, THE FLASHCARDS ARE ALSO VERY HELPFUL AND YOU CAN STUDY AT YOUR OWN PACE, YOU CAN ALSO PURCHASE THOSE ONLINE [at] HIS WEBSITE.THE DAVIES REVIEW FOR VASCULAR WAS ALSO EXCELLENT. dfr110 donya...on a macro level it actually varies from State to State and even within the States, ultimately varies by whomever your fiscal intermediary is. Best way to determine this is to get on the SDMS website. On this website they have a very well-designed method for finding out the answer. Just be sure to follow the steps carefully. This should ultimately help you. Leighanne Email me Heftypep2007[at] * dot com Damian RCS Email me about vascular stuff Thx Heftypep2007[at]*.com Damian RCS email me and I can send some xzone questions to you. my email is stewarts2004[at] comcast.net Lynette email me pls, lynetteLK at* dot com jobseeker67 Email me: heftypep2007[at]*.com salma email me: sabouelhouda[at] ymail.com Texas Tech Every Ultrasound image I had on my test was extremely vague. They were aweful. I literally had to guess the answer and I know my anatomy but the image quality was just that bad. Shocking. I think any new grad considering sitting for the RVT should seriously consider some clinical experience prior. Just my opinion. Book smarts alone may not be enough. This test has the lowest pass rate and by far was twice as difficult as the ABD OBYGYN and Physics. Even the pre 2007 physics which was twice as hard as the new one. twislr For those of you who have used the x-zone questions, does anyone know if you can access them with an ipad? Megs from x zone learn direction of flow,specificity and sensitivity, spectral pattern if proximal cc occlusion, ic pattern if intracranial ic occlusion,cc pattern if ic occlusion, flow in transcranial vessels,subclavian steal, different appearance of ulcers,velocity and flow pattern at site of stenosis,what is direction if transcranial window and if transorbital acces and what vessel if sub occipital approach also very important is normal velocities in graft and diagnosis of graft failure, renal transplant failure, intrarenal vessels resistivity and sensitivity index identify renal vein, sma celiac vessels ivc also mesenteric colic, effct of inspiration and expiration on both lower and upper extremity flow also diagnosing, superficial veis and deep veins valve problem MY POINT IS THERE ARE ABOUT 170 QUESTIONS AND THREE HOURS SO EVERY THING IS EASILY COVERED BY BOARDS GOOD LUCK PRAY ALLAH FOR EASINES tammys go to ARDMS.org, click the link: "prepare for exams" and there will be a link that will say "Exam Outline".. pick out the one you're going to be studying for. also, Claudia Rumwell emailed me regarding the "SMA" apparently, there was a mistake on the x-zone. it is definitely the SMA.. She, as well as myself wondered why no one picked this up before? I hope folks got it right on their test.. So just in case.. laura C Good Luck on your vascular exam. Edeleman is the best. I take his seminars too. Passed SP&I with his book and X zone. I am taking the OB/GYN soon. Would you be interested in selling your vascular seminar book when your done? I have to take that next and he wont be back in my area until July 2012. J P in Birmingham, Alabama said: Hi, I'm taking the Vascular test in a few days. I've been studying mostly Edelmam's seminar book, as well as the x-zone from his website. Majority of sonographers that I know have said that's all you'll need. I'll let you know how it goes. Good Luck ketu good question. i studied it twice in Claudia Rumwell's Davies book. If you had attended the seminar, you might have noticed - she never mentioned it. It's not even in our seminar studies. It's not even mentioned on the x-zone, OR The Davies CD.. Well.. i'm studying it anyway.. i don't want to be one of those folks who tells everyone AFTER the fact, that it's going to come up.. Kind of like that "Displacement Plethysomography" test? the one with the hand in the glove and water chimney? apparently, that was out-dated, but it showed up again on the RVT exam. I'm taking the test in a couple of days, so i'm covering all the bases on this one..good luck! steve ramsey Greeting from Calgary Any body interested of buying my notes 1500 mc questions for spi us physics and answers, review cards , and many simulation questions plus 400 mc adult echo pls e mail me at drsteveramsey[at]....com all for 50 usa dollars I passed my spi exam with 680/ 700 thanks steve bbbling Greetings, Be informed that much of the activity on this website is copyright infringement. Violations of copyright is a crime. ESP Ultrasound actively protects our rights. If this activity does not stop, ESP will seek legal remedies. Thank you. Erica U in New Jersey said: If anyone wants the x-zone questions from Kent Chang, pls email me at qtpyinnj[at] ....com. He was kind enough to send them to me, and I told him I'd share with anyone who wanted them. I just ask one thing, if I don't respond immediately, DO NOT email me again. I will get to you as soon as I can. Good luck to everyone, and study hard!!! bbbling Greetings, Be informed that much of the activity on this website is copyright infringement. Violations of copyright is a crime. ESP Ultrasound actively protects our rights. If this activity does not stop, ESP will seek legal remedies. Thank you. Karen in Hollywood, Florida said: Sorry guys I didn't receive the x-zone notes as of yet I was just thanking her in advance. dbaryosef Has anybody used the ESP x-zone for studying for the vascular technology exam? If yes did you find it helpful? I'm using it now and I find it extremely confusing and hoping that the ARDMS exam does not compare to it... Did you find the Ardms EXAM TO BE EASIER? (oops caps lock). I'm also using the Davies CD and find it a lot more helpful and more descriptive... lauren Has anyone appealled a test before? hoangkenny Has anyone been able to pass the RVT exam without having a strong back ground in Vascular. tammys Has anyone ever taken the P.A.S.S. registry review. I am about to pay $240. that I really dont have to try to pass this test. I am racking my brain to pass and I am getting pretty frustrated. ultrasoundRVT Has anyone recently took the RVT exam and remember key questions or topics? Cute RVT has anyone successfully appealed an RVT exam? I took it 2 months ago and got a 550 and had no idea an appeals process even exsisted until yesterday. any replies are much appriciated! lauren Has anyone taken the new CCI Vasc test (part 1 and 2 combined)? I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what to study. The breakdown on their website isn't really helping. I'm going through the cd of 665 questions from Davies Publishing. I'm curious to know if I'm wasting my time. If anyone can pls email me with suggestions, I would really appreciate it! Thanks, Lauren lauren.payne76[at]....com Karyna Has anyone taken the P.A.S.S. registry review webinar? I am about to pay $240. of which I really dont have to try to pass this test. I am getting pretty frustrated!!! november557 Has anyone tried the www.ultrasoundregistryreview.com? I have just found the website and would like to try it but I do not wnat to waste the money if it won't help me. Any input would be great. Tammy kadir Has anyone used "Rite Advantage" CD for RVS that I will be taking soon, Is it helpful or not. If not, I do not want to waste my time although I am studying from Davies's CD. Do you also think that difficulty level of RVS is the same as RVT or not. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Roger Has anyone used Rite Advantage to prepare for the RVT? If so, how was it? Thanks! Sheri Has anyone used the Ocean Ultrasound review material to study for the RVS/RVT??? If so your opinion pls! Thanks!! sonotech63 Has it been taken. Ill pay you 75 for it. mona9459[at]*.com April Have you gotten rid of the Davies textbook? If not I am interested in getting that from you. Leighanne Heftypep2007[at]*.com Leighanne Heftypep2007[at]*.com Thx!!! lynn Hello - I just sat for my technical vascular test today and did not pass. It had a question on QA for accuracy. (TP + TN)/(TP+FP+FN+TN) with none of the multiple choices being correct. It was one of the first question, so after that I was frustrated and confused. They told me to appeal the test. anna Hello all, can anyone tell me if you have to have additional clinical hours for ARDMS's RVT if you are already an RDCS as well as an RCS? Or can you just sit for the exam after study and preparation? Pilates Hello Everyone , I Will be taking My exam At The end Of The month, i am studying but i feel like i dont know enough , i havent been studying in The last months , i hope god helps me because is very important for me to pass this exam and i can change The appointment , i Will have to pay again and schedule again... But you never know maybe i do pass , My problem is that At School they only have me one month Of vas uñas and i had to study everything by myself ,With no help , i Still cant undestand about The " ABI " if you have any website where i can learn With vídeos about ir pls let me know thanks !!!! Jorcheer98[at] *****.*** Hello everyone! I am going to begin studying for the Vascular Technology exam and I was wondering if anyone has used any of the weekend review seminars. I have looked into Pegasus and Gulf Coast so far. Any recommendations or input? Also, any study pointers, material, notes, etc. would be appreciated immensely!!!! My email is jorcheer98[at] ....com Thanks Everyone & Good Luck to all future test takers!!!! MissLys Hello Everyone, I am selling Introduction to Vascular Scanning: A Guide for the Complete Beginner (Introductions to Vascular Technology)(3rd Edition) [Paperback]on Amazon.com. If you would like to buy it, pls buy it from me, MissLys. Thank you very much :)! jessmawson Hello, Anyone selling Vascular Registry review books, cd, download? pls email me at Sonogrl9[at]*.com tammys Hello, I am looking for Ede;men's RDMS review book. If you have iy for sale, pls contact me [at] karolinacz[at]*.com Robcky Hello, I bought the pegasus lectures test CD or DVD. it has 24 practice tests, but to be honest with you, I studied and take some test and I did never passed them. I took my CCI RVS test and I did pass it. So the practice tests in the cd are very hard and very tricky. I suppose they are good for practice, but if you get it, don't worry if you don't pass the practice test. I am a proof that you can still pass the test without passing those ones in the CD. vips Hello, I have 2013 Vascular Ultrasound book from Edleman's seminar. I am planning to sell it for $165. Email me at vadhiya[at]*.com if interested. Thanks. tammys Hello, Would you mind sending me your note/ material used for you to pass your test? I would be so thankful! pls let me know! xlucyxnguyenx[at]....com Lucy ultranewbie Hello, congratulations to all of you passing your RVT exam. I'm registered in Ob/gyn , I'd like take RVT. Is there anyone who can sign my CV form? Let me know pls bogusialibera[at]*.com tammys Hello, first I would like to say congratulations to you all on completing school. I will start in fall 2011 and was wondering if anyone knew of an online forum/study group for students studying Vascular Diagnostic Ultrasound Doppler studies? I am an older student (empty nester) and can use all the help I can get. Again congratulations!! dabogs7 Hello, I am interested in the Davies Vascular review book and CD would you give me a price quote? Thanks, tri maggie Hello, I have a Davies Vascular Technology CD rom for sale for a MAC computer Maggie Hello, I have the Davies Ultrasound Physics Review book (Q & A) for sale. If interested pls email me. sonomms[at] ....com Maggie Hello, I just passed my RVT exam. I have the "Davies Score Cards" for sale. pls email me if interested sonomms[at] ....com mili Hello, I'M ALSO GETTING READY TO TAKE THE RVT EXAM. I HAVE BEEN READING SOME MATERIALS WHICH I HAVE PURCHASED AND I DONT FEEL LIKE ITS BEEN ALL THE HELP I NEED TO PASS THE EXAM. I CAN'T AFFORD TO PURCHASE THE DAVIES CD ROM AND WANTED TO KNOW IF IT WAS POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO pls EMAIL IT TO ME AS WELL.. THANKS IN ADVANCE Roger Helloooo this is united state of america; if I buy the x zones I can share it with who ever I want; id I did pass my board I can share my experience with who ever I want ; this is a free country and I dont think ESP wrote this comment; this comment was made by a really bad person that only wants to scared people , when you leave any test exam ypu dont remember any question and every test is different ; there are too many questions ... is impossible to know everything because you dont know in which questions you answer right or wrong... so pls stop playing with people. This is my opinion .good luck to all of you and dont let anyone to tell you what to do. JB Help, Help, Help I am taking the RVT exam in 2 months, very scared. I had to learn vascular on my own and it is very hard. Anyone pass have any good tips on things that i should focus on the most and good study guides???? scanner711 Here are my study materials that helped me pass my RVT: ESP's vascular course. You get a book that covers the exam outline, you get FREE X zone, and you get discount on other materials ESP sells (vascular cards, which I bought). Plus the professors that teach the Vascular course have written books on Vascular (Mcfarlin and Rumwell). They answered additional questions through email that I had. Introduction to Vascular scanning - Don Ridgeway. Pretty good read. Pacific Vascular - They offer courses in all aspects of Vascular, I've taken all of them. The Vascular foundation (4 day), Venous Insufficiency (1 day), Transcranial Doppler and imaging (3 days) and Abdominal (3 days). Each day is 4 hours of lecture and 4 hours of hands on. The Vein book - I was learning more on venous insufficiency as that is become another branch off vascular. Wes Todd's Cardiovascular science book Vol 1. Believe or not, that first book has a wide variety of great material for echo, cath, vascular, and ep. Truly a great resource. Vascular ultrasound: how why and where. It also comes with a dvd with a few clips. Of course - my internship, where I learned to scan arterial and venous and use the machines to maximize the study. Mahsa Hey are you selling your ESP for ob/gyn I would like to purchase it.. thanks angie Hey guys just wanted to let you know I finally passed my RVT today!! I'm so happy. Thanks for all the great advice and suggestions. I really recommend the x zone questions I did those non stop and really reviewed sensitivity specificity and all those. Good luck to anyone taking the test, it's a difficult one but do worth it when you pass!! ultranewbie hey guys, i'm doing the x-zone.. there's a pic of splenic vein, the sma, and the left renal vein. even in the Vascular book by Rumwell, there is a color plate of this same pic.. the xzone asks: what is this arrow pointing to.. and their answer is: celiac artery. where as when you look in the book at the color plate at that very same illustration, they have the arrow pointing at the same anatomy and it says: SMA.. wtf? ali Hey I am doing the x-zones and wanted to know if any of the question are on the exam. I was told that many of the questions are from the test itself, similar at least. I have read the Rumwell, I did the Davies mock questions and now got the x-zones for 5 days....I don't know what more to do.....I still get quite a few wrong, but those questions are related to clinical stuff....is there a lot of questions like that on the exam? Texas Tech Hey it's Monday night where is everyone for the online study group?? fazallove[at] *****.*** Hey Kent, sorry for your workload songwriter Hey Russell I live on Long Island have most study materials would be interested also have Skype another way to study. my email is bouche[at] optonline.net Laura Hey Texas Tech in Vidor- Interested in your study materials, what is your email? Texas Tech Hey were you able to open up the notes that sent labeled aortic arch? I just came in from church and I had an email from Tammy. She was not able too. I also sent it to my* mail address and I opened it up just fine. I don't know why it isn't working. Let me know if you were able to open it and if not maybe we will open up a group on Facebook and that way when van post and have real time interaction. My notes consisted of questions along with the answers. I will post it on here tonight just to see if you all like the format or would you rather just have questions. I personally like it this way and later apply it to questions. Either way we will cover all of the material and be able to apply it in a technical setting. It is a process and it will work. As I have observed from the various comments you will not know what test you will get, so it doesn't matter what someone else's test had on it. Stick to the outline and cover ALL of the material so you are prepared for ANY test. One thing that holds true is the information cannot change."It is what it is"! If you start off learning the basics as you progress the material comes up again adding more information. gemini_breeze in Rutherford, New Jersey said: I would be Texas! Online study group sounds great! I'm taking my RVS first next month, then pending passing that, I am taking the RVT. Already passed the SPI last month. What's your email? Email me jenilozauskas[at]*.com edunn Hey yall, Taking RVT in November. Just curious, those of you who have already passed, how long did you study for before you took the test? ameea06ameea Hey you two. I have all the study materials and I never thought of skype. If that would work, I would love to have a study group. I cant seem to pass the rvt, I have taken it five times and need a study group. mahsa Hey, does anyone have any type of suggestions of what would be some good material to study for the RVT exam. i am totally confused on what would be good material. Should I purchase Xzone,mock exams, and also what type materials to study. I have The Vascular Tech book (Davies 2nd edition), and the ESP Vascular Tech book as well, which are basically the same book cause both are written by the same authors. This will be the third time around for me and I really could use any and all suggestions. Also what is a good study time factor. In the pass I study for at least 2 mths in advance, which probably wasnt a good idea being that material could be forgotten. i know that whats in the book is totally different from the actual test. BE HELP ME WITH SUGGESTIONS!!!!!!!! Loren Hey, I will be taking my vascular technology exam for the 7th time next month. I've tried everything, seminars, mock registry cds. I'm so frustrated and disappointed with myself. If anyone was any tips or notes I would be so appreciative. pls email me with any suggestions. Thanks jpfaeffle82[at]....com lecia hey,sherry congrats i took the test and fail it by three points. taking it again in march. pls email me at olecia.williams[at]*.com to get some insight on what was on your exam to see which version u got i also only use the vasclar 4th edition. thanks kotkotkoty[at] *****.*** Hey,you all. If anyone wants to repeat physics material once again before the test, here are questions. www.flashcardexchange.com/flashcards/list/823851 sasiana Hi I was wondering if anyone had for sale the Davies Vascular review book and CD mock exam? I am looking for a more current one. ak689[at] wowway.com Thanks!! laurenalexis0924[at] *****.*** Hi I am interested in the Vascular workbook. Can you e-mail me about ti laurenalexis0924[at]....com Thanks Lauren tammys Hi Could you pls send more information as I am getting ready for this exam............. You help will be appropriated. Thanks. Shami Hi Hope you PASSED you Exam, Now I am going for it next month and I just wondering if you could help me..... Your support will be very much appropriated. I plan on taking the RVT (Registry for Vascular Technologist) ARDMS exam next month and was wondering if anyone can offer some insight about the exam. What is covered, exact questions or topics? songwriter Hi ,I know what you mean.My email is bouche[at] optonline.net.I have started to study for it.Email me and let's discuss any possibilities .Hang in There. noname hi abid, can u share ur experience for rvt exam, do u have any material to sell plz email me [at] rizkaplan[at]*.com i am in toronto ontario. thanx Abid in Markham, Ontario said: I passed my RVT exam. today. I don't think it is a difficult exam if you have read thoroughly. Many questions were branches of arteries and veins. for example which of the following 2 veins make brachiocephalic vein. question about sensitivity specificity etc. Questions on Images(drawnings, ultrasound and few angiograms)for example in a drawing which number indicates middle cerebral art. etc. About one question I am still confused was what is characteristic of hyperemic response 1- increase diastolic vel. 2 decreased systolic/diastolic ratio. One answer was to be choosen. Karen Hi Ali my email address is bass_karen[at] att.net pls email me with your info I'm interested in phone tutoring...PLZ HELP! Dbaryosef Hi all, has anyone just studied the Davies CD for the RVT exam and passed? I'm debating whether to get a 5 day xzone as well.. everything is just costing so much money :/.. I've been using the CD for a few weeks now and have been passing with 75-79. How similar is the info on the CD with the actual ARDMS exam. I passed my OB last year doing mock exams but I can honestly say that the ARDMS exam was soo much harder. Any feedback would help :). Thanks sonotech HI anyone selling pegasus CD for RVT exam? pls let me know I need it so badly. Thanks muniza hi can you lease sell your devis breast brandsworld Hi does anyone have the Davies mock exams cd for sale, email me at sydjay00[at]*.com Loren Hi Everyone Could someone pls email me that 47 page outline? I am sitting for the RVT exam in 2 weeks and would appreciate some last minute material. Thank you so much and I enjoyed reading everyone's input on the exam. Im really nervous my email is Amanda21thornton[at]*.com ultranewbie Hi Everyone, I am selling a total of 4 ultrasound books on Amazon.com, pls buy from me if you need any of these books...my ratings speak for themselves. My name on there is Misslys626. I am selling: The Complete Guide to Vascular Ultrasound [Paperback] by Arger, Peter H. Introduction to Vascular Ultrasonography(Fifth Edition) [Hardcover] General and Vascular Ultrasound: Case Review Series [Paperback] Ultrasound Secrets [Paperback] by Dogra MD, Vikram S. and Rubens MD, Deborah J. Thank you very much!! songwriter Hi everyone, for those who already took the SPI exam, is it difficult? how many questions did you have and what study materials you reviewed? Can you site examples as how the questions go? Maria Hi guys! I am looking used Vascular book for RVT test,, I read on this site Pegasus Book is more focused, Rumwell is good as well.. if anyone like to sell for reasonably price i will get it.. My email november557[at]*.com Natalia robcky Hi has anyone here enrolled for pegasus lectures? pls reply Steph Hi how are you I'm wondering if you can email me your notes on the 47 pages! I plan on taking my RVT next month and I am super nervous. Stephyp8[at]....com. If you need anything for abdomen or obgyn I can send you. khaalis Hi i am looking for Rvt and breast ultrasound material.I am planning to buy used and best material. pls let me know if anybody is selling sanaajeddi Hi i have just moved to Dallas and i am taking my rvt in april is there anyone interested in discussion pls email me ...bilal678[at]*.com....i can do it on phone,face to face or even skype ...Thank you ultranewbie Hi I have vascular ESP SEMINAR book (not copy) for sell .email me at pujanaseeb[at]....com sonoseeker25 Hi I want study buddy for Vascular (rvt) in Detroit Michigan. If anybody preparing for vascular exam like to study I am interested. Texas Tech Hi I WOULD BE INTERESTED IN A ONLINE STUDY GROUP HOW WOULD THAT WORK? pls email at bouche[at] optonline.net Thanks kentchang Hi Iam selling my ESP's orange flash cards for 50$ if you are interested pls email me borax711[at]....com Erica U Hi Karen,I am sure you are getting many requests for your notes if you can could you pls email me them at bouche[at] optonline.net Thank you so much you are really nice to do this. Paulette Shikha Asthana Hi Loren, Can you sign my CV form. I want to take RVT exam.I live in the Bay area. Like you my job is also at stake.If you can help me pls. There were people whom I know do not want to sign as they have passed the test. If you know anyone who can sign it will be of great help to me. Loren Hi Loren, I wanted to take RVT exm. Your message and info. was very helpful. If you could pls sign my CV form. My email is shikha.astha[at]....com Armine Hi Mauren Just read you comment and would like to talk to you about the material that you have and study with you as well. My email is oarmine77[at]....com Thanks Armine tammys Hi Nikki, yes I received your email, but I cannot open it either. At first I thought it was because I didn't have a google account, but when I created it one it said that I didn't have the needed permission to access it. Pilates Hi pls send me a copy Also plseeeeee LOL Yanetberon[at]....com dabogs7 Hi there! Congratulations on passing the exam. I have just started studying and have all the materials except study materials for SPI Physics. I have no idea where to begin. I would be interested in your Vascular Physics materials if you are willing to part with them. I'd be happy to purchase them. Could you let me know if you still have them available? Thank you so much. I'd be so appreciative. Lisa kim Hi There, I am selling my ESP seminar's Vascular Flash Crads for 50$. Davies Vascular Mock Exams 40$. pls email me vascularguy1[at]....com new RVT Hi There, I have 1)ESP Vascular Book 2)Davies Mock Exams 3)ESP Vascular Flash Cards... 4)Physics review CD, by Terrence Case, FOR SALE.. pls EMAIL me. bobbyrn2012[at]....com jlheart Hi Y'all! I am scheduled to take the Vascular Portion in two weeks. I have read, reviewed, and flashcarded until I am venous blue in the face! I was wondering if anyone has any outlines or question lists that they made up for the exam that they are willing to share. I hate being a begger but with my husband loosing his job of 21 years 3 weeks ago I have become painfully frugal! I plan on making a list of the subject and questions that I remember from the exam immediately after I take it to share with whomever wants it. Any help will be most appreciated and I will be very grateful for your generousity and assistance. Thanks so much!!! sas1969[at]*.com november557 HI!! I was wondering if anyone has the ESP vascular study? The one from Edlemans weekend review. I would PAY you for a copy of it!! I graduated over 10 years ago in general US and now have to pass the RVT for my job or be fired!!! I have the ESP Abd and Physic study guide to trade!!!!!!!! PLEAE HELP!!! Doc Al Hi, I am preparing for RVT, I wanted to ask if MOCK CD having 650 questions is Physics books having Vascular questions. Thanks anita123 Hi, Can anyone pls tell me what is the best study guide for RVT exam? Loren hi, can you tell me what is the 47 page review book? was it davies?Thanks Im trying to study for my physics then vas. thnaks ultranewbie Hi, There I am from Maryland area, I'll take my Vascular exam next week. Also, I have job interview next week. By the chance if anyone working in Maryland area; I would like to observe for least couple hours.Because;I graduated 3 years ago so I forgot to scan. I appreciate any kind help. pls e mail me; rick.654321[at]*.com dabogs7 hi, there... you still have time on your vascular x-zone? i'm interested. email me kindly? dabogs[at]*.com Jobless Sono Tech Hi. I am a Respiratory Therapist and I am in process of Enrolling in a bridge program for ultrasound tech.My Ultimate goal is to become an RVT. Does anyone have any Suggestions for me to help direct my path in the right direction? Thx! muniba hi...im taking the vascular exam in a week ... if anyone can pls send me any multiple choice questions they might have i'll really appreciate it...also if there is any advice regarding the test and study material ... thanks my email is muniba_ayaz[at]*.com jorcheer98 Hi..i am scheduled to take my breast exam next week. Does anybody have any insight on what else i need to cover or does anybody remember anything that was asked? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!! Thanks! oarmine Hi.I am looking for a tutor who can help me to pass my vascular exam. I just can't do it on my own. Or, if you are in NYC area and want to study together, pls contact me. If you know a tutor in NYC area, let me know. Thank you ninid Holly leave your email on here and I will send you some notes. If you feel you were adequately prepared and you still didn't pass, I would recommend you purchasing X-Zone for the next 6 weeks and go back in 60 days and retake your test. The x zone will help you understand how they expect you to answer the questions. Sometimes the will nor have the correct answer but then you will choose the one that is closest to the correct answer. They call this the best answer. Di not get discouraged, try contacting people who have actually passed the test. You passing or failing should not come down to one question. Concentrate when preparing for the exam on the MEAT and POTATOES. Venous 25-35%, Cerebrovascular 25-25% and Arterial 20-30%. You only have to answer 65-75% correct to pass the test. Some questions on the test will not even count AGAINST you! Answer the easy questions first and mark the ones you feel are hard, I know you noticed that most of the questions were asked many times just in different ways. A lot of times this will answer the questions you have marked. Don't give up study daily just like meditating scriptures from the bible and you will begin to see the patterns. The principles don't change. If toy want someone to help you study leave your email and we will exchange information and I will help you get through the material and PASS. sasi how can i pass RVT exam ? is there anyone can help me ? nadejbp I am ARDMS registered ultrasonographer in OBGY and abdomen. I want to give ARDMS vascular sonography exam,can any RVT sign up mine CV form to sit in this exam.I willreaaly appreciate their help. thanks miller7jm I am going to take my test on March 10 for the fifth and hopefully final time. I have studied everything but the one thing that has really helped me this time is the pegasus cd-rom. It is very hard. There is three levels but the percentage of people passing once they have mastered all three levels is 96%. I have learned so much on this. I have been studying since The beginning of January. I feel so well prepared now. And also very confident of passing. If you go on the website you can buy it there. It is over 100 dollars but if you can pass it it is so worth it. Good luck and hopefully you can pass this next time too. Tammy Jessica I am interested in buying a Davies Mock Exam CD and score cards for the vascular technology exam. If you have one, pls email me at: jessica_plunkett[at]*.com--THANKS SO MUCH!!! humaira I am interested in davis mok cd and q and a .kindly give the price for it humaira lauren I am interested whenever you are. I work during the day. I can start Monday night if that is convenient with you. Email me the instructions on how to do this. Erica U I am looking for a simulated vascular exam cd if anyone has one for sale let me know. Bkline[at] gshleb.org Leighanne I am looking for study material for CCI RVT. If anyone has anything email me pls at lkandknksmommy[at]....com I would like Edlemans review book.. emriley I am preparing for exam. I have prepared my own notes from different books. abid I am reading (1)vascular diagnosis by M. Ashraf Mansour and Nicos Labropoulos and (2) peripheral vascular ultrasound by Abigail Thrush and Timothy Hartshorne. Are these good to pass vascular exam.? thanks Loren I am reading (1)vascular diagnosis by M. Ashraf Mansour and Nicos Labropoulos and (2) peripheral vascular ultrasound by Abigail Thrush and Timothy Hartshorne. Are these good to pass vascular exam.? thanks Vascular RVTguy I am selling mint condition - Davies Vascular Technology Mock Exam w/ Free Bonus Notes that I created in Microsoft Word. Over 120 typed pages of notes and self made questions. If interested pls contact me: brandsworld[at]*.com - $75.00 includes shipping. Paypal only. Thank you. tobeRVT I am selling my Vascular exam question bank for 20$ pls email to me; antdilek[at]....com zohra I am so sorry, I feel your pain. I am getting ready to take it for the fifth time!!!! I took the advice of the doctor that I work for. He told me to copy the questions and answers and just keep studying until I feel confident enough to take a practice test. I have the pegasus cd rom (which is very hard). There is three exams and you cant go on until you master each level. I found a way to copy the exam reviews and I just took the first level last night and scored 165 out of 170. I have never scored that high before. So have some faith, hopefully we can both pass the next time we take it. mahsa I am sorry to hear that. I just did the same. Fifth time for me. vascular is the hardest. I have investigated and it is only 69% pass rate. I am so lucky I have a boss that is so understanding. I am going to try again in 2 months because I only missed by 5 points. I will do one of these times. I do agree that the image questions were very hard, not clear at all. Keep in contact maybe we will both do it next time. Tammy in michigan Leslie I am studying for the RVT exam also and I couldn't agree with you more. The books I have are even by the same authors and they contradict one another!! tammys I am studying from Todds cardiovascular review book and I am finding it very informative. I am going to take the CCI exam so I can be an RVS. I have given up on the RVT. After taking it 6 times, I just cannot take the disappointment anymore. THe CCI exam has a 57% pass rate where the RVT has a 35% pass rate. I know what I am doing at my job and the doctors that I work for are very happy with my work but in order for me to stay employed in 2014, I must be registered. SO I think this is the better way to go for me. Jess I am studying to take the ARDMS Breast exam. Im looking for the ESP Breast book, and/or davies note cards. Anyone looking to sell/share? Leighanne I am taking the ardms vascular exam in April. Does anyone have any mock CD's they would like to sell? Daph I am taking the vascular tech exam in a few days and have studies the davies Cd and did good on those questions but now I'm doing the Xzone and its really aggrevating and confusing! Is the ARDMS exam more similiar to Xzone or Davies? I'm freaking out, as I really want to pass this exam... JCH I am with you. I feel your pain. I am getting ready to take the exam for the fifth time. Listen to the previous person. I am studying pegasus and x-zone flash cards. I am learning so much more than with davies. That is what I studied the first three times and got nowhere. I then studied the golfcoast ultrasound book and cd's and got a lot of info from that but I got involved with pegasus and x-zone and that has really helped. I would like to get together with someone to have a study group but I havent had any luck, let me know if you are in michigan and youa re interested. Thanks Tammy S. Anna I can share free with a echo. Maybe someone will be able to share abdomen or rvt. Thank you. patty I did not receive the x-zone notes Ytorres0 I do for $40 if interested email me [at] ytorres0[at]*.com for more info carmencombs I don't have any cd mock to sell but if you find one... I would like to buy It after you take test..... pls email tips about test too!! Heftypep2007[at]*.com twislr I emailed you regarding the Davies material.... I have Rumwell McPharline, Mock test cd rom, and the q&a text all by Davies. seattle I feel your pain!!!! I have taken the exam 4 times and the last time I got 540. So I missed by 15 points. It is so frustrating, I know. pls keep your chin up and maybe depending on where you live, maybe we can study together. I need to pass this soon. I live in michigan and my e-mail is stewarts2004[at] comcast.net if you want to contact me. Tammy Dunlap, California I finished questions in perhaps 2 and a half hour and had plenty of time to review. songwriter I forgot to mention I have a amc computer so the cd has to be compatable but I willstill be interested in the edelemens vascular review book and davies for vascular Bouch[at] optonline.net shazia i give rvt telephone tutoring dabogs7 I have 10 days left on the vascular xzone if anyone wants to purchase for $40.00 M I have a gulfcoast vascular review book with a 5 CD original-100$. Davies vascular tech flash cards-50$ I have a pegasus copy- if anybody interesting for 60 $ Claudia Ramwell book for 40$.I just pass my vascular 3weeks ago. If anybody interesting-let me know. ustech20062[at]*.com jlheart i have a very simple questions my study group and i or going back and forth with , when can a tech interpret a report ? what is the reasoning to keep a pt family comfortable before an exam ? why is the room environment important for the pt? bilal678 I have been using Pegasus, they have an online review course and a cd with 3 practice exams. kim I have Davie's Ultrasound Physics Review: A Q&A Review. ISBN 0-941022-74-9. Note: It is all in PDF format so I can email it. pls email kentchang1[at]....com if interested $ tammys i have failed the rvt exam 5 times I'm taking the test again on Friday. I have been to numerous seminars, ordered and read more books then I know what to do with, and I take the practice tests on the ARDMS website. Every time I take the 30 question test I pass. I'm so unbelievably frustrated, I don't know what else to do. I don't want to give up but this whole thing makes me so upset.I've spent so much money on the tests, and review material. I'm so envious of everyone that passed. It's very impressive! emb I have found a number of discrepancies in the various review books out on the market. It is frustrating to study one thing in one book, then the next totally contradicts what I previously read! I am taking the exam tomorrow..... Texas Tech I have it available for download, it was cheaper this way, just need your email address lauren in Pensacola, Florida said: Interested in the CD Rom for SPI from Davies. Karen I have notes. Email me Heftypep2007[at]*.com Texas Tech I have the brand new release of Davies vascular Technology CD rom for $75. I Can cover shipping costs. It is excellent with 600 questions. It has diagrams,videos, images,illustrations and explanations. It is really a must for rvt board. Give me your email if interesed. No haggling pls. maggie I have the Davies Vascular CD Rom for a MAC computer for sale. I never used it. I preferred the book. pls contact me if interested. sonomms[at] ....com Sophia I have the Davies Vascular Mock review test cd-rom, the Davies Vascular technology Q&A text, and the Davies Rumwell and McPharline Vascular technology illustrated review text available. All for $150 priority shipping with tracking number included. I passed VT the first time with these. This is ALL you'll need. twislr I have the esp vascular book if anybody needs it. I have it on pdf so i can email it and print it out. For a few $$. Email me at zombiecaraudio[at]....com JCH I have the flash cards from Davies. I did not find them very useful. There is alot of material not in them. If your interested I will sell them to you, but I thought they were not worth the money I spent on them. email me at stewarts2004[at] comcast.net if you want them. Tammy rvt 2012 I have the vascular esp book for sale, if any one is interested. asinav67 I have xzone questions for RVT if anyone is interested. I know I would be overwhelmed with request therefore I would send it to the first person that request it and that person can send it to the next. That would help alleviate my workload. Thank you tyler I just passed the rvt exAm and all I have to say is edleman! angie I just passed the RVT! I am wanting to sell all of my RVT study material because I am SICK of looking at it. HA HA I studied intense for 2 weeks and passed with a 625 using only this material. For a list of what it is, pls contact me through email. I don't get on here much anymore. rvtultrasound.email[at]*.com Sharain I just passed the RVT! I am wanting to sell all of my RVT study material because don't need them anymore. I studied intense for 2to 3 weeks and passed with a 633 for first attempt using only this materials. For a list of what it is, pls contact me through email: book4sale2u[at]....com. I don't get on here much anymore. Thank you GOOD LUCK!! twislr I just passed the RVT! I am wanting to sell all of my RVT study material because I don't need them anymore!! I studied intense for 2-3 weeks and passed with a 633 for the first attempt using only this materials. For a list of what it is, pls contact me through email: book4sale2u[at]....com Thank you. GOOD LUCK!! Texas Tech I just passed the test today and this is what I remember: anatomy of cross-sectional abdomen (drawing), identify renal art on sag us image, calculate sensitiviy, specificity, etc. and know definitions, rt vertebral smaller than lt, another name for brachiocephalic, anatomy of veins and arteries and their confluences, us pics and descriptions of flow through AV fistula, MCA flow velocities and depth, multiple questions on subclavian steal (pics and descriptions), definition of hepato-fugal, occlusion of celiac causes what flow changes in splenic and hepatic, flow direction of basilar artery, windows utilized for which cranial arteries, popliteal artery entrapment and how its corrected, 3 main causes of cva, what causes dependent rubor, photos of ulcers and likely causes, abi finding/numbers and where is the disease, which of following is not considered a hemispheric symptom, ohms law, image of graft and what kind is it, most likely symptom of thoracic outlet syndrome, apg measures differences in..., symptoms of ica disease, symptoms of mca disease, ica teminates into..., which of the following does not correlate with vertebral/basilar disease Mchen320 I just passed vascular..I have books and cd if anyone interested to buy I also have 2 weeks of xzone left...e-mail: mahsasamandi[at]*.com zohra I just took it and failed again! But missing it by only a few points. I studied like crazy. I just don't know what else to do. I've taken it 3 times now and don't know if I can do it again. This forum has been great for pointers. Thanks for all the advice. Good luck to everyone that is taking it. Super hard. ultranewbie i know i must sound like some kind of neurotic, but i gave up everything for this exam. I was denied time off for the SPI, which i barely got 1 week off to take - and luckily, i passed it.. my new supervisor started showing her true colors 2 weeks after she was hired, and decided to deny my time off for the RVT. if i don't take it now, i'll lose all of my pre-reqs. After her bullying tactics, verbal and close to physical abuse and smear campaigning, i decided to resign and just get this over with.. i'm pretty young in the field of U/S.. but i'm also very smart.. The SPI was no joke.. and i know this RVT isn't going to be a walk in the park either.. so i'll take every point i can get!!!LOL! jasonslovin i know there are 150 questions to be answered in 3 hours. What is the passing score out of? The SPI was 555 out of 700. tammys I need a Pegasus VIP code. I'm wanting to purchase the cd, but it's like 165 without the code and 98 with. If anyone has a code or has a cd or vascular booklet they would like to sell, pls let me know. I would really appreciate it. My email is jhall_43[at]*.com ultranewbie I need an advise what to get to pass RVT. Anybody? CD Mock helped me a lot on Phisics so it is A MUST!!! What about x-zone? pls email me: annalesiakmitera[at]*.com sydjay00[at] *****.*** I need the Pegasus cd mock exam, anybody selling it? samina I NEED X ZONE MY EMAIL IS ITRAT41[at]*.COM Russ I passed my Vascular exam and now I'm selling the materials that I used. 1- Ultra P.A.S.S. Vascular Ultrasound Technology Workbook with 4 audio narrations discs and 1 pathology DVD. This book is very helpful - $100 (new costs $130) or best offer. 2- Ultra P.A.S.S. Vascular Ultrasound Technology Flashcards with audio narration CD- 390 Questions - $35(new costs - $57). 3- ULTRA P.A.S.S CD Exam Review: Vascular Technology Ultrasound Registry Review Product - $50(new costs $75), or buy all 3 items as a bundle for only $175 as opposed to buying the new online for $236.****All items are in good condition. Shipping is separate. Paypal or Chase bank payment accepted. pls, be serious and do your search as I don't have time answering questions about the products. They are very helpful! I passed my test with a high score. Russ I passed my Vascular exam and now I'm selling the materials that I used. 1- Ultra P.A.S.S. Vascular Ultrasound Technology Workbook with 4 audio narrations discs and 1 pathology DVD. This book is very helpful - $70 or best offer. 2- Ultra P.A.S.S. Vascular Ultrasound Technology Flashcards with audio narration CD- 390 Questions - $35(new costs - $57). 3- ULTRA P.A.S.S CD Exam Review: Vascular Technology Ultrasound Registry Review Product - $50(new costs $75), or buy all 3 items as a bundle for only $145 as opposed to buying the new online for $236.****All items are in good condition. Shipping is separate. Paypal or Chase bank payment accepted. pls, be serious and do your search as I don't have time answering questions about the products. They are very helpful! I passed my test with a high score. dfr110 I passed the RVT registry recently... the first time. Since passing, I also have written questions for the ARDMS registries. I will not reveal/hint at/ anything that will break my ethics. However, I will be willing to sell to those who may be interested, the material/notes that I used to study, before passing the exam the first time. Inquire at: dfr110[at]....com. Loren I passed the VT exam today. Thanks a lot for all the great advice and topics to focus on. It was really helpful! Does anyone have any helpful tips for the SPI? sasi I really streese out about RVT exam , is there anyone passed the exam ? which material do i need to study, pls write for me ?!! sasiana9[at]....com Thanks a lot! Russell I studied ESP book and did the X-Zone, also used Davies technology. dabogs7 I studied Vascular Technology: An Illustrated Review, by Rumwell, 4th Edition and passed the first time with a 628 but I put alot of studying time in!! Be sure to know the cerebrovascular arteries and what is normal flow for each vessel. Know your anatomy for sure. There were several angio pictures and understand specificity and sensitivity because I think there were at least 5 questions on it. Mostly everything on my exam was in this book but the registry was very hard. mac I think image related questions were sooo subjective and they were not clear... Pilates I took a RVT CCI examen yestarday and I faliled. The examen was not hard but i didnt not study enough , if you study you Will pass it . They ask you a little bit Of everything.. Planning to take it again in 60 days! tammys I took and passes the SPI and OB/GYN exam the second time around!! I have Davis Mock exam, unlimited X zone questions and answers, and Edlemens last edition text book from his conference. Let me know if you are interested. And OB/GYN great material, flashcards, Davies mock questions and answers that i saw the same questions in my test, and seminar review book!!! bogi I took SPI and passed, now studying for RVT. I need some information, I am studying Davis vascular technology review 4th edition and the mock cd by Davis. Is that enough to study? Does anyone know what else to study? Lynette I used Davies Publishing 3 part study system. It's a review book, a mock exam CD and a set of 400+ flash cards (spiral bound). I sold the review book, but still have the other two if you are interested. They are both 2008 editions (latest). I passed the RVT on my first try with these. Email me at lynettelk at* dot com tammys I want to buy any materials for RVT exam. annalesiakmitera[at]*.com chyleggett I was curious..I have the pegasus books and davies OB book. Will that be enough to pass the test? What is your opinon of Davies vs. Pegasus? Thanks! Gina I was wondering if you can share your Davies Vascular Mock Exam 650 questions, with me? I have the book, I just need the mock questions to go with it. Thankyou dfr110 I will be taking the RVT ARDMS registry in 1/2015 in the Seattle area. Have been diligently studying for this test,, taking all suggested material to heart...DAVIES and ESP. Recently have been studying the relatively new Vascular Book by Ann Marie Kupinski, titled "A Guide to the Vascular System" and some of you may want to consider this. Similar to the registry reviews for OB and Abdomen by Penney which I loved and the online material is top notch. Happens to be published by the same firm - LWW. covers the material in a logical order and although not as detailed as the Pellerito/Polak book it is very straight forward with some great summary tables, etc. Great online suggestions for further study. Let me know if any of you have been using this to study and your opinions. Thanks! lecia I will really like to buy the 47 pages outline asap. i already have the CD, but i will be taking the test the first part of april. pls email me at olecia.williams[at]*.com Annover I will sell the cards for $25. I just bought them in Dallas on May 1, 2011. Jamie I wish I had read these comments before I ordered books. Does the cd and the workbook from Davis helpful? mingy I wish I had read these comments before I ordered books. Is the cd and the workbook from Davis helpful? Anna I would appreciate it if you could share them with me. anjtka777[at]....com Bones0187 I would be interested in your Pegasus Lectures, Vascular Technology Review Book (with Lecture) and would like to know if it really helped you. I have heard alot about the Pegasus testing disc really helping. pls let me know about this review book. I need to pass my test by the end of May. Thanks Texas Tech I would be very interested in an online study group. I am trying to pass the rvt exam. I took it last week and scored 540. I just need to sharpen up a little bit more. tammys I would be very interested. I am taking the CCI exam because I have not been able to pass the RVT. My email is stewarts2004[at] comcast.net. KS in pratt I would like some inofrmation pls on that course. Does she do individual tutoring? EKG cert. IAM GETTING READY FOR EKG CERTIFICATION WITH CCI. HAS ANYONE DONE THAT CCI CERTIFICATION AND WHAT MATERIALS DID YOU USE TO PREPARE WITH INODER TO PASS THAT REGISTRY? PLIZ HELP ME AND YOU CAN EMAIL ME AT pupil19_88[at]*.com twislr If anyone can email me any pointers greatly appreciate it. I have been scanning for 15 years. Now feeling pressure to pass vascular.mybell037[at] ....com Shalee_2003 If anyone has any rvt notes outlines or materials pls email me at shalee_2003[at]*.com Jenniheart If anyone on here has the pegasus vascular booklet or cd, pls email me if you would like to sell it. jhall_43[at]*.com kadir If anyone wants to sell Davies' RVT exam study stuff, pls e-mail me at kyolcu2[at] juno.com emb If it is any consolation, I passed the exam. The discrepancies did not really come in to play. Good Luck! Loren If the question in about BP than it remains same or may even decrease a little. kim If you are studying and dont understand a concept or word, look it up immediately and write it down so you can study and memorize it further. I studied 3 months, every moment I could get. I studied every night and on weekends. Hope this helps, and good luck!! Take care. Monicaanid77[at] *****.*** if you could email me a copy too. I would greatly appreciate it. monicaanid77[at]....com DULCE I'll be taking the vascular for the second time next Wednesday. I've been reading the blog and seen lots of good comments. I've studied the ESP vascular, flashcards, and x-zone. Anything else anyone recommends? julius July Ill buy it! I live in the US. Contact me with the details. Thanks tammys I'm confused, how are you actually corresponding? Because I bipped in and out of this site periodically throught out Monday night and no one said anything about the study group, aside from my "where is everyone it's monday night" post? No one showed up here aside from me. Unless you two are using another site? What are you two using? gemini_breeze I'm confused, there are no correspondences here and I bipped on and off this site perodically all Monday night. The only post about the study group was me saying it's Monday where is everyone. Did you two use another site? tammys I'm getting ready to take the vascular exam, for the third time now.....any study tips would be so helpful. I'm registered in Abdomen, OB/GYn and recently passed the SPI, but I'm stuck on the vascular. pls help...... i_c_with_sound Im in to it I haven't taken it but have taken the abdomen and SpI and well it took more than once these test are really difficult My email bouche[at] optonline.net .I thought skype would be a great way to study if you're not always close enough to travel all the time.I Let's see what we all can come up with and make it work so we can all pass this test. Lys i'm interested in those x-zone flash card s pls contact me. angiedw2006[at]*.com thanks so much Chickletts i'm looking for x-zone vascular mock exam online... if anyone has time left on their subscription kindly. email me ASAP: dabogs[at]*.com tammys I'm looking to buy/trade or get some recommendation on vascular material to prepare for RVT. I didn't take vascular in a formal program, just learned it in clinicals and on the job training so I need something more than questions & answers. I have OB notes to trade and spi stuff as well. Email me spunkychic81[at]....com thanks Loren I'm looking to purchase a davies vascular cd or any other cd like this one? pls email me [at] bjd5963[at] ....com Harvey I'm referring to the Davies Vascular Mock Exam. (That's what I'm studying from) leyslie10 I'm studying for my RVT exam but having a hard time finding someone to sign for me to take it. Possibly someone's who's RVT registered too. Can someone pls help me? My email is iida_leslie[at]*.com If anyone here can help, I'd appreciate it. Thank you. abid I'm studying for the RVT. Does anyone have the Davies CD Mock Exam? I'm wanting to buy! pls email me at tch4al[at] ....com Pilates Is 100 % true The devil hate that people progresa , i have and exam At The end Of this month and i feel like i dont know enought for this test but i am sure god Will help me , pls share Your notes With me yanetberon[at]....com I think those exáms are making us crazy and nervious , i am so nervious already i wish to pass pls i hope god help me to pass , thi is My obsession! With to all Of you The BEST !! Erica U Is anyone selling study books for the rvt exam? Or notes than can be passed on?? Anything would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks guys and GOOD LUCK!!! Zohra Airington Is anyone selling the Davies vascular book and cards etc... I am taking my exam next month..kindly email me if anyone can help.. thank you much! My email is kashish0316[at]*.com. twislr Is somebody selling X zone questions. I would like to buy them as I am preparing for RVT exam. anita123 Is someone selling vascular technology mock exam cd. pls email me at shazakh at....com Thanks brenda person is there anyone in the north jersey area who can sign my CV for the application.. I dont know anyone who is RVT in the area. pls help if you can. Thanks! rachael is there anything that is not on the vascular registry? i plan on taking it in march. Nancy Its hard for male techs to find a job due to a simple logic: An organization rather hire one person to do Gyn scans as well as Testicles which is ok by males. Than to hire a Male tech who will only do Testies and most female prefer female to do a Gyn exam. I don't care what you have heard at your place but this is the moral of the story and 8 out of 10 female patients prefer female over male techs to do their scans. passvasc I've created a free android app that's been helping me study for the registry. I've also been reading lots of books. I think a little bit of everything approach is the way to go! play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wPassVasc seattle I've got an idea to form an RVT study group in NYC, so the members of the group can meet and study together. So, dear fellow US technologists, if you live in or close to NYC, let me know if you'd like to be a part of the study group. Let's help each other pass the Vascular Technology exam. tammys January of 2014 Lynette jmunoz, i will let you know. i am waiting to hear from one person if she is going to buy them or not. KP Just finished my SPI,,not sure of what modality to take,,I am thinking of RVT, what is anyones opinion on it? Are they all going to be hard and challenging, or is RVT a good one to start with? Thank you for your opinions!! trueblue just finished the RVT exam.. it's to say the least, a "ball buster"... i will say this, there was NOTHING on my exam pertaining to: Penile plethysmography Opthmalic Pleth. Strain Guage Pleth displacement pleth Air pleth No angio illus., or many Color Doppler illus. etc.(hardly any images) know your anatomy Nothing regarding Raynauds quite a bit on Venous,, TCD and Carotid, QA (Sensitivity/specificity, etc.) and peripheral with a few question on visceral (abdomen).. 170 questions.. i was able to answer within an hour, which will give you plenty of time to go back over your answers. You cannot take this test through memorization.. the questions are all indirect.. i made a good score, BUT, it was not easy.. a good solid month should get a "pass" if you need it.. but an extra week or so, would be very helpful to fine tune what you know. JH101 Just passed my SPI exam yesterday and now Im looking into taking my RVT exam, any info that anyone used would be awesome. Also I found a tutor for my SPI and was wondering if there are any RVT tutors in the NY OR NJ area. Any info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance sweetraina123[at]*o.com tri 'just passed the RVT . have several great review materials for sale (davies cd-rom, esp vasc. tech book & x-zone cd) email me: dabogs[at]*.com Lys Just want to say thank you to this blog! I passed my RVT today! Not easy but based upon everyone's opinion and suggestions on what to study, wow, they were all true! I finished my test with 1 hour 42 minutes left! Thank goodness for that because I was able to go back 2x until I finally told myself, with 30 minutes left, to quit! It is not an easy test, not memorizing kind of stuff. You need to know what happens to what and where and how it affects the flow for any obstruction, stenosis, and half way in between. You must be well versed in your anatomy from the foot up to your circle of willis! The text that helped me the most with concept is X-Zone, Davis CD, and Pegasus mini book that we had a seminar on. With that and being able to understand the whereabouts of arterial and venous and their connections, you should be able to pass. I am elated and humble that I passed this thing first time, considering that we only do venous for DVT! All the studying was so beyond what I knew. Thanks to all the input of what to expect on this test! It is not easy for very limited techs like me. But for now, I get to keep my job (that was the stakes - Tenet made us sign that if we don't get RVT license, we're FIRED!!) Thanks to Tarel from Texas and Davogs. Yup, you are right. Do not take this test lightly, even if you are already doing the work. You still need to study! Take care and good luck to all !!!I am soooooo Happpyyyyyyy! Celebrating tonight with my husband at the ritzy spot in the OC! Woohoo!!! aforty Karen, you are so generous to share your experience. I'd like to get a copy of your study notes if possible. Send to familia41[at]*.com Thank you. tammys Kent - Did you go to LIU? Also, would you mind fwding me the x-zone questions. going to take the test in 3 days. My email is mchen320[at]*.com Thanks, Mike Leighanne Kent - Did you go to LIU? Also, would you mind fwding me the x-zone questions. going to take the test in 3 days. Thanks, Mike tammys Laura, I saw your post and was wondering if you would like to get together for a study session. I live in richmond and I saw your post was from New Baltimore. Let me know. I am very interested. I am planning on taking my exam at the end of july beginning of august. Tammy KS Laura, I saw your post and was wondering if you would like to get together for a study session. I live in richmond and I saw your post was from New Baltimore. Let me know. I am very interested. I am planning on taking my exam at the end of july beginning of august. Tammy princess080203 Let me know when, evenings are good for me. I have to set up my computer with skype. I am working until 4:30 and by the time I get home and have dinner, after 6 would work for me. I am very anxious to pass. I took the spi and passed the first time but I had that class. I took general ultrasound not vascular so that is my crutch. you can email me at stewarts2004[at] comcast.net with the details. Thanks a bunch!!!! laura C Let's make this forum little more useful by starting discussions. I don't like davies book much because of some mistakes and confusions. for example potential energy told to be the same as prssure energy and question 4 (PSV 125 and EDV 120) and question 5 at the end of section 1 are quite confusing. There is no mention of venous reflux and it's duration in venous section. Note I am talking about national certification examination review. Anyhow my question is do we use PW or CW for venous doppler, Davies says it is CW but we use CW to investige highest velocity along the path of sound beam, if we want to know velocity at a certain point for example artery of vein, we use PW. On page 27 Davies says pulsatile flow is abnormal in veins but at page 33 it says the effect of a right heart contraction is readilly tranmitted to upper extremity veins so the pulsatile flow in more prevalent in upper extremities than in lower. thanks for the answers and the help. rajafodder looking for any extra vascular study material any one is interested in selling ..i take my exam in may.thank you in advance. khaalis.poston[at]*.com SONOTECH looking for claudia rumwell's SEMINAR Vasc. Wookbook. I saw it on the esp. sindey eldelman website. its been updated in 2011. THe website does not let you order it. Do you know anyone who has this book? do you think claudia rumwells flash cards listed on eldelmans website are better than the davies flash cards? Tom Looking for the Edelamn Vascular review book from the 2010 or 2009 conference. If anyone has, pls contact me. (Kary0205[at]*.com) Thanks, Karyna JB Looking to purchase an ESP vascular book....does anyone have one for sale? email me lopezmi2003[at]*.com ddens Looking to purchase ESP vascular workbook ASAP! pls email me at destineedrudenson[at]*.com and thanks in advance! rvtultrasound.email[at] *****.*** looking to take RDMS, wanting to know best recommendations on study material. If anyone has study material to sell, I will also be interested. email: twislr72[at]....com Thanks Sergio baguio Looking vascular review material include practice exam cd. CCI RVS. kindly let me know how much you welling to sale the material. Send email Sergio.baguio[at]*.com Zohra Airington Lynette in Spokane, Washington said: Hi Katie, I took and passed the ARDMS RVT exam this past Sat. I used the 3 part set from Davies publishing (review book, CD mock exam and bound note cards). I studied for 1 month and outlined the entire review book (47 typed pages!). I also took the practice exam on the ARDMS website for $25 (30 questions in 30 minutes). Good luck! Hey I am studying for my RVT at this time.. is there any way I can get the typed pages?? I have the Davies book and studying almost everyday... let me know pls... thank you much.. my email is kashish0316[at]*.com kadir Lynette, Do you think I could peek at your notes also? I have studied the Davies review cd, review book, and bound note cards. I have also read a couple other books too. But, I want to make sure i'm a 100% ready. I have taken it before and didn't pass. I've been close but close doesn't get the passing score. Let me know. Thanks! igp.mia[at] *****.*** me too kindly. really appreciate it, thanks! email: dabogs[at]*.com vips My advice is go for the cci exam. I have taken this monster test 6 times and havent gotten it yet. It is impossible so that is what I am doing. Heard good things about cci. Google it and you will see. lynn my email is 7099[at]*.com. rvt 2012 my email is bjd5963[at] ....com Mili Mehta My email is milimehta60[at]*.com ultranewbie my friends are saying that i should be happy that i passed.. to be honest? i'm just happy that it's over.. dabogs7 My husband has tooking the exam a few times and has not been able to pass it. What can I get him to help him out? kentchang My name is Mauren I have material to study for the Vascular examen ARDM if you like to make a copy of what I have email at mmdieppa[at]*.com I live in frisco tx Im also looking for someone who wanst to studie with me I really need to pass this VASCULAR EXAMEN. THANK YOU dabogs7 My test had many questions on the definition of each term. Only one question with the 2 x 2 box to calculate the answer. So know the definitions and the formulas to calculate the answers. lynn My test is still in appeals. I have called them they said it was an experimental question! that they put on the test. I studies alot too. and I had alot of confidence as well going in to take the test. I read the davies and cd mock test hundreds of times as well as years on clinical experience. Most people I have talk to said they had to take the muliple times. The ARDMS web site states that < 50% pass the first time and only approx 50 pass the second. I am not sure what I am going to do. If I win great. I thought the test was in poor quality not of the EXCELLENT standards and I heard that Mr Eldeman makes the questions he is our peer I quess. I am still going to keep readings and learning new things because I love my field of work. Just not sure about the ARDMS is all. Hope Need to take RVT exam to become certified but don't have studying material. I have no money at all. I went to a school full time, and i haven't been able to find work in my field. I am desperate for a job. I am a single parent with a 14 year old who i i would like to send to college some day. If some one could pls find it in their heart to help me out and email me information regarding RVT certification. Any material that will help me study would be appreciated. gemini_breeze Nikki emailed me with her phone number and we talked and decided that we would start corresponding with questions to eachother in a word document and email it. If you have a diferent idea pls let me know. I would be more than happy to study with more than one person. My email is stewarts2004[at] comcast.net Thank you Tammy Texas Tech Nikki, That is exactly what happened to me. I tried to open it this morning after I created an account. If you could email it to me that would be great. Did you get mine? Tammy tammys No I am not close to Novi. I work there once in a while but I work in Troy. We can meet anytime. Email me and we can exchange phone numbers so we can text and meet somewhere. I do not have my books with me today but I can talk you through the skype and we can study on that, it is very easy. Tammy Steph not sure what 47 pages you are asking for, but if they are for RVT can I pls have them as well...if you find them. Thanks! : )stephaniesap[at]*.com oarmine Not yet but I am studying for it. twislr now, this may seem weird.. but it also came up in Claudia Rumwell's seminar. She stated that the Right renal artery location came up on the test. I know that it passes POSTERIOR to the IVC then lateral.. but according to her and the RIDGEWAY anatomy book it is ANTERO-LATERAL. i came up to her and re-confirmed it. and she said she knows this.. but on the test it was ANTERO-LATERAL. quite a few folks freaked out over it.. but she said that's what's on the test.. It DEFINITELY came up on my test.. so i took ANTERO-LATERAL. the other options were distractors. i don't remember seeing a POSTERO-LATERAL option. mac Of course you are free too appeal ARDMS about your score. However, just be AWARE that passing score is 555 of 700(not 550). So, what reason you would appeal them??? bdandron oh, that was weird..the x-zone website went down for about 12 hours starting last night 10/13, at around 8:00 p.m. So if anyone was having a problem accessing it, it's back up and running.. i called them this morning, and they were really busy trying to answer those panic-stricken phone calls. (mine included)..LOL!!! A Omc in Mckinney Tx out of the three questions you asked the only one I have came across is the importance of the room environment. Cold temperature, stress, smoking, all cause the arteries to vasoconstrict. Think on the line of what happens with vasospasms . Remembering that the test is tech dependent, if you don't allow the patient to regulate to normal temperatures you exam is already starting off as a false positive. ocm in Mckinney, Texas said: i have a very simple questions my study group and i or going back and forth with , when can a tech interpret a report ? what is the reasoning to keep a pt family comfortable before an exam ? why is the room environment important for the pt? Helpneeded on the RVT exam, is there a lot of stuff on the plethysmography stuff....and all the different types of machines besides regular ultrasound duplex studies. I am reading Rumwell, and there is so many chapters and repeat stuff on these equipment, which we hardly use it seems. I don't want to waste my time on things that are not going to be on the test much. its boring too...lol........so does anyone know if that stuff is realllllllyy that important??? val oops lynn7099[at]*.com Illona PASSED my RTV today!!!! HHHHOOORRRAAAAYYYYY!!!! timurbats Passed my RVT exam on March 26!!........Its very hard guys but not in the sense of material but more like trick questions. Everything is left with two possible answers and you are left debating which one is the better answer. Here is what I remember from the test. Know your symptoms for lower ext arterial/vascular and how they compare to ABI, know your carotid/vertebral symptoms and how they compare to velocities. Anatomy pictures of PTV, ATV and Per (not ultrasound pictures), know how to calculate ABI. DEF know Sensitivity/Spec/Neg PP/Positive PP/ accuracy!!!, Allen test, Bypass (what material is used, what veins are used for what type of grafts), Stenosis is grafts, Stenosis is Renal Artery, AAA and risk factors, Picture of the butterfly (MCA and ACA), know the depths, SMA after eating before eating, Celiac velocities should not change with/without eating, Which flows are low resistance and high resistance. Analog graphs. Know how a waveform reflects the cardiac cycle, volume ppg, Carotid velocites related to %stenosis and collaterals for intracranial stenosis, few questions on when you have a steady venous flow where is the dx, Ascending and descending venographs, reynolds and that is all I can remember.........but study hard....do the xzones if you can....and when you get a question wrong go look it up read the paragraph/chapter......that way you will cover everything you don't know...that is how i studied after I read Rumwell like 2 times.........its a good way to review what you know and don't know......Good luck! coolie Passed my RVT last Saturday feels great OMG. If you have done a Vascular program all you need is the Davies CD, but if you did Echo with very little vascular like I did, you will need the book as well the CD. If you have a working background knowledge of vascular its easy to think the CD is all you need because its second nature to you, good thing I went with more than just the CD especially when it comes to anatomy. I think I will keep my CD to use for CME credits later. songwriter Pegasus makes a CD with questions.... has anyone used this? I have the Davies cd already, but I'm wondering if the pegasus cd has more information related to the test? I'm getting ready to purchase, but I'll hold off until tomorrow. People say to get the vascular booklet, but I can't find that on their website to purchase. angie pls contact me with ,im intersted in those cards you have. sanasyed pls let me know if any bdy has review book from Davis for vascular? contact sanasyed3212[at]....com gomokego pls let me know if anyone is selling Davies Vascular Technology Mock Exam CD-ROM and/or Davies Vascular Technology Review: A Q&A Review inexpensive!!! I failed once last yr and haven't studied since then so I have to start over... I just studied on ESP book and it wasn't enough at all. Btw do I need to study on both materials mentioned above (Davies CD and Review Q&A)? Or I should take CD and not take Review one....or vice versa.... I know it'll be better study on lots of different books but I want to save $$ as much as possible. pls help me out this!! Thanks!!! gomokego[at] atlanticbb.net katiet pls try to be relaxed when you take the test. I have taken the rvt test 4 times and have yet to pass. I feel your pain. The last test score was 540. It is very frustrating I know first hand but my nerves get the best of me everytime. Think of passing that exam and how good you are going to feel and how smart you are going to be because you had to study just that much harder than everyone else. Chin up and good luck. pls let me know how you do. Tammy MK Run better run, outrun this profession! NO JOKE Texas Tech Sent you an email. Look forward to studying with you. This is so much information, I can't wait to have a discussion with someone who can relate, and to see things from someone else's perspective. gemini_breeze in Rutherford, New Jersey said: I would be Texas! Online study group sounds great! I'm taking my RVS first next month, then pending passing that, I am taking the RVT. Already passed the SPI last month. What's your email? Email me jenilozauskas[at]*.com Miller Should i purchase xzone for spi or is that a waste of money Harvey So Im looking to take the RVT exam through ARDMS in roughly a months time. I have the ~650 question mock exam to study from. Was wondering if anyone has passed the exam by solely doing the mock exams repeatedly? Thanks Jenniheart so what is the answer for (if a PICC line was inserted into the cephalic vein, what vessels would it transverse to it's destination? ) Helpneeded Someone pls help me out. I am already a RDMS(abd/ob/gyn), I have to take my SPI exam again because they changed the damn rules! I am so freaked out right now. I have to take the test in the shortest period of time cause of work. I have only two weeks, not to mention that I will be working regular 8 hour shift and being on all around the clock, including weekends! With no signs of knowing when it will end! (I know!! :*( ) I am totally stressed, I have been scanning vascular for over a year and half now, but now I have to get certified. If anyone of you can just maybe send me questions or anything you can remember from the test will be helpful. I am studying from Davies and Rumwell, everything else I have doesn't make sense or is way too detailed. pls HELP!!! EMail me taral83[at]....com Vera Sorry about the inconvenience, I just added you both to a shared file that should allow you access to the file. I posted in this forum an outline on the aortic arch. Which consisted is questions and answers to outline material I had been studying on the cerebrovascular system. I copied and pasted it from the Google doc so I hope it calibrated correctly. If not you should have full access to the document now via you email addresses since I added you both to the shared file list. It is approximately one and one-third typed pages. I am now organizing more information in the same format that will be available sometime today. Later I will provide you with questions that will cover all of this information. This will give you the opportunity to see how you apply this information. I am also in the process of scanning in some diagrams that I used to label to learn the anatomy. pls be patient as I am computer illiterate but I am learning. As we go over the cerebrovascular system also study waveforms. It seems like a lot but it is mostly repetitive. Next the venous system. Share all the information you can this is how we will be successful Pilates Sorry for My spelling* keyboard Lol , you all know what i Mean anyways .. Wish u all The BEST and i am so nervious for My board , almost there ... Wish My luck and pls share Your notes With me pls pls yanetberon[at]....com Pilates Sorry for te spelling " keyboard" At School they only give me one month Of vascular * i meant Helpneeded Sorry I didn't mention..........I am sitting for the RVT and SPI exams...........help needed.......I will be thankful for any information possible........... Syncope Sorry keeping my books for cme's Rascal RVT Sorry to hear. What are you studying? What is the hardest part for you in the exam? sonographer Taking the RVT exam in January. Does anyone recommend any other material besides Davies and x-zone? What about the SDMS NCER book? Anyone have this or would recommend it? Looking for more study material if anyone has anything out there! Thanks! patty Tammy u r very ahead of me. I am just starting vascular study. Will it be okay to do combined study. Will be be able to help me. tammys Tammy don't give up, you are so CLOSE, it has to be the way you are applying the material. Do you realize that a passing score is only is only .792 and you scored .771. You definitely know the material. You may be over reading and getting tripped up on wording. Just calm down you can do it! Look at it this way, I have probably seen all of the test that they have and that is GREAT. Whatever your next test is, you have probably seen it. Now more worries for you! Leave an email and I will email you what I am studying. Anita who passed her exam on March 26 has a post on here of things to familiarize yourself with. She also emailed me that same list and gave me some great information on what to know as for as if you have a velocity that is THIS high, then what % is the stenosis? If you have a waveform where is the lesion? If appears it is designed to make you apply the principals, it is obvious you know it. Stay encouraged, leave your email, and I will email you and leave you my number and we van try to help you get a pattern down to get this test passed. bones0187 Tammy, Is there a special way to copy that stuff? I'm planning on purchasing the Pegasus cd. I think I'm going to attempt this vascular beast one more time. My email is jhall_43[at]*.com. Do you care to email me to let me know how you did that with the pegasus cd? I would so appreciate it. olecia Tech needed. RVT registered. chs.taleo.net/careersection/10001/jobdetail.ftl?lang=en&job=730538&src=JB-12080 kim Texas tech...thanks, your comment was a big help to me. congrats!! Damian RCS RVS Thank goodness that's over! Passed today with a 812, everything I studied was on the test. The Todd's cardiovascular review book (I have an old copy) was word for word off of it.the Davies vascular technology flash cards I was amazed how many questions came from there also.wow God is good!!! Ima sell all my study material super cheap,I mean super cheap cuz I'm not gonna be using them anymore,they just gonna take space. First person to hit me up gets it. jaimilee444 Thank you anita for all the time it must've taken to remember all of that material and sharing it with us! I'm studying for my egregious to air it soon, and that information defiantly helps. Thank you tammys Thank you for responding so quickly. What did you find most useful? gemini_breeze Thank you for your encouragement. I would appreciate any help you could give me. My email is stewarts2004[at] comcast.net. I check it daily numerous times so I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you Tammy alex thank you so much, Loren for your post..i'm 6 weeks out from the RVT. i've been exposed to a lot more than just dvt's, and decided to take this exam. i went to the seminar, and they whiz-banged through the material so darn fast, it made my head spin. but i stuck to it, and took my notes. Just finished Claudia Rumwell's davies published book. Every thing she went through in the seminar is in it, and broken down a lot better. i have a Davies download CD, plus doing my own flash cards. (easier access to formulas). Loren, you and everyone in this discussion is an inspiration. i will see this through. You wouldn't believe the story behind me taking the test. but it will be an even better one, once i pass this exam. I've already proven myself by passing the SPI, which was no easy task.. so back to the books and the flashcards. congrats to all of you have passed.. and good luck for those are like me - getting prepared. JCH Thanks dabogs7 the copy of the esp vascular tech book is no longer available for sale since it violates copyrights...sorry for the misunderstanding. RVTultrasound the copy of the esp vascular tech book is no longer for sale since it violates copyrights...sorry for the misunderstanding. Lynette The items are from Davies Publishing. First is a 322 pg review text, then is a mock exam CD with 650 questions, and third is a bound set of 412 flashcards. You can also apply for CME from the review book (12 hrs), and the flashcards (7.5 hrs). I paid $60 for the review text, $49 for the cards, and $78 for the mock CD. I will sell all 3 to you for $150, which will include media mail shipping and paypal fees, plus I will also email you the 47 page Word .doc outline of the review text that I wrote as I studied. No highlighting, no marks or anything in the book or on the flashcards. I will send out in the mail tomorrow. Just paypal my email address lynettelk at* dot com. Change the 'at' and 'dot' to the symbols. I wrote my email like that to avoid spammers. Loren The RVT exam is not hard!!!! Just passed today!!!! I used a combination of Edleman and Davies. The same combination I used for the SPI. My advise to anyone who is serious about passing is to concentrate on the core of the outline, Cerebrovascular, Peripheral Arterial, and Venous. Quality Assurance was the 4x4 chart and that was an easy way to rack up extra points. Everything that is on the outline is one the test, even if they only ask one question about a particular subject. I do not recall a single question on the vascular of the penis. Sma, before and after eating, celiac, before and after eating. Lots of TCD questions in reference to the transtemporal window as far as depth and direction of flow, the answer to most of the ones I had was the MCA. Questions about TCD and subaranchoid hemorrhage and vasospasm. Venous flow patterns for fluid overload and right side heart failure. If there is a continuous waveform with venous doppler, where is the stenosis? Questions were very repetitive. Anatomy was also an easy way to rack up points. Know which vessels form what and where they terminate. If you study, and understand the concepts of xzone and practice the mock exams from Davies, you will pass, the first time. Also know where the peroneals, posterior tibials, anterior tibials are located on a picture that is not ultrasound. sonographer The Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (SDMS) has a series of national certification examination review books, one for each specialty examination that are written for preparation of the exams. There are questions at the end of each module. seattle THE XZONE YOU PURCHASE FOR THE TIME YOU NEED TO PRACTICE THE MOCK QUESTIONS,YOU CAN PRACTICE THOSE OVER & OVER ALL DAY AND NIGHT. WHICH I FEEL IS VERY MUCH LIKE THE RVT EXAM. ONCE YOU HAVE MASTERED THE XZONE AND SCORE OVER A 95% YOU ARE READY TO SIT FOR THE BOARDS, THE FLASHCARDS ARE ALSO VERY HELPFUL AND YOU CAN STUDY AT YOUR OWN PACE, YOU CAN ALSO PURCHASE THOSE ONLINE [at] HIS WEBSITE.THE DAVIES REVIEW FOR VASCULAR WAS ALSO EXCELLENT. samina This message is for everyone who thinks I have the x-zone notes I have not received them! ultranewbie this was for ardms rvt. Claudia Rumwell book. tryntopassthevasc this was from Claudia Rumwell's book.. and indeed.com won't post my comment again.. lauren u want to sell davis(rvt) book?email me astroreiki[at]....com gemini_breeze ugh double post sorry about that. Didn't show up the first time. monika Unless you will be employed by a company where you could get one year of clinical training, you will need a cerfificate of vascular technologist. ARDMS will not allow you to take tests without a proof of Bachelor's degree in any subject, one year clinical and ultrasound physics class or seminar. kadir use davies the most and then reinforce u concept from x zone,for sure x zone makes u feel low so stick to davies,specially its image questions ,but keep reading regularly x zones so end of day u have clear concept about everything question pattern is more like davies so dont let x zone depress u as x zone information by reading again and again is help u pass the exam cat Vascular part is hardest part.I am failed again :(( lmcharney Vera, Congrats to you for going back to school I was there and I know how you feel. I was the oldest student in my class. I have graduated and working at Miller Vein here in troy Michigan. Hang in there I know that is is a tough course. We do have a study group here look for the most recent postings from google doc. If you do not find it let me know and I can forward the notes for you. They are pretty good. echocardiographyexamreview.com Visit www.echocardiographyexamreview.com now to help validate how well prepared you are for your ARMDS/CCI examination. Do not risk taking your exam before trying us out! We will reduce your testing anxiety and increase your testing confidence. We offer mock registry exams in Ob Gyn, Pediatric, Fetal, and Adult Echocardiography as well as Abdomen, Vascular, and the SPI that are designed in both the ARDMS and CCI format. We have multiple discounts available when you visit our Facebook and Instagram page. Give us a try and take control of your registry success! Rachael was there alot of questions on PPG? jen Was wondering if anyone had or remembered any of the questions or what type of images to study for the vascular technology test!! I am getting very stressed! Thanks ultranewbie wat cvt book are you using for study cci cvt? ultranewbie in Idaho Falls, Idaho said: just finished the RVT exam.. it's to say the least, a "ball buster"... i will say this, there was NOTHING on my exam pertaining to: Penile plethysmography Opthmalic Pleth. Strain Guage Pleth displacement pleth Air pleth No angio illus., or many Color Doppler illus. etc.(hardly any images) know your anatomy Nothing regarding Raynauds quite a bit on Venous,, TCD and Carotid, QA (Sensitivity/specificity, etc.) and peripheral with a few question on visceral (abdomen).. 170 questions.. i was able to answer within an hour, which will give you plenty of time to go back over your answers. You cannot take this test through memorization.. the questions are all indirect.. i made a good score, BUT, it was not easy.. a good solid month should get a "pass" if you need it.. but an extra week or so, would be very helpful to fine tune what you know. ultranewbie well, i posted a reply, Tacomna, but because "Indeed.com" is watching, apparently, it won't let me post. i have to take the exam in a few days. i ran across this in the Rumwell book. and figured, might as well study it. cover all of your bases. You never know what might pop up on the test. Remember there are several of them. it wasn't even mentioned in the seminar or in the seminar material. mac what are you studying? Information-wise for the exam. What materials are you using? Texas Tech What ever topic you need to study is what we can help eachother with. Just let us know and we can create some questions. mahsa What helped me was the Davies cd. There are 500 questions and answers. It is similar to the test. If you can get about 80% of the questions right, you can pass the test. Good Luck!~ jkelli275 What items did you use? mahsa what items did you use? bb What items did you use? Chie What items did you use? Brittany What items did you use? shina What material do i need to pass the RVT exam ?pls help me ? tammys What number review book was it? Was it the review book with the questions and answers? Volume 5? MJ When everyone talks about using x-zone are you talking about the questions that you can purchase for certain amounts of time, or is there a mock registry exam that you can purchase through them? I just want to be sure I try what everyone recommends I need all the help I can get! Thanks again everyone for all your helpful and insightful suggestions. lauren Would like to get the Davies mock CD if you still have it. bbattiger[at] att.net ultranewbie yeah.. well just my luck, it will be on my test.. i've already emailed the xzone folks.. they emailed me back just asking for a "name".. i didn't know whether they meant me, Claudia Rumwell, or the name of the anatomy.. so, though it's wrong on the x-zone. i'll have to stick with SMA.. why? because the celiac artery is the first one.. the splenic vein isn't above it. tammys yes Bows yes i am interested. My email is beachcrossfit[at]*.com. THank you so much for your help. Texas Tech Yes I am very interested in your notes. I took the exam for the fourth time and scored a 540. I am very frustrated and really wanting to pass this test. I passed the spi exam the first time I took it. This is really causing some heartache. I have to reschedule my test. I am hoping with some new study guides and study groups on this website I can successfully pass this next time. pls e-mail me with your notes. Thank you Tammy Stewart Damian RCS RVS Yes I do , I have Davies flash cards dfr110 YES I do. Send a message to dfr110[at]....com and we can discuss. And it is for MAC. Shami Yes I have Davis Review Book, Now I am looking for Mock Exam CD for Davis! Let me know if you have that CD? Thanks. brandsworld Yes I have one. It is excellent. Very Hard but I spoke with the person that makes the c.d. and gives a review class and she said that 96% of her review classes pass the test on the first time they take the test. I have been studying on and off since July and it is very hard. ultranewbie yes... most of that stuff on the exam, quite a few of us haven't been exposed to. there are some RVT techs that i've met in the field, who are top-notch at teaching, as well as many years of experience, but they, too, didn't exactly ACE the test. There were some things on the test they certainly didn't expect. Two of the techs that i knew that had over 15 years in the RVT field took the test about 3 or 4 times before they passed. One of them was my mentor.. What i love about that tech, is they weren't too high and might to tell me that they failed.. 3x. I think it has something to do with study habits, materials used, time allowed to study, etc. Abid You can go on the pegasus website and get the exam simulation cd rom. It has three levels of information to obtain. I got this from a registry review instructor and she said that 96% of her students pass the exam. I have had the "pleasure" of taking this exam four times and not passing. I am currently studying this cd and it is really helping me. It is I think $140. It is very well worth the money. Tammy JCH You need to look at your score sheet again because 555 score means you pass. If you got 595 you passed. I took it back in May and got 540 and it states on the sheet pass or fail. You may have passed and did not know it. It is hard to read sometimes. gemini_breeze You never replied to your email Tammy and I are corresponding again on Wednesday you are welcome to join. gemini_breeze in Rutherford, New Jersey said: Hey it's Monday night where is everyone for the online study group?? Katrina You paid $150? Or are you asking $150? How much did you pay for it? JCH You passed 595 is passing.You only need a 555 to pass.It should have said pass on your sheet that you get the day of the teast if it said failed then it is a mistake you passed fgo celebrate and call upARDMS and explain what happened. Texas Tech You passed by only studying Mock cds? Maine in Newark, Delaware said: Definately take the X-Zone. I passed using Davies, X-Zone and this other book I had. I used the 15 day X-Zone, better buy...and repetition is the key..I recommend doing the practice exams on ARDMS website. Those questions are on the test...Good Luck. i_c_with_sound You will not get a job in this field. Yes, take this as a discouragement. Ultrasound schools are all opened to make money and even the accredited ones will not get you jobs. I have passed my Physics SPI and my Abdomen 2 years back and I am fully registered. I have spoken to multiple recruiters who know way more about the field since they do this day in and day out. A senior recruiter for a huge healthcare company told me this: You need these things to get a job in this field and thats if you get one: 1) Hospital experience ( minimum 2 years ) 2) If you're a male tech ( you have almost slim to none chances of getting a job ) 3) Need to be dual registered since most techs are doing that to stand out and win job over other applicants ( So not only you have to pass SPI physics exam and a specialty exam. You also must pass another specialty exam to be dual registered to get a job ) 4) She said Ultrasound field is saturated. They are graduating way more many students than jobs out there. I was in the field graduated from an accredited school. They promised to get me a job but they only got me a job making $18/hour after a year and which was per diem. So i still had to maintain my other job and after all the money wasted and efforts to pass the registry exam. Nothing worked out and now I'm in totally another field and had to start school from scratch. Now I couldn't be the happiest person but one thing about is that I'm very very persistant. I say take this as a lesson and give yourself a head start because Ultrasound is not a good career move.
  19. I took and passed the ARDMS RVT exam this past Sat. I have compiled the study materials I used here. To download, Click on any file and make a donation via PayPal and after donating the link will automatically be sent to our email. They are clean files and are working perfectly. They are not password-protected and no multiple redirection after donating. $16 RVT typed notes.zip Donate to download Study books for the rvt exam.zip Donate to download Highlighted topics for the SPI or RVT exam.zip Donate to download Vascular Technology Exam Notes.zip Donate to download Davies Vascular Mock CD.iso Donate to download ESP X-Zone.zip Donate to download ESP Orange Flashcards.zip Donate to download Self- Made test.docx Donate to download All you have to do is to study the Davies Vascular Mock CD and 15 days before the RVT test, get ESP's X-Zone. I passed the first time. Study the CD inside and out, take the mock at least 40-50 times. Then the ESP X-Zone, do each section 30-40 times. I passed with flying colors. And you can do it too. I also make my own questions, it is 129 pages in a word document. Self- Made test by me. Preparation is KEY!
  20. Excel Inventory Management Template 2019

    Comments... Bunny A mail has sent to you, please refer to that email. Umair Sattar Can you please re-check Umair? srinivas nuthalapati how much it costs Sarmin Rain Please advice how to get the download link. Click on download now in pro or dev section. Sarmin Rain Please help me to get the link of Inventory management template. Please click on download now in Free Version section. umakanta i am unable to get the free version link on my mail inbox and want to know how much time the link available for me to download Link is active forever. Atif N. Kakvi plzz send me or tell me where to download Please click on download now in Free Version section. gurvinder Trying to download the Free version ,but unable to download it. Click on download now in Free Version section. gurvinder Trying to download Free version but can not..please can send me the link Sent again. I’m sorry you have faced this error. Syloxane When I click on the Download button for the free version it asks me to put in a first name and email ID. When I put in the information it says that an error has occured while submitting the data and to try again. I keep trying but I get the same thing. Please help if possible. check your mail now. Syloxane Got it thanks. Om Not working, please explain the process for using the link Om Please reply. Link is working very much, please try again. Om Thanks. May be I am using it in a correct way. Please let me know the process. I’m afraid I’m not able to understand you. You can write me on my email. Om Thanks for your reply Mr. admin, May be I am not able the use the link in a correct way. Please let me know the correct process for using the link. Om Waiting for reply. Thanks.. What’s the problem with the link. Om Thanks. In the mail link, when I have clicked on the Download button for the free version its again asking me to put in a first name and email ID. When I put in the information it says that an error has occured, while submitting the data and to try again. I keep trying but I get the same thing. Please help, I think I am “not understanding” or “not using the correct link” which you have sent. Please guide me. Sent again. I’m sorry you have faced this problem. Om In you mail from “Disqus”, there is no link available. Thanks for all your support Mr. admin, Om Please provide the link for Inv. Management System Om, link is there. Om Thanks Mr. admin. I have not received the link. Please provide. Sent again. Please check. Om Not working, please explain the process for using the link Ram Gopal Chauhan How i can download this tamplete??? If yes so please send the link on my mail. Ram, link is there. Haris Arif Hello admin, I hope you are doing well. I appreciate if you can please tell me how I can change the $ sign for Stock Value. I just want the numbers no $ sign. Looking forward for you quick and positive response. Thanks Hey Haris Arif, please unhide help worksheet and remove $ sign from it. Haris Arif Where I can see this option ? admin Unhide worksheet by right click on worksheet tab. Right click on worksheet tab and unhide help worksheet. Haris Arif Hi admin, Thanks for your reply. I am unable to change the $ sign from the product wise stock value where it shows the item in stock Haris Arif I also need your help to change the $ sign in Daily Sales Report I am unable to change. Taptronic I purchased this back in January 2017. Is this an updated version which I need to download now? Taptronic, please share your registered email ID. I’ll send you updated version, if you have not received. Taptronic It was originally purchased under: OPTIMALNAMES AT gmail DOT com on January 13, 2017 Thank you! Sharing with you updated. Taptronic So far no updated version at email address above.. Check your inbox now. Taptronic Want to let you know that I received the template now. Thank you! One final question, about the Expense Tracker template from /blog/expense-tracker I keep getting a 404-not found error after entering my name and email address. Can you send that template to me too? Khilesh Hi. What a fantastic template. Question, how do I change the currency? Khilesh Nevermind, Sorted it out. Jatinder Kumar how to reset the sheet. as there are few entries in the template. if we delete anything from any sheet. it effect the template result. or if i enter data in template. the sample data that is already in the sheet remains in the template. Hey Jatinder, It’s very simple, select that old data (just data not headings) and right click and then delete. Just make sure you haven’t delete the entire table. Jatinder Kumar Do i need to delete the old data from every sheet sfter unhiding each sheet Or Do i need to delete the data from stock report. Thanx in advance Do for stock-in and stock out as I said in the above comment. And for product master sheet, add your all the products first and then delete all the old. Jatinder Kumar hi admin. still struggling with the issue. stock in & stock out s fine. but when i add new product after deleting data in stock in and stock out sheet . serial number starts from 11 onwards in prodct master sheet. once new product data is added & stock in also added. if i try to delete old data from product master sheet. something went wrong as help sheet shows error resulted in wrong display of data in template Jatinder Kumar HI admin STILL STRUGGLING WITH THE TEMPLATE. CAN U SEND ANY BLANK EXCEL TEMPLATE SHEET . OR REPLY THE QUERRY. THANX Just change that serial number to 1 that’s it. MH Mohsin Hi , How can i change or disable Currency Alsadiq Abbas i want to download the pro version please Good I’m glad you liked it. NuaNear Is it possible to generate the items which are below the re-order level on dashboard or any report? It’s quite complicate if I have to check it one by one from drop-down list on dashboard. You can generate stock report for that, entire data is there what you need to know about reorder. NuaNear I see, but it will show all data, it would be easier if we can generate only re-order report in case we have many products. That is possible but only in PRO version where you can generate a product wise report with total quantity, value and reorder level, instead of complete sheet. Aditya Gorebal how to download sir this is not full version and i want it to customize as per my convenience. is it possible?? hello is there any free template i can download Arifur Hi i have send the query about the template but no response for last 2 days…anyone guess that still this template is useable for not ? I have just replied you on your mail which you have sent. Rahim Zulfiqar Ali I bought this Excel Inventory Management Template and its AWESOME . I love the way it has been design keeping in view that all features used are user friendly to understand and apply accordingly. I can see lot of efforts, time and hard work has been placed in this template. This is really saving my time and no problem in recording and analyzing the inventory position. Dashboard is a value added sheet in this template. I wish to see more templates by admin keep Rocking Brother and Thank you so much again for making complex things simple for us Thank you Rahim for your valuable words. Edmond Quiban WHATS THE PASSWORD SIR THANKS You need pro for that. Bakhtiyar Ahmed Dear Sir, I cannot download this template. please help? I don’t have problem in buying but how will I change it as per my requirement ?? Prashant, please share your requirements with me on admin@gogia.me. I’ll tell you if this template will solve your problem or not. K B Hi admin, did not recieve the link Already sent. Please check your email. Edmond Quiban Hi sir ! can you please e-mail me? I have transaction for you thanks. Hey Edmond, didn’t get you. Edmond Quiban hi again sir! just wanna inquire how will you cost me if I order the same template?, but has a little bit customization according to my work needs. thanks sir. here is my email erquiban@gmail.com Check Out PRO version. Vigneshwaran Pitchai Need a help to implement it. How current stock level column does it work ? While stock outing out, there is no change happening in the current stock. Once we explorer we would like to go for pro-version Try to download again and use it. Brenda G I just bought the Pro Template. Found all the hidden tabs and can’t believe how much work you put into this! What a great value for all the more you are charging. I consider myself an Excel Super User, but I will never be as “super” with it as you, admin. I’m struggling right now with keeping track of custom-made items for my employer; this will help me a great deal. I can’t wait to get back to work in the morning and try it out! Thank you so much for sharing all your efforts with us. Thanks Brenda for your awesome words. Nasir Sheikh Hi plz send me the download link in my in box nasirniaz.ns@gmail.com Like is already there. Diyana hi, what is the password for reviewing the code Hello Diyana, Developer code is only available with Pro Version. Mustafe Osman I can’t downloa What problem you are facing? Mustafe Osman my brother i can’t see the download link CHANDAN can i put list of data at once in your template Yes. CHANDAN How i can download this template Hey Chandan. Download link is already there. Nsh RDV CAN YOU SEND ME THE LINK PLEASE Download link is already there. william labian I want to view the code, there is requiring password? what is the password? thanks godbless Shikin Tiansin i cannot download this template. please help? Hey Shaukin, Please check your inbox. Shikin Tiansin no link.. Please check again. Jorge A. Gomez Hi admin, I was checking the template and its features a few days ago but forgot to come back and report how it went. IMO, is really useful and you’ve made a nice work with it. Thank you very much for sharing! Thanks Jorge. Zubair MK Please send me the link. thank you Link is already there Zubair MK i got it, Very useful. thank you. Mohammad Hasan Plz send me download link Zubair MK i got it, thank you. Very useful. You’re welcome Muhammad Saleem Memon How i can download this tamplete??? Hey Muhammad, Download from the link mentioned above. Muhammad Saleem Memon i doesm’t found download link. please give me link on chat box Check Your Mail. Muhammad Saleem Memon i have no recv any download link in mail I have updated the link in the post. Fill your email ID and download from there.
  21. Click here to download this automated excel inventory tracking template 2019. Track your inventory in Excel, like a pro. This is an automated template which will help you save a lot of time. As all the formulas and data sheet are already arranged. It’s simple, quick and easy to use and I’m sure you’ll love it. Table of Content Dashboard User Forms Data Sheets Reports Instructions Thing to Avoid Things you can try Download Your Template (1) Dashboard Here all the important insights are in a single sheet. And, you don’t have to worry about updating it again and again. Lite Version PRO Version These insights will get updated in real time, as soon as you add new data. This dashboard will help you to track following important insights. Current Stock This figure is the current stock units as on date. It will update with every single entry done by you for stock-in and stock-out. It will calculate by deducting stock-out from stock-in. Stock Value Stock value is the total value of the current stock after deducting stock out from stock in. It’s calculated by using the unit price of each product. Stock In Stock In is the units you have entered in stock-in data in the current month. If you are using pro version you can use the drop down to check stock in quantity for previous months as well. Stock In Return [Pro] This section will show you the stock-in units which you have returned back to suppliers. In pro version, you can track them supplier wise. Stock Out Stock Out is the units you have entered in stock out data in the current month. Using the drop down menu, you can check for other months as well. Stock Out Return [Pro] This section will show you the stock-out units which your customers have returned back to you. In pro version, you can track them customer wise. Category Wise Stock Current stock value is for each product category. You can specify the category for each product in product master sheet. Product Wise Stock And Reorder Level This part of the dashboard will show you product’s current stock and value. It will also tell you about the re-order level of a product. And, you will get an alert message if the stock level is less than re-order level. There is a drop down to select different products. (2) User Forms You can use these user forms to enter data. I have managed user forms in this way that you have to enter minimum data. Here are the things you can capture with these user forms. New Product By using this user form you can create a new product. The best part is we are using data from product master to fill another user forms with minimum data. Stock In Whenever there is new stock, you can enter that stock using this user form. In this user form, you just have to insert the product name (using drop down list), supplier name, and quantity. It will get the rest of the data from your product master sheet. Stock Out Use this user form to enter stock out data. All you have to enter, product name, customer name and quantity. Rest of the data will be captured from product master sheet. Invoice Generation [Pro] In Pro Version, you can also generate invoices. With invoice generation sheet you can instantly create invoices & track data into the sheet. It just works like stock out user form, but specifically for invoices. You can create a proper invoice with all the customer details & further you can also generate a customer report as well. This form stores data into the same sheet where you have stock-out data. (3) Data Sheets You can access the data sheets where entire data will capture from user forms. Every entry in user forms has a serial number which you can use to refer it. Product Master Product Master is the most important sheet in this template. Your all products will be listed here with details. Stock In Sheet Stock In sheet will contain your entire stock-in data. Each entry is captured with a unique serial number, and you can use that serial number to refer to a specific entry. And, if you are using pro version, the stock-in return will also be captured here in this sheet. Stock Out Sheet Same like stock-in sheet stock-out will contain entire stock out data. You can enter your data in this sheet using stock out user form. Entries in this form are also captured with a unique serial number. And, if you are using pro version, stock out return will also be captured here in this sheet. Customer Details [Pro] You can enter customer details in this sheet which will further use in stock out user form to track customer wise stock details. Supplier Sheet [Pro] You can enter supplier details in this sheet which will further use in stock in user form to track supplier wise stock details. (4) Reports In this template, all the major insight are on the dashboard. But, you can also extract the following reports. Stock Report This stock report will be generated from your product master sheet. It will give you the complete summary for the current stock. Customer Wise Stock Out [Pro] You have the option to create a customer wise report with pivot table for stock out. It will show you the quantity and values of stock out. Supplier Wise Stock Out [Pro] You also have the option to create a supplier wise report with pivot table for stock out. It will show you the quantity and values of stock in. Product Wise Current Stock [Pro] In 1-click you can also generate a product wise current stock report. It will show you the product wise quantity and value of current stock. (5) Instructions This template is user-friendly and easy to use, and here are some instructions to follow which will help you to use this template effectively. Menu Button This template has a dynamic menu bar which has all the option buttons on it. You can call it anytime using this menu button. From this menu bar, you can navigate to any of the data sheets, user forms, and generate reports. Use back button at the top of the menu bar to go to dashboard Entering Data As I have already mentioned that you have user forms to capture your data. And, data from each user from will be captured into a separate data sheet. In user form, after entering your data, click on enter button to save the entry. (6) Things to Avoid Do not change the name of any worksheet. Do not delete any worksheet. Do not add or remove any cell, row, or column in the user form. (7) Things you can try You can create your pivot table from data sheets (available in pro version). You can take print out of your dashboard. Before using this template make sure to enable macros in excel. (8) Download The Template Download Pro Version $20 Download Dev Version $40
  22. A copy of Hereditary Script

    Click here to download a copy of Hereditary Script. File Name : Hereditary Script.zip Uploaded by :Admin Downloads : 19 Times Download To download this file you need to make a donation via PayPal and after donating you will be taken to the download page automatically. It is a clean file and its working perfectly. It is not password-protected and no waiting after donating. $11 It is a Full version copy. mikewhoneedsabike Good job finding that! goats4chachiz Ah man. I'm probably gonna wait and see this in the theatres but I'm going to download this now to read later and I will be VERY tempted to cheat and read it before I see it....